Grow your Knowledge

Fall Training Weekend

September 25-28, 2014

Class Schedule and Class Descriptions

(Including price, prerequisites, and what you need to bring to class)

Class Schedule(click on the class name to be taken to the description):


Sept. 20, 2014 / American Red Cross Lifeguarding
8:00am – 5:00pm (class continues Sunday) / American Red Cross Lifeguarding Recertification
8:00am – 5:00pm (class continues Sunday)
Sept. 21, 2014 / American Red Cross Lifeguarding
8:00am – 5:00pm / American Red Cross Lifeguarding Recertification
8:00am – 12:00pm

THURSDAY, Sept. 25, 2014

Morning / New Leaders Take Root (GSGAtl102/GS103/NLO)
9:00am – 1:00pm
Afternoon / Possible CPR / First Aid 1:30pm – 5:00pm – read class description and inquire if interested.

FRIDAY, Sept. 26, 2014

Morning / Proficiency Badges and Journeys (PB & J) for Daisies
9:00am – 1:00pm / P B & J for Brownies
9:00am – 1:00p
Early Afternoon / CPR/FA Recertification 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Afternoon / CPR / First Aid 2:30pm – 6:00pm
Evening / P B & J for Seniors
6:00pm – 10:00pm / P B & J for Ambassadors
6:00pm – 10:00pm / Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
6:30pm – 9:30pm
(Class continues on Saturday) / CPR / First Aid 6:30pm – 10:00pm
Possible CPR/FA Recertification on Friday evening – read class description and inquire if interested.

SATURDAY, Sept. 27, 2014

Early Morning / Possible early Saturday morning CPR/FA Recertification– read class description and inquire if interested.
Morning / New Leaders Take Root (GSGAtl102/GS103/NLO)
8:00 am - 12:00am / Fun in the Outdoors
9:00am – 12:00pm / Gold Award
9:00am – 12:00pm / Cabins, Lodges, and S’mores
8:30am – 12:00pm / CPR / First Aid
9:00am – 4:00pm / WFA
8:30 – 5:00
(continues Sunday)
Pre-Lunch / CPR/FA Recertification 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Lunch / Lunch (registration required)
CPR/FA Recertification 12:00pm – 1:00pm / Platform Tents with Fire Building and Outdoor Cooking (PTFBOC)
Sat 12:00pm – Sun 12:00pm / Outdoor Skills 101 (OS101)
Sat 12:00pm – Sun 12:00pm
Afternoon / Game Box
1:00pm – 4:00pm / What to do Instead of Screaming
1:00pm – 4:00pm / PTFBOC (cont’d) / OS 101 (cont’d) / CPR / First Aid
cont’d, ends 4:00pm / WFA
Cont’d, ends 5:00pm,
(continues on Sunday at 1:00pm)
Late Afternoon / CPR/FA Recertification 4:30 – 5:30 pm

SUNDAY, Sept. 28, 2014

Morning / PB&J for Cadettes
8:00am – 12:00pm / Ceremonies and Traditions
9:00am – 12:00pm / How to be an Effective Leader with your Daughter in the Troop
9:00am – 12:00 pm / PTFBOC
cont’d, ends 12:00pm / OS 101
cont’d, ends 12:00pm
Lunch / Lunch (registration required)
CPR/FA Recertification 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Afternoon / P B & J for Daisies
1:00pm– 5:00pm / P B & J for Brownies
1:00 pm – 5:00pm / P B & J Juniors
1:00pm- 5:00pm / CPR / First Aid
1:30pm-5:00pm / WFA
1:00pm – 6:30 pm
Late Afternoon / Possible late afternoon CPR/FA Recertification – read class description and inquire if interested.

Class Descriptions

New Leaders Take Root (special combined-curriculum class!)

For GSGAtl volunteers this covers GSGAtl 102 and GS103

For GSHG volunteers this covers New Leader Orientation

When:Thursday9:00am – 1:00pm OR Saturday 8:00am to 12:00pm

Trainers:Thursday Pat C., Rosalie B., Sheri Marie C.; Saturday Pat C., Rosalie B., Catharine R.

Prerequisites: GS101 (online) and submission of your Volunteer Application

Fees: $2 event fees

Description: Explore the fundamentals of Girl Scouting and leading a troop or group. Learn about the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, the keys and processes important in planning activities, troop meeting format, and the resources and people available to support leaders. Discover how to obtain parent support, find council policies and procedures, keep financial records and produce the Troop Finance Report, determine group readiness for a trip or overnight experience and use Volunteer Essentials with your girls. The first part of the class will be split out as volunteers learn council-specific procedures, then together as they learn Girl Scout basics.

