GSHRM Strategic Planning Committee

September 2, 2015

Hubbell Lighting, Greenville, SC


Attended by: Robyn Knox, Wayne Mullen, Debra Ham, Kristin Irwin, Laura Bogardus, Kelly Scheib, Jackie Jordan

Meeting Opened. Robyn opened the meeting. She thanked the group for completion of last meeting's homework and noted that there is still work to do to finalize the strategic plan. Robyn handed out the first draft of the strategic plan. Robyn will email to committee members the modified draft with changes as developed in this meeting.

Some of the changes are captured here.

1.  Change date: 2016 - 2018.

2.  Removed the word "Association" from the top.

3.  Vision and mission remain the same.

4.  The general objectives section was slightly changed just to reflect the recent changes to the bylaws.

Focused Objectives

5.  Membership section moved to first to ensure the document is closely aligned with the SHAPE plan.

a)  Discussion about tracking the number of minority members. Though we collect optional responses to questions about race, ethnicity, age, and sex, we do not have a way to measure baseline and progress measures. We decided to change Objective 1 Meet or exceed the SHAPE requirement for SHRM membership.

b)  Objective 3: see Draft for details

c)  Objective 4: rearranged order of sentence items.

d)  Objective 5: remove financial objective.

e)  Objective 7: added "for membership"

f)  Removed Objective 8. Will move this reference to the bottom of strategic plan, and add ongoing annual review of strategic plan and bylaws

g)  Removed Objective 9.

h)  Objective 10: Plan and track completion of activities that have been designed to achieve membership goals.

i)  Added Objective: Provide onboarding for new members.

6.  Public Relations. Both Robyn and Laura spoke with Samantha. Samantha is working on this section. We will respond to social media suggestions in the PR draft.

7.  Workforce Readiness objectives are not yet updated/submitted for review.

8.  Governmental Affairs objectives are not yet updated/submitted for review.

9.  Professional Development Objectives. We are preserving the first three objectives. We discussed some additional objectives including topics such as strategic tools, certifications, increase number of certified professionals and promote certification process, programming, Ogletree series, etc. See updated draft strategic plan for details.

a.  Added an objective about offering mentoring programs to develop HR professionals. Wayne will continue to review the mentoring objectives proposed by Kelly.

b.  Discussed numbers of HRCI certified members. Laura will request a list of GSHRM HRCI certified members from HRCI. Not sure if they will produce this.

10.  Input from members via the HR Mgt. Conference Feedback Survey. Robyn reported on the feedback received from the survey questions following the conference. Members reported that they liked the networking, professional development, and certification opportunities. Members suggested improvements in terms of meeting times (breakfast) and locations.

11.  Diversity and Inclusion Objectives. Reviewed by Patti; she had no changes at this time but will continue to review. We discussed one of the items and decided to delete the last sentence in the objectives because it is redundant.

12.  College Relations Objectives. Kristin verbally reviewed the draft that she and Kelly worked on together. Discussed some specific ideas for expanding connections with college relations. By creating a committee, it helps us accomplish more. The committee will report to the Professional Development Chair (ie, no new chair position created).

13.  HR Management Conference Objectives. Robyn reviewed the updated sections that Donnie had forwarded. Made wording changes. See draft of strategic plan for details.

14.  General comments about bylaws and annual review of strategic plan moved to end.

15.  Replaced "Areas of Concentration" with "Long Term Goals." We may need to add Core Values to the Strategic Plan. Two or three long-term goals that drill down a level from the vision. Next level is yearly objectives (these relate back to individual committees, which define committee action plans).

Robyn will review today's notes and make a draft of several possible long-term goals. She will email this out to our group and present a draft to the Board at their next meeting.

Wayne suggested the addition of "business management issues" wording into the vision statement.

Homework: Follow up on unfinished homework as well as review soon to be prepared draft strategic plan document with new long term goals. Provide input (docs will be emailed by Robyn).

Next meeting is September 30th, 8 - 10 am, Hubbell Lighting. Next meeting will focus on Core Values and Goal Setting Process.