Human Resources & Legal Affairs
Certificated Employees
Pursuant to Education Code 87013, SBCC procedures require fingerprints of all certificated employees within 10 days of the date of employment. The fingerprints will be forwarded to the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, California State Department of Justice, Sacramento, California. A fee of $39.00-$57.00 will be charged each employee at the time of fingerprinting for costs of processing by the agencies concerned (fee varies between the Sheriff and Police Departments).
Employee must be prepared to pay a fee in cash at the time of fingerprinting.
$32.00 (CASH ONLY) to DOJ for processing of fingerprints
Fee (see box below) to Live Scan agency for processing fingerprints
$7-$25.00, depending on agency
1. Complete "Request for Live Scan Service" form. Complete information in the third box, beginning with "Name of Applicant." This information should be printed clearly.
Name of Applicant: Enter your full name
AKA's: Names (if any) you have used
DOB: Date of Birth
SEX: Gender (male/female)
HT: Height
WT: Weight
EYE Color: Eye Color
HAIR Color: Hair Color
POB: Place of Birth
SOC: Social Security Number
CDL No: California Driver's License Number
Misc. No. BIL: leave blank - not applicable
Misc. No: Enter other identifying numbers (i.e. other state driver's license number)
Home Address: Enter home address
2. Take completed form to Live Scan agency for fingerprint processing, along with $39-$57.00 (see below for payment option).
3. Obtain receipt for fingerprint processing. Return receipt and the second copy of the "Request for Live Scan Service" form to the Human Resources Department at SBCC.
4. You must submit proof of completion of the fingerprint process within 10 days of employment.
S. B. Police Dept S.B. Sheriff's Dept. Lompoc Police Dept. Ventura Sheriff's Dept.
215 E. Figueroa St. 4434 Calle Real 107 Civic Center Plaza 800 S. Victoria
Santa Barbara, CA Santa Barbara, CA Lompoc, CA Ventura, CA
805-897-2355 805-681-4357 805-736-2341 805-654-2371
Hours: Call for appt. Hours: Call for appt. Hours: Call for appt. Hours: Call for appt.
Fee: $25 (cash or credit) Fee: $7 (cash only) Fee: $16.00 (cash only ) Fee: $10 (cash or check)
*FBI Fee: $19 *FBI Fee: $24 *FBI Fee: Call for amount *FBI Fee: $15-$19
(Upon request by HR) (Upon request by HR) (Upon request by HR) (Upon request by HR)
Orcutt Substation
812-A W. Foster Rd (use Clark Ave. exit)
Hours: Call for schedule