Participants need to bring: A journal to take notes.

Greater Atlanta: Each 01 volunteer should receive a voucher in the mail after your registration for one free copy per troop that can be picked up at the store (additional copies are available for purchase) It can also be downloaded here.

Historic Georgia: you’ll receive Volunteer Essentials QuickStart and Safety booklet at training.

Min / Max: 5/30

Notes: Volunteers attending the Thursday class should bring a sack lunch.

More Notes: New Leaders in Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta will get their Volunteer Essentials QuickStart as part of the New Leader Kit their Service Unit Director gives them (or they can download it below). Additional copies will be available to share on-site. At Grow Your Knowledge, new leaders in Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia will get a copy of the Volunteer Essentials QuickStart. They will also receive an online copy in an email after their Volunteer Application is approved. Contact your Service Unit Director if you have questions about getting these materials.

You can also download the following items here:

-the Historic Georgia Volunteer Essentials / the Greater Atlanta Volunteer Essentials

Game Box

When: Saturday 1:30pm – 4:30pm

Trainers: Holly P.

Prerequisites: none.

Fees: $48 class fee + $2 event fee

Description: You've seen or heard about this incredible resource at different trainings and council events -- a real toolkit of games you can play with your girls. At the special, limited engagement enrichment training, you'll not only receiveyour very own Game Box to take back to your troop, you'll learn how to use it. Learn how to target games to your girls' age-level -- and how to changethe games and the rulesas they grow. Learn the basics of competitive games versusinclusive games, learn basics of how to adapt games to special circumstances and special needs. Learn games for big groups, small groups, and single participants. Take home to your troop a real toolbox filled with instructions and game-pieces for 100+ games... This incredible resource will be something you can use for years to come, for Scouts, church groups, playdates, and more.

Participants need to bring: A cheerful attitude, a willingness to get involved and play, and clothing and shoes appropriate for a very active class

Min / Max:15/50 (note that as of mid-August, the class is over its minimum)

Notes: REGISTRATION CLOSING SOON. Due to the special nature of this class (and the long prep-time involved) you will not be considered registered until your payment has been received. If the minimum has not been met, the course will be cancelled and registration fees returned.

Proficiency Badges and Journeys (PB & J) for Daisies

When:Friday 9:00am – 1:00pm, Sunday 1:00pm–5:00pm

Trainers:Friday t.b.a.; Sunday – Kippy S., Kim W.

Prerequisites: Differ by council: GSGAtl - GS103, GSHG – NLO is recommended but not required.

Fees: $2 event fee

Description: Start your Girl Scout adventure! Learn how to use the Daisy Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting and Leadership Journey books to structure your troop meetings, teach Girl Scout traditions, help girls learn the Girl Scout Promise and Law, earn Petals, Leaves and other awards, develop leadership skills, take trips, run the Girl Scout Cookie Program, and have fun with their friends. Learn what to expect from Daisy-age girls and how to manage troop behavior while keeping meetings and activities girl-led. Participants need to bring:Daisy Girls Guide to Girl Scouting (if available), Journey (adult and girl) resources (if available), Volunteer Essentials, pen and paper

Min / Max: 5/24

Notes: Volunteers attending the Friday class should bring a sack lunch.

P B & J for Brownies

When:Friday 9:00am – 1:00pm, Sunday 1:00pm –5:00pm

Trainers:Friday – t.b.a., Sunday – Dee K.

Prerequisites: Differ by council: GSGAtl - GS103, GSHG – NLO is recommended but not required.

Fees: $2 event fee

Description: It’s a Brownie adventure! Learn how to use the Brownie Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting and Leadership Journey books to structure your troop meetings, share Girl Scout traditions (including the Brownie Story), help girls learn the Girl Scout Promise and Law, earn badges and other awards, develop leadership skills, take trips, run the Girl Scout Cookie Program, and help others. Learn what to expect from Brownie-age girls and how to manage troop behavior while keeping meetings and activities girl-led.

Participants need to bring:Brownie Girls Guide to Girl Scouting (if available), Journey (adult and girl) resources (if available), Volunteer Essentials, pen and paper

Min / Max: 5/24

Notes: Volunteers attending the Friday class should bring a sack lunch.

