Gainesville Soccer Alliance
PO Box 14685
Gainesville FL 32604
(352) 379-5979
GSA Christmas Soccer Academy Camp
For kids age 5-9
December 27-29
Kanapaha Veteran’s Memorial Park, Tower Rd., Gainesville, FL
The goal of this camp is to teach soccer skills in a fun and relaxed environment to promote a lifetime of playing and loving soccer. Players will be placed in groups based on age, ability and experience to maximize effectiveness, but no prior skills are necessary. Parents are welcome to stay and observe or may feel free to leave dependant on the child’s comfort level. The camp will be well supervised with a coed staff of experienced coaches.
Each camper should wear sunscreen, shin guards, cleats, and proper attire for all weather and a smile accompanied with a great attitude! Water will be provided, however, players should bring a refillable container with their name on it.
Detach and send completed application with check (to Gainesville Soccer Alliance) for
$60.00 (GSA members and siblings) or $75 (non-GSA members)
Gainesville Soccer Alliance
C/o Jim Atchison
4504 SW 105th Drive Gainesville, FL 32608
Player’s Name: ______Sex: ______
Address: ______
Home Phone: ______Work/cell Phone: ______
Additional emergency contact ______
Date of Birth: ______E-mail*: ______
Soccer Experience: ______Current club/team: ______
As a parent or guardian of the above applicant(s), I hereby give permission for my child to participate in the GSA Christmas Academy, and agree to comply with all program regulations. I hereby remove the campsite, staff, management and Gainesville Soccer Alliance from any liability for injuries incurred during my child’s participation in this program. I, the undersigned parent or guardian, do hereby authorize the athletic trainer or coaches at GSA to secure any and all medical treatment in the event that I cannot be contacted. I further authorize any attending physician to render any and all medical care deemed necessary.
Signed: ______Date:______
Emergency Phone Number(s): ______
Comments (e.g., medical issues, additional contact information, player abilities, etc.). ______
Questions may be directed to .