GSRP Oakland Schools Contracted Early Childhood Specialist (ECS) Position Description

Each ECS supports 1 to 18 total GSRP classrooms within the state of Michigan. A contract is established between the ECS and Oakland Schools or an arrangement is made between the ECS and the sub-recipient. In both cases, the collaboration is documented and each ECS must meet the credentials, fulfill the responsibilities, and have the resources described below.


-  Graduate degree in early childhood education (ECE) or child development (CD)

-  5+ years experience in ECE or CD

-  PQA reliable assessor

-  Formal training in curriculum, screening and assessment tools (HighScope, ASQ and COR)

-  Current fingerprinting on file with Oakland Schools

-  Knowledge of Michigan’s Early Childhood Standards (ECSQ-PK)


-  Support Teaching Staff

o  Make an initial visit to the classroom to get to know the administrator, teacher(s) and the program

o  Answer program staff questions when visiting, or refer program staff to the appropriate Oakland Schools team member for further support

o  Share resources, like articles and professional development opportunities, with staff based on their goals

o  Share learning between programs by acting as a liaison of information, or referring school team members in one program to school team members in another classroom or program

o  Coach and mentor classroom teachers to carry out the improvement plans

o  Offer intensive support for teachers and programs related to carrying out GSRP implementation rules and curriculum (17-18)

-  Observe the classroom, using the PQA, a minimum of three times per year, lead the local team to analyze PQA and child assessment data, set measureable goals based on PQA and COR data, and report to stakeholders

o  Fall Form A (enter or use data on-line**)

**If no changes in program (e.g. same staff, space, program option) since spring of previous year, use Spring PQA data. If any changes, re-assess program using Form A

§  If the overall score is 3.25 or lower, notify the ECC and designated Early Childhood Specialist Mentor at Oakland Schools.

§  Review PQA and COR data with teacher(s) and administrator to complete 3 goals on the Oakland Schools “GSRP Classroom Quality Improvement Goals,” sheet that teachers can lead. There are to be 2 goals related to the PQA and 1 related to the COR. Submit the completed sheet, with signatures, to Oakland Schools.

o  Lead a Fall Data Analysis Team

§  Provide non-discriminating/non-identifiable child or classroom data from the PQA, COR, and ASQ. Data should represent the program.

§  Facilitate a team that consists of at least 1 administrator, teacher, and parent to analyze the PQA and COR data and come up with data-based program improvement goals.

§  Keep a record of the meeting minutes and program goals to submit to Oakland Schools.

§  Create a report of the Data Analysis Meeting including the program improvement goals to share at the upcoming Program Parent Advisory Meeting.

o  Winter Form B (entered on-line)

§  For each sub-recipient, interview the program director and staff, review child files and program documents to complete Form B. Only focus on GSRP

o  Winter Form A

§  Collect evidence through observation/interview (using a portion of all of the PQA) to measure the progress of fall goals. With the classroom teacher(s) and administrator, update the, “Description of Progress/Challenges,” column on the “GSRP Classroom Quality Improvement Goals,” sheet. If a goal from fall has been completed, celebrate the success and create a new goal. Submit the completed sheet, with signatures, to Oakland Schools.

o  Lead a mid-year Data Analysis Team

§  Provide non-discriminating/non-identifiable child or classroom data from the PQA, COR, and ASQ. Data should represent the program.

§  Facilitate a team that consists of at least 1 administrator, teacher, and parent to analyze the PQA and COR data and come up with data-based program improvement goals.

§  Keep a record of the meeting minutes and program goals to submit to Oakland Schools.

§  Create a report of the Data Analysis Meeting including the program improvement goals to share at the upcoming Program Parent Advisory Meeting.

o  Spring Form A: Complete a full PQA observation in the spring and enter the results into the Online PQA for each classroom

§  With the classroom teacher(s) and administrator, update the, “Description of Progress/Challenges,” column on the “GSRP Classroom Quality Improvement Goals,” sheet. If a goal from fall or winter is attained, celebrate the success and create a new goal.

§  Begin a new “GSRP Classroom Quality Improvement Goals,” include any goals that will carry over from winter. Ensure that there are 3 goals on the new goals form. There are to be 2 goals related to the PQA and 1 related to the COR. Submit the completed sheet, with signatures, to Oakland Schools.

§  If the overall score is 3.25 or lower, notify the ECC and designated Early Childhood Specialist Mentor at Oakland Schools. Refer to the “Oakland Schools Support for Classrooms with an end of year PQA Form A at or below 3.25” for further ECS responsibilities when a classroom score is 3.25 or lower.

o  Lead an end of year Data Analysis Team

§  Provide non-discriminating/non-identifiable child or classroom data from the PQA, COR, and ASQ. Data should represent the program.

§  Lead a team that consists of at least 1 administrator, teacher, and parent to analyze the PQA and COR data and connect the conversation back to the data-based program improvement goals. Update goals to reflect successful steps, completed goals, or adjustments based on new data. This could be facilitated during a portion of the Program Parent Advisory Meeting.

§  Keep a record of the meeting minutes and program goals to submit to Oakland Schools.

-  Provide information on Relevant Professional Development

o  Work with teacher and programs to plan their next steps for foundational curriculum learning

o  Recommend professional development to teacher(s) in-line with school-year goals and the Oakland Schools GSRP Professional Learning Opportunities document

o  Partner with the Oakland Schools team to analyze PQA and COR data to determine frequent professional development needs

-  Other Reports that May be Requested

o  Review and sign compliance plans as applicable

o  Complete the “Early Childhood Specialist,” page for MEGS+ and return to Oakland Schools

-  Attend Early Childhood Specialist meetings and professional learning hosted by Oakland Schools

-  Ensure PQA and COR information is correct on the systems

Complete all requests and submissions within the timelines as specified by the Oakland Schools Early Childhood Contact.


-  Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Prekindergarten (ECSQ-PK)

-  GSRP Implementation Manual

-  Preschool Program Quality Assessment (PQA)

-  Curriculum, screening, and assessment materials and training (HighScope, ASQ, and COR)

-  Oakland Schools Early Childhood Lending Library

-  Early Childhood Specialist Mentor at Oakland Schools

-  Reflective Practice Sessions

(17-18) Superscript notes an item to implementing in the 2017-2018 GSRP Program Year