Groes Primary School

PDG Action Plan 2017- 18

PDG/ EYPDG Action:
  1. To provide emotional support for pupils to enable them to access the curriculum- closing the gap
  2. To raise standards in literacy targeting vulnerable groups
  3. To raise standards in numeracy targeting vulnerable groups
Strategic Lead : Kate Key Supported by:- Jenny Tomkins and Ceri Scourfield / PDG & EYPDG- £27,600
School based: Action 1- LSA Level 3 x 5 hours- £2,730
Action 1- LSA Level 3 x 15 hours- £8,190
Action 2- LSA Level 3 x 10 hours- £5,460
Action 2- LSA Level 3 x 15 hours- £10,505
Action 2- LSA Level 3 x 7.5 hours- £4,095
Action 2- Resources- £1,325
Action 3- LSA level 3 x 10 hours £6,422
Action 3- LSA level 3 x 17.5 hours £12,255
Action 3- LSA level 3 x 5 hours £2,730
Action 3- LSA level 3 x 12.5 hours £6,825
(literacy, numeracy & closing the gap)
Outcomes: Success Criteria
  1. To improve pupil’s confidence and self-esteem and subsequently raise attainment- tracking progress using Boxall Profiling, Incerts, internal assessment data; entry and exit data to track progress and impact of intervention.
  2. To raise attainment in English by strategic intervention programmes- tracking progress using Incerts, Salford reading test, literacy test results and internal assessments to track progress and impact of intervention.
  3. To raise attainment in maths by strategic intervention programmes- tracking progress using Incerts, numeracy test results and internal assessments to track progress and impact of intervention.

Target Date
Monitoring and Evaluation
Action 1- SIP target 1 To identify vulnerable pupils FSM and/ or open to Social Services who required emotional support to enable them to access the curriculum.
September 2017
Use of vulnerability rating, pre- Boxall and Boxall Profile and track literacy & numeracy levels using Incerts (entry exit assessment).
Establish a drop in/ out session every Monday morning for pupils who have difficulty adjusting back into the school timetable following the weekend.
September 2017
Use of vulnerability rating, pre- Boxall and Boxall Profile and track literacy & numeracy levels using Incerts (entry exit assessment).
Establish nurture groups (play therapy) for Nursery pupils and deliver 5 hours of nurture per week.
September 2017
Use of vulnerability rating, pre- Boxall and Boxall Profile and track literacy & numeracy levels using Foundation Phase Profile.
Establish nurture groups for FPH & KS2 pupils and deliver 15 hours of nurture per week.
September 2017

Use of vulnerability rating, pre- Boxall and Boxall Profile and track literacy & numeracy levels using Incerts (entry exit assessment).


Review progress of pupils at the end of the term to measure impact on confidence, self- esteem and progress in learning.


December 2017 -Spring 2018


Use of vulnerability rating, pre- Boxall and Boxall Profile and track literacy & numeracy levels using Incerts (entry exit assessment).


Action 2- SIP target 1 and 5

To identify and improve the outcome of FSM pupils with a standardised score lower than 85 and up to 90. In addition to this, improve outcomes for FSM pupils identified as MAT pupils. /

September 2017


Baseline reading assessment using Salford Reading Test.


To identify and improve the expressive and understanding of language outcomes of Nursery pupils on FSM, using Wellcom speech and language toolkit for intervention.


October 2017


Use of Wellcom speech and language toolkit for screening.


To identify and improve the outcome of all Foundation Phase pupils on FSM in literacy, using the foundation Phase Profile and INCERTS.


Autumn 17 & Spring 2018


Impact measured Incerts data and entry and exit criteria for specific intervention.


To identify and improve the outcome of all Key Stage pupils on FSM in literacy.


Autumn 17 & Spring 2018


Impact measured Incerts data and entry and exit criteria for specific intervention.

Action 3- SIP target 2 and 3
To identify and improve the outcome of FSM pupils in basic number skills on entry to school using the Foundation Phase Profile. /

Autumn 2017- Summer 2018


Impact measured through PM targets, Incerts tracking, FPP.

To purchase the new Firm Foundations Class kit (£209), teaching pack (£107) and starter apparatus pack (£260) to use with pupils to develop basic understanding and concepts. /

October 2017


Impact measured through PM targets, Incerts tracking, FPP.

To identify and improve the outcome of FSM pupils in Using & Applying in Maths to improve their problem solving and reasoning skills. /

Autumn 17 & Spring 18


Impact measured through PM targets, Incerts tracking and internal maths data.


To identify and improve the outcome of Key Stage 2 pupils on FSM in numeracy using Incerts levels from July 2017- focusing on Basic Skills pupils Particularly focusing on cohort 18.


Autumn 17 & Spring 18


Impact measured through PM targets, Incerts tracking and internal maths data.


Note- After exit data is gathered. Pupil scores will be analysed and groups adjusted at the start of each term to ensure all pupils’ needs are met.

K.Key (27.9.17)

Acting Headteacher Groes Primary School