GSS Presentation and Dissemination Committee

Open Data sub group

Terms of Reference

(June 2016)


The GSS Presentation and Dissemination Committee (PDC) Open Data Subgroup recommends the future direction of Open Data for the GSS, and embeds best practice.

In this context we mean “statistical” open data, which is data used in the production of official statistics. The Cabinet Office definition of open data covers data that meets the following criteria:

·  accessible (ideally via the internet) at no more than the cost of reproduction

·  use without limitations based on users identity or intent.

·  in a digital, machine readable format for interoperation with other data.

·  free of restriction on use or redistribution in its licensing conditions.

Accountable to:

GSS Presentation and Dissemination Committee

Terms of Reference


1.  Understanding the current Open Data landscape in the GSS.

2.  Gathering evidence of user needs around open data.

3.  Developing a set of standards for statistical open data.

4.  Recommending the direction for open data in the GSS.

5.  Promoting and embedding best practice.


·  To develop and agree its annual work programme with the GSS Presentation and Dissemination Committee and provide progress reports to meetings of that committee

·  To address any ad-hoc issues remitted to it by the PDC

·  To support each other and share learning