PB & J for Juniors

When: Sunday 1:00pm –5:00pm


Prerequisites: Differ by council: GSGAtl - GS103, GSHG – NLO is recommended but not required.

Fees: $2 event fee

Description: Learn how to use the Junior Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting and Leadership Journey books to help your Girl Scout Juniors discover who they are and what path is right for them. Learn what to expect from Junior-age girls, and how to guide them in mapping their own girl-led adventure to include the outdoors, cookies, trips, projects, ceremonies, traditions, badges and the Honor Code, the Junior Aide Award, Leadership Journey Awards – maybe even the Bronze Award! Network with other volunteers on the best ways to manage troop behavior as girls face the challenges of puberty.

Participants need to bring:Junior Girls Guide to Girl Scouting (if available), Volunteer Essentials, Journey (adult and girl) resources (if available), pen and paper

Min / Max: 5/24

PB & J for Cadettes

When: Sunday 8:00am – 12:00pm

Trainers:Kathy L,

Prerequisites: Differ by council: GSGAtl - GS103, GSHG – NLO is recommended but not required.

Fees: $2 event fee

Description: Learn how to use the Cadette Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting and Leadership Journey books to help your Girl Scout Cadettes discover how they are growing into a whole new Girl Scout. Learn what to expect from Cadette-age girls, and how to guide them in charting a course that includes the outdoors, cookies, trips, traditions, badges and the Honor Code, Leadership Journey Awards, Program Aide and more. Network with other volunteers on the best ways to manage troop and individual behavior as girls face the challenges of middle school. This course gives a very brief introduction to the Girl Scout Silver Awards. For more in-depth information, please take the Girl Scout Silver Award workshop.

Participants need to bring:Cadette Girls Guide to Girl Scouting (if available), Volunteer Essentials, Journey (adult and girl) resources (if available), pen and paper

Min / Max: 5/24

PB & J for Seniors

When:Friday 6:00pm – 10:00pm

Trainers:Kim W., (tent) Kippy S.

Prerequisites: Differ by council: GSGAtl - GS103, GSHG – NLO is recommended but not required.

Fees: $2 event fee

Description: Girls at the Girl Scout Senior level are awash in transition. They are exploring who they want to become while preserving the little girl they used to be, they are learning to shape their world and how they will make a difference. This class covers how to use the process of girl-led to let the girls manage the troop, how to advise the girls as they plan activities, how to encourage the girls to build troop meetings around the Journey program, mentoring, and high honor awards that are available, and preparing the girls for their final years of girl membership. This course gives a very brief introduction to the Gold Awards. For more in-depth information, please take the Girl Scout Gold Award workshop.

Participants need to bring:Seniors Girls Guide to Girl Scouting (if available), Volunteer Essentials, Journey (adult and girl) resources (if available),

Min / Max: 5/24

PB & J for Ambassadors

When: Friday 6:00pm – 10:00pm

Trainers:Melissa L., (tent) Kippy S.

Prerequisites: Differ by council: GSGAtl - GS103, GSHG – NLO is recommended but not required.

Fees: $2 event fee

Description: The girls have reached the summit of their Girl Scoutcareer which brings great changes to the structure of the troop meetings for all involved. This class covers how to use the “girl-led” process to let the girls lead the troop, how to advise the girls as they plan activities, how to encourage the girls to build troop meetings around the Journey program, mentoring and high honor awards that are available, and preparing the girls for their final bridge: to Girl Scout Adults. This course gives a very brief introduction to the Gold Awards. For more in-depth information, please take the Girl Scout Gold Award workshop (offered Saturday morning at Grow Your Knowledge).

Participants need to bring:Ambassador Girls Guide to Girl Scouting (if available), Volunteer Essentials, Journey (adult and girl) resources (if available), pen and paper

Min / Max: 5/24

Cabins, Lodges, and S’mores (GSGAtl)

This class is full/closed. Email if you’d like to be on a waitlist for openings.

When: Saturday 8:30am – 12:00pm

Trainers: Dee K., Peggy F., Mary S.

