Group C Presentation Plan
Hi Guys,
It’s that time of year again – presentation time! Now the MRCGP exams are over, and I’ve had a nice mini-break in Rome, I thought I had better type up our action plan since we are discussing it tomorrow at half day release.
So, as a group, we’ve decided to do a presentation/ISCE on Women’s Health, as many of us felt we lacked knowledge and skills in different aspects of common women’s health problems.
We’ve decided to do 6 ISCE stations over the afternoon, 15 minutes each, 3 before the break and 3 after. There will be at least one of us (from group C) supervising each station. We have also managed to persuade a lady called Angela to help us for the afternoon; she is an obs & gynae clinical skills tutor and she can provide a female mannequin for the PV examination.
Thanks to everyone who attended this session for volunteering to do the different stations. For those who weren’t there, we hope you don’t mind that we’ve put you down to help out with a particular topic.
If you read this in time, can you print it out and bring it tomorrow. I have some info on family planning, sexual health, and menstrual problems which I’ll bring along. If anyone has useful info on any of the following topics please bring it to the session.
1.Family Planning
- Gain overview of contraceptive methods available to women – OCP, LARC etc
- Know what to do in emergency situation – UPSI, missed pill
- Know how and when to start/swap/stop contraception – contraindications, risk factors etc
- Case scenarios/quiz
- Hand outs – info on missed pills, comparisons of different contraceptive methods
- Visual aids e.g. pill packets, implant, mirena etc.
- Lisa and Taz to present
2.Gynaecological Examination
- To be confident and competent in performing PV exam, speculum, HV/cervical swabs
- To recognise cervical abnormalities when using speculum, and when to refer urgently
- To familiarise ourselves with the guidelines on the use of chaperones
- Practicing digital PV exam, speculum and how to do swab on mannequin
- Pictures of cervical abnormalities
- Hand outs on up to date chaperone guidelines
- Rich and Angela to present
3.Antenatal Care
- To feel more confident in examining the abdomen at different stages through pregnancy
- To familiarise ourselves with the journey through ante-natal care – inc. BP, urinalysis, bloods, scans etc
- To recognise unwell/high risk pregnant women - when to admit to hospital/urgent referral
- Talking through an antenatal consultation – hx taking and examination
- Use of tape measure for symphis-fundal ht, doppler, pregnancy wheel
- Hand out current NICE guidelines for antenatal care in general practice
- Naz and Catherine to present
4.STIs and Cervical Screening
- How to take a sexual history
- How to recognise STI’s and potential complications
- Know sexual health services available to us within Bradford area and cervical screenig guidelines
- Video on how/how not to take sexual history
- Picture quiz on STIs
- Handout - cervical screening guidelines and sexual health services
- Raj and samina to present
5.Menstrual Problems
- To recognise difference between dysfunctional bleeding/cancerous lesion
- How to manage dysfunctional bleeding and when to refer
- Case scenarios
- Algorhythm quiz for management of menorrhagia – fill in the blanks
- Handout on New NICE menorrhagia guidelines
- Aneela and Nabeela to present
6.Menopause and HRT
- Recognition of symptoms and signs of menopause
- How to discuss contraceptive issues in peri-menopausal women
- Understanding HRT – types, benefits, risks, contraindications
- Running through a consultation – power-point, questions and answers
- Handouts on benefits/risks/contraindications of HRT
- Zoe to present