Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday 4 September 2017.

Present: Cllr M Weston - Chair,Cllr N Turner – Vice Chair, Cllr V Kemmett, Cllr E White, Cllr M Barnatt, Cllr J Cope, Cllr S Needham,District Cllr S Ogden, Cllr S Tarry and Mr A Illingworth (Clerk).

4 members of the public present. Forum started at 7.30pm.

Chair welcomed everyone present and opened the meeting to the public.

Further questions were asked regarding the planning application received for 4 dwellings adjacent 10 Heckington Road. These included access rights and ownership of the land.

The Chair informed those present no further correspondence had been received from NKDC and the

application had not yet gone before the Planning Committee. The Chair pointed out planning permission could be given without knowing who owned the land.

The Chair read out the Parish Councils response to NKDC re the application and stated Highways had been asked to visit the site with Councillors but no response had been received. Cllr Ogden informed the meeting Highways had given consent to the application. At this point the Clerk read out comments Highways had posted on NKDC Online Planning.

Council meeting started at 7.45pm.

  1. Welcome Remarks byChair

See above

  1. Apologies


  1. Report from District Councillors

Cllr Ogden informed Council there was nothing to report due to Annual holidays.

Cllr Tarry informed the meeting a charity quiz had been arranged for 6 October in aid of LIVES. Doors open at 6.30pm with the quiz starting at 7.00pm.

The Community Award Scheme was coming to an end. Cllr Ogden informed the meeting names could still be put forward.

  1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest & Dispensations

Cllrs S Needham declared an interest regarding the planning application at White Gorse Farm. (17/154)


  1. Signing of the minutes

The minutes of the meeting held 31 July 2017were accepted as a true reflection of the meeting. Proposed by Cllr Barnatt and seconded by Cllr White. The Chair duly signed the minutes

  1. Matters arising from the minutes not included in the Agenda

Residents to be asked what Community Facilities they would consider in connection with the proposed development of 9 dwelling houses at Hall Road. Poster to be put on notice boards and website. Suggestions put forward by Cllrs included: Speed Indicator Device, Computer and Projector and keep fit equipment for Orchard Green. (17/155)

7Matters arising from the minutes

Refer to item 10.

8Finance (17/156)

8.1 To note income received


8.2 To note payments made since last meeting

8.2.1 C Crouch 600.00

8.2.2 A Illingworth – Salary June/July 494.94

8.2.3 A Illingworth – Reimbursement for Pidgeon Spikes purchased 34.99

8.2.4 Hale Magna Village Hall – Room Hire 40.00

8.3 Approval was given by the Council for payment of Clerk’s salary for August

Proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Cope. 247.57

Approval was given for a payment to be made to C Crouch for grass cutting.

Proposed by Cllr Barnatt, seconded by Cllr Cope. 300.00

8.4 Income and Expenditure Account approved. Proposed by Cllr Weston and seconded by

Cllr Needham. Accounts signed by the Chair and Responsible Finance Officer.

8.5 Bank Reconciliation approved. Proposed by Cllr Weston and seconded by Cllr Needham.

9 Planning Applications.

9.1 Chair gave a brief feedback and results following his meeting with NKDC Planning regarding electronic applications. It has been agreed to send a hard copy of applications to the Clerk for residents to inspect by appointment.

Clerk to print necessary documents relating to an application for distribution at future meetings.

Clerk gave a breakdown of costs involved. Council agreed to reimburse Clerk for work carried out. (To include time spent downloading, printing and ink). Proposed by Cllr Weston and seconded by Cllr White. (17/157)


9.2 Planning Application White Gorse Farm

Cllr Kemmett raised concerns about the felling of trees and the application lacked

any re-planet or landscaping.

Concern raised about the increase of traffic using Drove Road and subsequently coming

through the village. Comments to be sent to NKDC Planning and to be conditions as part

of the planning application.(17/158)

Cllrs Tarry and Ogden left the meeting.

10 Highways

10.1 Filling of the potholes on Crow Lane not completed. Clerk to report potholes near No 2

Crossing. (17/159)

Bridge work has been completed. However, on the footpath between the Dyke towards

the new bridge, going east, need replacing.(17/160)

Trees at the entrance to Orchard Close need crown lifting. (17/161)

Clerk read out comments received from Highways re bollard, Kings Lane. They do not

class this as an immediate safety concern. As the bollard was put in place to stop

vehicles going down the footpath, Clerk to send reply urging the matter be dealt with

immediately. (17/162)

Bedlam Lane – Clerk had received an email from Highways stating there is not a Bedlam

Lane on their plans. A copy of plan held by Parish Council to be sent. (17/163)

Cllr Turner informed the Council since the building of the property at 29 Leas Road

Every time it rains this area becomes flooded and there is a possibility of surface and

fowl water mixing. NKDC Building Regs and Highways to be informed.(17/164)

11 Orchard Green Matters

All Cllrs agreed the Spinney needs clearing and the fence needs re-wiring, Cllr Barnatt has

carried out a temporary repair to the fence. A site meeting has been arranged for 1

October to consider action to be taken. (17/165)

Cllr Turner to carry out inspection in September, with Cllr Weston October.

12 Correspondance

12.1 Clerk read out correspondence received from Lloyds Bank regarding changes to

Treasurers Account.

12.2 The Clerk informed the Council the need to provide a copy of any emails sent between

Cllrs, to be sent to himself. This would ensure the Clerk is fully aware of what is

happening in the Parish. This was agreed and to be implemented immediately.

Proposed by Cllr Weston, seconded by Cllr White. (17/166)


13 Any other business

LCC have been informed of the trip hazard on the footpath, Church Lane following a local

residents fall. (17/167)

14 Next meeting

All future meetings to start at 7.30pm. Next meeting arranged for Monday 2 October

Meeting closed 9.04pm

Signed: Date: 2 October 2017

CllrM Weston
