The FAC Slate of events shall remain confidential until the Student Senate votes on it.

Funds Allotment Council Mission Statement:

The Truman State University Funds Allotment Council is dedicated to the intellectual and social development of students and to enhancing their entertainment opportunities. The Council expresses this commitment through the financial support of activities that are organized and sponsored by chartered student organizations. The council will strive to fund a variety of activities, sponsored by a variety of organizations that will provide potential benefit to all members of the Student Association and the larger University Community. In order to accomplish its mission, the council will attempt to balance the many needs and desires that are inherent in a liberal arts and sciences leaning community in order to provide a slate of activities that further the mission of the University.

FAC Constitution:

Article 6, Section 5.1A: The Student Senate shall have the power to veto the slate of events only in the case of a violation of the procedures in this (FAC) Constitution and the Organizational Activities Fund General Guidelines.

Groups Recieving Funding For Spring 2003

Total Amount Requested: $72,316.15

Total Amount Allotted: $27,562.67

Number of Applications Received: 25

Number of Applications Funded: 15

Nursing Students Association

Health Awareness Week

Requested: $4175

FAC Voted 9-0-0 to fund for $1800

Contractual: $0

Equipment: $1650

Publicity: $150

Other: $100

FAC has worked with NSA before on this event and it has been very successful. FAC feels that bringing health awareness to the campus is very important to students.

Alpha Sigma Gamma

Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Requested: $ 2135.90

FAC Voted 6-2-1 to fund for $1420

Contractual: $1270

Equipment: $0

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

FAC would like to fund the speaker for eating disorder week because the topic has personal relevance to college students and would be well attended.

Phi Mu Alpha

Jazz Fest

Requested: $2633.67

FAC Voted 9-0-0 to fund for $1917.67

Contractual: $1617.67

Equipment: $300

Publicity: $0

Other: $0

This event has been held every year and it brings together the Kirksville community as well as Truman students and features professional musicians, which attracts a large crowd.

International Club

African Village

Requested: $950

FAC Voted 7-0-2 to fund for $450

Contractual: $0

Equipment: $300

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

The International Club would like to create an African village which offers a different perspective for students to experience a different culture.


A’Cappella Fest

Requested: $1450

FAC Voted 9-0-0 to fund for $950

Contractual: $800

Equipment: $0

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

TruMen has always had well attended events from different backgrounds and this event would draw many students.

Sigma Delta Pi

Del Alma Concert

Requested: $3005

FAC Voted 8-0 -1 to fund for $2805

Contractual: $2360

Equipment: $295

Publicity: $150

Other: $

Del Alma is a popular Latin American salsa band that will help enhance cultural diversity on our campus. The concert will be educational as well as entertaining and will be well received by the campus.

Campus Crusade for Christ

Dr. Craig Blomberg speaking on history of the gospels

Requested: $1187.57

FAC Voted 9-0-0 to fund for $1020

Contractual: $870

Equipment: $0

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

This event will draw many student from all religious backgrounds. Many students will attend to learn about the topic.

Lambda Chi Alpha

Social host liability program

Requested: $200

FAC Voted 6-0 -3 to fund for $150

Contractual: $0

Equipment: $0

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

FAC will fund publicity for a social host liability speaker. This speaker will bring together the community and students to help educate them about their local and social rights as citizens in the Kirksville community.

Truman Society of the Dance Arts

Spring Recital

Requested: $1850

FAC Voted 8-0-1 to fund for $750

Contractual: $0

Equipment: $600

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

As a liberal arts school, this will bring interest to a different side of the liberal arts program, the performing arts. The recital encourages student-performing clubs and will draw the college community as well as the Kirksville Community.

Feminists Majority Leadership Alliance

Speaker Shakti Butler

Requested: $4200

FAC Voted 6-0-3 to fund for $3500

Contractual: $3500

Equipment: $0

Publicity: $0

Other: $0

Ms. Butler will speak about race, class, and gender. This is an academic issue that is very popular right now. This also will open closed doors between various organizations on campus.

