INFANT (Birth to 12 Months)
1 Month / Obligatory nose breathers
Grasp reflex strong
Can turn head from side to side when prone
Lifts head momentarily
Head lag when pulled to sitting position
Eyes follow bright moving objects
Follows light to midline
Intently watches parent's face as parent talks to them
Weight gain of 5 to 7 ounces weekly for first 6 months
Height gain of 2.5 cm. (1 inch) monthly for first 6 months
2 Months / Head lag less when pulled to sitting position
Less flexed position when prone
When prone, can lift head 45o from table
When sitting--head held up but bobs
Crossed eyes disappear
Coos, vocalizes
Grasp reflex is fading
Social smile in response to various stimuli
Posterior fontanel closed
3 Months / Able to raise head and shoulders from prone position to a 45-90o angle from table; bears weight on forearms
Regards own hands
Grasp reflex gone
Social smile really develops
Follow objects 180o
Locates sound by turning head
Coos, babbles, chuckles, squeals aloud
Responds to own name
Recognizes familiar objects
4 Months / Almost no head lag if pulled to a sitting position
Can sit erect if propped up
Raises head 90o when prone
Rolls from back to side
Grasps objects with both hands
Carries objects to mouth
Plays with hands
Begins eye-hand coordination
Laughs aloud
Shows excitement with whole body
Enjoys social interaction
Demands attention by fussing, becomes bored if left alone
Drooling begins
5 Months / Birth weight doubled
Teeth begin to erupt
No head lag
Sitting, can hold head erect
Sits with support/back straight
Turns from abdomen to back
Puts feet in mouth, plays with toes
Palmar grasp
Squeal, vocal cooing
Smiles at mirror (at own image)
Able to distinguish strangers from family
Visually pursues dropped object
6 Months / When prone, lifts abdomen and chest off table and bears weight on hands
Sits in high chair
Rolls from back to abdomen
Bears weight on legs when held in standing position
Grasps and manipulates small objects, transfers object from one hand to another
Can feed self small crackers
Beginning of imitation-sticks out tongue, imitates sounds
Laughs aloud, laughs when head hidden in towel
Recognizes parents
Holds arms out to be picked up
Plays with toes/pulls feet to mouth
"Rescues" a dropped object
Teething begins with eruption of 2 center incisors
7 Months / Sits while leaning forward on hands
Bears full weight on feet
When supine, spontaneously lifts head off table
Transfers objects from 1 hand to another
Bangs cube on a table
Responds to name
Produces vowel sounds -- dada, baba
Increased fear of strangers
Imitates simple noises
Plays peek-a-boo
Can fixate on very small objects
Upper center incisors erupting
8 Months / Sits steadily unsupported
Beginning of pincer grasp
Reaches for toys that are out of reach
Makes consonant sounds (d, t, w)
Dislikes diaper change and dressing
Responds to the word "no"
Begins to show regular bowel and bladder patterns
9 Months / Crawls (may go backwards at first)
Pulls self to a standing position, holds onto furniture
Crude pincer grasp (thumb and index finger)
Comprehends "no-no"
Begins to show fears of being left alone and going to bed
Searches for an object if sees it hidden
Upper lateral incisors appear
10 Months / Crawls forward
Pulls self to sitting
While standing, lifts 1 foot to take a step
Neat pincer grasp/crude release
Comprehends "bye-bye" and waves
Imitates facial expressions
Developing fear of strangers
Looks for object around a corner or under a pillow
Says "mama" and "dada" with meaning
11 Months / Creeps with abdomen off floor
Cruises holding onto furniture
Holds a crayon
Plays "peek-a-boo" and "so big"
Points to desired object
Neat pincer grasp
Lower lateral incisors begin to erupt
Shakes head for "no"
12 Months / Cruises well
Shakes head "no"
Says 2 or more words besides dada and mama
Recognizes objects by sound
Shows emotions, i.e., fear, anxiety
Fearful of strange situations
May develop "security blanket" or "favorite toy"
Birth weight has tripled
6-8 deciduous teeth
Anterior fontanelle almost closed
