Growth Chart for Girls, 2 to 20 Years

Growth Chart for Girls, 2 to 20 Years

Percentile Graph Assignment

If your parents were good parents look on the kitchen door jamb and write down the dates and heights that were recorded. If they were good for your three older brothers but not you, then use one of theirs. If they didn’t you can call Grandma or better yet, go visit her and do one for your mom’s height. You could go to the old lady down the block too. I am flexible. Plot those heights versus age on your chart. Summarize your results like this: I went to Grandma’s house and used Uncle Fred’s heights. She had more when he was little and got sparse as he got older. Uncle Fred began his life as a short little man, in the 25th%-ile range and then about 8th grade sprouted 6 inches and shot up to the 80th%-ile. He finished high school at the 80th %-ile.

Growth Chart for Girls, 2 to 20 Years

Growth Chart for Boys, 2 to 20 Years