Prerequisites: none

Fees: $2 event fee + $5 class fee

Description:Formerly known as Outdoors and S’mores and Cabin Camping, this class is the first step for GSGAtl troops planning troop camping experiences. This class teaches adults the steps to teaching girls how to plan and carry out an overnight experience using indoor facilities (lodges, cabins, etc.) with kitchens and indoor bathrooms at council camps as well as other approved camp facilities. In addition, this course covers health and safety considerations, facilities available at council camps, meal planning, Kaper charts, equipment and packing. Training must be successfully completed at least 30 days prior to a scheduled overnight experience to allow time for training of girls and other adults. This course is considered Level 1 camp training fpr GSGAtl troops – for GSHG troops and other councils, it will count as an enrichment class only due to the significant amount of council-specific data. (GSHG troops take Beyond the Meeting Place as a prerequisite to Outdoor Skills 101)

Participants need to bring: Paper and Pen, Volunteer Essentials, something to place on the ground to kneel on

Min / Max: 4/20

Notes (about waitlist):If you wish to be on the waitlist for the class, email with your registration information *and* prerequisite information. You will be notified if an opening in the class occurs and expected to pay within 48 hours.

Wilderness First Aid

Registration deadline has passed; this class is closed/cancelled due to low registration.

When: Friday 6:30pm – 9:30 pm AND Saturday 8:30am – 5:30 pm AND Sunday 1:00pm – 6:30 pm

Trainers:Cory L.

Prerequisites: Current CPR certification (Red Cross, American Heart Association, ASHI, etc.) You must be able to show proof of this certification at the start of the Friday night class. Note that this is not a basic First Aid class so participants should come prepared with some First Aid skills.

Fees: $2 event fee + $80 class fee

Description: The purpose of American Red Cross Wilderness First Aid is to provide individuals a foundation of first aid principles and skills to be able to respond to emergencies and give care in areas that do not have immediate emergency medical services (EMS) response. This includes wilderness and remote environments, including urban disasters, such as earthquakes and hurricanes.

Participants need to bring:Bring a camp chair to sit on and a clipboard or equivalent to take notes on. You will also need to bring backpacking gear that you would take on a trip (minus food and fuel) for use during the class; you will receive a confirmation letter with more detailed information about this approximately 10 days before the class.

Min / Max: 4/10

Notes: Registration deadline is 9/17/2014.

More Notes: Two class spaces will be held open until 8/17/2014 for currently certified Red Cross CPR Instructors, in an effort to build a list of more instructors in our councils.

Even More Notes (about waitlist):If you wish to be on the waitlist for the class, email with your registration information *and* prerequisite information. You will be notified if an opening in the class occurs and expected to pay within 48 hours.

Notes about Girl Participants: Girls 14-17 can be certified through the American Red Cross, but remember that the First Aider (or WFA) position in a troop setting must be held by a registered Girl Scout Adult. Girls with the certification would hold a ‘Assistant’ or ‘Junior’ position. Girl members should never be in a position of legal responsibility over other girls.

Notes about Girls Auditing the class: The trainer will allow girls to audit the class (all the knowledge, but no certification) for free. Email if interested.

Notes about Girl Volunteer “Victims”: We’re looking for 2-3 girls per class session (Friday, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday afternoon) to be “victims” (think bloody makeup, screaming, and an opportunity to panic adults – and allfor service hours!). Email ith your availability (which sessions you can help with) if you’re interested to sign up or find out more details.

Yes, there are lots of notes about this class. We think we’re done now.

Platform Tent Camping with Fire Building and Outdoor Cooking (GSGAtl)

This class is designed for GSGAtl volunteers, with lots of council-specific information. For the GSHG equivalent, please look for Outdoor Skills 101 (OS101).

Registration deadline has passed and this class is full/closed.

When: Saturday 12:00pm – Sunday 12:00pm (this is an overnight class and includes an overnight stay)

Trainers:Peggy F., Crystal M., Mary S.

Prerequisites: Prerequisites must be completed at least 30 days prior to taking this class. Specifics differ by council: for Greater Atlanta, the prerequisite is Cabins, Lodges, and S’mores (or pre-approved equivalent, please contact council or if you need to check the equivalency of a course). GSHG volunteers please select Outdoor Skills 101. For other councils, please contact before you enroll.

Fees: $2 event fee + $15 class fee

Description: Second step for troops planning troop camping experiences and desiring to learn about fire building, outdoor cooking, sleeping in tents (platform or your own) as well as exploring other outdoor skills. Teaches adults how to partner with girls to plan and carry out platform tent camping experiences, and how to teach a variety of outdoor skills including knot tying, pocket knife safety, hiking and more. Training must be successfully completed at least 30 days prior to a scheduled camping date to allow time for training of girls and other adults. This course is considered Level 2 camp training.