College Republicans

Dinesh D’Souza: “What’s so great about America?”

Requested: $5000

FAC Voted 6 -1 -2 to fund for $4000

Contractual: $4000

Equipment: $0

Publicity: $0

Other: $0

This event will bring students form different ideologies to hear Mr. D’Souza speak about America and why it is so great to live in.

Kappa Alpha Psi

Kappa comedy showcase

Requested: $5000

FAC Voted 8- 0 -1 to fund for $2295

Contractual: $2195

Equipment: $0

Publicity: $100

Other: $0

This event will offer entertainment from various backgrounds. This comedy show will draw a large crowd.

Student Organization Center

Diversity Week

Requested: $3900

FAC Voted 6 -0 -3 to fund for $3220

Contractual: $3070

Equipment: $0

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

This is the main event for diversity week and we would like to do all we can to encourage diversity on our campus. The mission of FAC is to bring diverse events and this even fits well with that mission.

Islamic Students Al’Muttaqun

Differences between Islam, Christianity and Judaism

Requested: $370.01

FAC Voted 7 -0 - 2 to fund for $335

Contractual: $182

Equipment: $0

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

This speaker will discuss the differences between various religions and FAC feels that this is a very relevant topic and be very well attended.

Alpha phi Alpha

Step Show

Requested: $3000

FAC Voted 7-0-2 to fund for $2950

Contractual: $2800

Equipment: $0

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

This event brings a unique kind of entertainment to campus that is not usually seen elsewhere. A step show will draw a large crowd as well.

ICA Groups Receiving Funding For Spring 2003

Total Amount Requested: $35,711.81

Total Amount Allotted: $9,827

Number of Applications Received: 10

Number of Applications Funded: 8

Women’s Lacrosse

Requested: $2548.46

FAC Voted 9-0-0 to fund for $1182

Contractual: $870

Equipment: $72

Travel: $90

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

The Women’s Lacrosse team pays a lot of out of pocket money to play lacrosse and FAC would like to help support the team financially with the league fees and recruitment of members.

Men’s Volleyball

Requested: $5238.80

FAC Voted 9-0-0 to fund for $1260

Contractual: $1110

Equipment: $150

Travel: $0

Publicity: $0

Other: $0

Men’s Volleyball team is a growing team and needs financial support in order to play. FAC feels the money allotted would be used very well and bring publicity to the University.

Men’s Lacrosse

Requested: $4850

FAC Voted 7-1-1 to fund for $1195

Contractual: $665

Equipment: $380

Travel: $0

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

Men’s Lacrosse is a growing sport in the Midwest and brings publicity to the University.

The money helps the team to pay league fees as well as to buy new equipment, which is essential for playing a sport.

Bullet’s Rugby

Requested: $3210

FAC Voted 9-0-0 to fund for $1875

Contractual: $1725

Equipment: $0

Travel: $0

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

Bullet’s Rugby players pay a lot out of pocket expenses for equipment and FAC would like to help pay for the league fees to help the women play.

Ultimate Frisbee Team

Requested: $3650

FAC Voted 7-0-2 to fund for $950

Contractual: $800

Equipment: $0

Travel: $0

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

The Ultimate Frisbee team is rapidly growing and FAC would like to help its members pay their league fees.

Bull’s Rugby

Requested: $4345

FAC Voted 8-0-1 to fund for $1345

Contractual: $1195

Equipment: $0

Travel: $0

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

Bull’s Rugby brings a lot of publicity to the University through its accomplishments as a team and provides a diverse sport to the campus. The FAC would like to pay for the teams league fees since the men pay so much money out of pocket.

Power and Olympic Weightlifting Team

Requested: $2330

FAC Voted 8-0-1 to fund for $1730

Contractual: $300

Equipment: $1280

Travel: $0

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

The Weightlifting Team has grown rapidly the past year and is open to both men and women. It offers is equipment for all student use. FAC would like to help the team to further success and buy more equipment.