TODDLER (1-3 Years)
15 Months / Walks without help -- with a broad-based, stiff-legged gait
Creeps upstairs
Uses cup well
Does not use spoon well, turns it upside down
Play is solitary
Asks for objects by pointing
Begins to imitate parents by doing household chores
Sympathetic crying
Less likely to fear strangers
Uses "no" even when agreeing with request
18 Months / Runs clumsily, walks upstairs with one hand held
Pulls and pushes toys
Throws ball overhand
Uses spoon well
Says 10 or more words
May become dependent upon something -- blanket
Anterior fontanelle is closed
24 Months / May have achieved readiness for daytime bowel/bladder control
Turns pages in book one at a time
Tends to pinch, bite, hit
Vocabulary of 300 words
Play is parallel
Dresses self with simple clothes -- pull on pants
Fears being deserted
Shy with strangers
Slower growth period
30 Months / Separates more easily from mother
Negativism peaks -- "no" stage
Birth weight quadrupled
3 Years / Rides tricycle
Goes upstairs using alternate feet
Feeds self completely
Vocabulary of 900 words
Constantly asks questions -- "why" stage
Knows own self and own sex
Pours from a bottle or pitcher
Play is parallel and associative
Increased ability to separate from parents for short periods--pre-school
4 Years / Skips and hops
Throws ball overhand
Generally more fluid in movement
Vocabulary of 1500 words
Questioning is at its peak; intuitive thought
Uses mild profanity
Tells exaggerated stories (boasts and tattles)
Play is associative
Developing a sense of right and wrong
Works out anxieties and fears in play
Strong identification with parent of the opposite sex -- Oedipal, electra
Sexual exploration and curiosity by playing "doctor" and "nurse"
Still believes that thoughts cause events
Length at birth is doubled
5 Years / Ties shoelaces
Knows name of the days of the week, months and other time associated words
Play is associative (cooperative)
Cares for self totally, occasionally needing supervision
Uses simple tools such as scissors
Gets along well with parents
Vocabulary of 2100 words
"handedness" established
Eruption of permanent teeth
Enjoys doing activities with parent of same sex
SCHOOL-AGE (6-12 Years)
6 Years / Egocentric/boastful/bossy...wants to be "best" or "first"
Appetite increases as does activity level
Likes eating on the run/likes plain foods
Dislikes bath/needs help
Constant motion
Likes rough, dramatic play
Enjoys bedtime stories
Likes to draw, print and color
Cannot tie knot
Fears: loud noises, the night, being hurt, being lost
7 Years / More quiet and withdrawn/likes to play alone
Beginning to be reasoned with
Losing some teeth
Talkative and cooperative
Fears: the dark, attics, burglars, people hiding under bed
Becoming more graceful and fluid
8 Years / Tremendous curiosity
Likes to select own clothes
Likes to be tucked in at night
More sociable/better behaved
Likes playing with children of the same sex
Begins collaboration and compromise
Likes school/loves to read
Fears: less fear of the dark
Always on the go, chases, skips
9 Years / Independent/capable
Finishes jobs started
Good eye-hand coordination developed
Develops loyalty to friends
Likes to read/likes competitive sports
Fear: Failure
10 Years / Content with self
Greater strength and coordination
Continues to play with friends of the same sex
Likes: collecting things, reading, bike riding
Fears: animals, worries about school
11 Years / Unpredictable/stormy/restless
Girls no longer compete physically with boys
Values memberships in community activities and clubs
Slower growth and rapid weight gain--can become obese
Uses telephone for practical purposes
Raises pets
Writes brief stories
Likes: walks, comic books, collecting things, jokes
Fears: afraid to be alone, physical pain, strange animals
12 Years / More reasonable
Now concerned about personal appearance (wears clothes "in vogue")
Enjoys group activities with friends of both sexes
Companionship important/likes teamwork
Likes: parties, group activities, athletics, reading less
Bathes frequently - prefers showers