Keeping the momentum

I commit to:

Ø  Growing my instructional practice through:

c  continued use of the Equals Math resource and materials

c  visiting Numeracy for All wiki regularly (available to June 2015)

c  participating in the September webinar “Streamlining Assessment to Get Started”

c  participating in free AbleNet webinars throughout the school year

c  ______

c  ______

c  ______

Ø  Sharing the success stories and learning from this project with:

c  colleagues at my school

c  my school leadership team

c  other teachers in my school jurisdiction

c  colleagues teaching grades 7 – 12 who may be interested in joining the 2013 – 2014 community of practice

c  district office special education/inclusion facilitators/consultants and/or directors

c  ______

c  ______

c  ______

Ø  Sharing my expertise in numeracy instruction for students with significant disabilities by:

c  inviting other teachers into my class to see numeracy in action

c  supporting a colleague using Equals Math for the first time

c  presenting to my school staff

c  contributing new information and/or photos to the Numeracy for All wiki

c  presenting at a district or provincial level professional learning event

c  ______

c  ______

c  ______

Signature: ______Date: ______