Flag Corp

Requested: $4239.55

FAC Voted 8-1-0 to fund for $290

Contractual: $0

Equipment: $140

Travel: $0

Publicity: $150

Other: $0

FAC would like to help the flag corp to get equipment and publicity to recruit new members to the organization.

FAC Groups Denied Funding

American Institute of Graphic Artists

High school art show

Amount Requested: $400

Amount Allotted: $0

FAC Voted: 9-0-0

FAC will not fund this organization to hold a high school art show because it is not in accordance with the by-laws. The By-Laws state that an event must be open to all Truman students and this event is for high school students.

Grim Hall Senate

Amount Requested:$85

Amount Allotted: $0

FAC Voted: 9-0-0

Grim Hall Senate will not receive FAC funding for the Spring semester. The law forbids the University to show movies for public audiences without buying the rights. FAC is not able to break the laws and cannot afford to buy the rights to the movies requested.

African Students Association

Amount Requested:$350

Amount Allotted: $0

FAC Voted: 8-0-1

African Students Association will not receive FAC funding for the Spring semester. The FAC by-laws do not allow for the event that the organization requested. The By-Laws state that we are not allowed to purchase food for an audience and the organization requested ingredients for food to serve to the audience as refreshments, not as the actual event.

Beta Beta Beta

Amount Requested: $200

Amount Allotted: $0

FAC Voted: 9-0-0

Beta Beta Beta will not receive FAC funding because the event requested does not follow the FAC by-laws. The proposed event is a fundraiser and the organization requested money buy food to serve at a coffee house. The FAC feels that student money should not be spent in an attempt to raise money for fundraising.

Truman Society of the Dance Arts

Application requested bringing a dance troupe to campus

Amount Requested: $4250

Amount Allotted: $0

FAC Voted: 7-2-0

The Truman Society of the Dance Arts will not receive FAC funding to bring a dance troupe because FAC is not able to allot the entire amount requested and FAC feels that without full financial support the event will not be successful.

Sigma Aloha Iota

Amount Requested: $7086

Amount Alloted: $0

FAC Voted: 6-0-3

Sigma Alpha Iota will not receive FAC funding. FAC received requests for funding that totaled over $70,000, and the council has less than $30,000 to allot to campus organizations. After reviewing Sigma Alpha Iota’s request for funding, FAC decided the event was not strong enough compared to other requests to warrant allotting the organizations’ requested $7086.

Campus Music Collective

Amount Requested: $1625

Amount Allotted: $0

FAC Voted: 7-0-2

The FAC asked this organization for revisions to its application to research more specific costs of the event. The organization failed to submit revisions and FAC does not feel confident in creating a spring allotment budget without estimated costs to consider.

Bacchus and Gamma

Amount Requested:$550

Amount Allotted: $0

FAC Voted: 7-0-2

The proposed event from Bacchus and Gamma is not in conjunction with the FAC By-Laws since the organization wanted to have musical groups perform. Bacchus and Gamma requested money for food but FAC felt that food was not longer the event with the musical performances.

Catholic Newman Center

Amount Requested:$15,485

Amount Allotted: $0

FAC Voted: 6-0-3

The Newman Center will not receive funding because its requests totaled over $15.000, which is a large portion of FAC’s budget. FAC feels that without full financial support this event would not occur and the maximum available allotment is $5000 per organization.

Delta Sigma Pi

Amount Requested: $3228

FAC voted 5-4-0 to fund for $2620

Amount Allotted: $0

Delta Sigma Pi will not receive funding because the vote must be 6-9 and the vote for this event was 5-4-0.

ICA Groups Denied Funding

Triathlon and Running Club

Amount Requested:$700

Amount Allotted: $0

FAC Voted: 8-0-1

The Triathlon and Running Club will not receive FAC funding for the Spring semester because the team failed to use its allotted funds this semester.

American Institute of Graphic Artists

Chicago Conference

Amount Requested: $4600

Amount Allotted: $0

FAC Voted: 6-3-0

FAC will not fund this organization for its members to attend a conference in Chicago because of the amount requested. FAC is not able to fund the entire trip and we feel that without full financial support the trip would not occur.