Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at East Grimstead Hall on Monday 15th August 2005.

Present: Mr G Bayford, Chairman, presiding, Mrs R Clark and Mrs L Paramor, District Councillors Richard Britton and Leo Randall and County Councillor Moss together with six members of the public (one of whom was a representative from the Wiltshire Fire Service)

Apologies were received from Mr R Amor and Mr A Woodley.

Following the resignation in writing by Mr Richard Parsons, the chairman thanked him for all that he had done for the council during his years in office and explained that advertisements for a new clerk would be posted on the notice boards in the near future. Richard stated that although he felt unable to continue as clerk, he would be willing to help to ensure the smooth running of the council.

A member of the public asked if it was the intention of the Council to maintain the web site but the chairman replied it would not be a stipulation in the job description.

Declaration of Interest Mrs Clark declared her prejudicial interest in Mack’s Lane

Vacancy John Wrigley, a parishioner from East Grimstead, expressed an interest in filling the vacancy. Mrs Paramor proposed that he be appointed. Mrs Clark was opposed to this stating that she felt he had let down the council on a previous matter. However Mr Bayford seconded the proposal and he was duly co-opted on to the council and took his seat at the table.

The Minutes of the previous meeting held on the 4th July were amended as follows:

62.05 – Public Forum – to be deleted

66.05 (b) - Macks Lane – the clerk was asked to contact WCC regarding Mr Bill Riley’s relationship with the County Council .

66.05 (c) Footpath 10. – the clerk was asked to contact both the Trustees and Mr Knapman regarding the route of this path as shown on the Definitive Map, with copy letter to Nick Cowans, footpath warden.

Planning Meeting on 27th July Delete “Proposed tractor garage at Old Keepers Cottage, West Grimstead SP5 3RN”

Following these amendments the minutes were signed.


69.05Clerk’s resignation The clerk’s wife agreed to undertake the work of the clerk until such time as a new clerk was appointed. We will advertise in the parish magazines and also the notice boards. If unsuccessful then adverts will be placed in the local paper.

70.05Chalk Pit Mrs Clark has asked for all the information on the chalk pit from Mr Parsons.

71.05R5 Land at West Grimstead We have been in touch with our solicitor, Mr Mansell who is unable to throw any more light so we are no further forward and are thus going to have to withdraw our Compulsory Purchase Order from the District Council as it is far too costly for us to undertake. Mrs Clark suggested this should be shelved for the time being. Mr Wrigley stated that an existing Standing Order prevents this from being discussed for six months.

72.05Refuse Lorry The date for this has been changed from the 3rd September to the 10th September due to the August Bank Holiday. It was proposed to park this lorry at the entrance of Greenfields for one hour and outside the village hall for an hour. We will have to liaise with the District Council to co-ordinate the project. Nick Derbyshire or Bob Checker are the people we deal with. If the project is successful East Grimstead will have an opportunity for the same facility later in the year.

73.05Play Facilities at East Grimstead This item has arisen as a result of the Public Meeting. John Wrigley stated that there were no fields available at the moment. He felt money should be spent on Footpath No. 23 leading from Bugmore Lane into Bentley Wood. At present this is very overgrown with stinging nettles and brambles with the width in places being no more than two feet thus preventing children with bikes being able to get through. Councillor Moss advised that we could go ahead and cut back the branches, weeds, etc. Mr Bayford and Mr Wrigley to look at the site.

74.05Transport, Roads and Footpaths The lengthsmen have carried out various work in the parish including clearing by the telephone box in West Grimstead, the grass by Willow Cottage, East Grimstead, the tidying of kerbs at Greenfields, cleaning of the West Grimstead sign etc.

75.05(a)Mack’s Lane, West Grimstead Mrs Clark left the room because of her interest in this matter. A letter has been received from the County Council stating that it is proposed to make a Traffic Regulation Order on Macks Lane. This District Council discussed this matter at its recent Southern Area Planning Meeting and were in complete agreement for the path to remain a footpath only. It was decided we should write and support the District Council. District Councillor, Richard Britton mentioned that it is against County policy to impose pre-emptive TROs. Letters are being sent to Janice Green from the District Councillors stating emphatically that it should remain as a footpath.

75.05(b) Footpath 13 – Gay’s Drove Nothing to report

75.05(c)Footpath 10 - East Grimstead Letter received from Mr George Knapman stating that he is in agreement for the route to go through his field. Janice Green to be informed to send him the necessary paperwork.

76.05Transport Representative The chairman agreed to act as representative

77.05Reports and Correspondence Ms Melanie Jezzard from the Wiltshire Fire Brigade gave an interesting talk on smoke alarms. She said that remote villages (more than 20 minutes away from the local fire stations) were vulnerable and explained that free smoke alarms lasting 10 years would be fitted to anyone that wished. She left leaflets

which could be given to people who councillors thought may need them. We would then send them back en bloc and await the fitting which is done by the firefighters when they are not too busy. A notice will be placed in the local magazine. The Fire Brigade are targeting every age group especially adolescents with regard to motor accidents. The chairman thanked her for her coming and apologised for not letting her speak earlier but was unaware of her attending the meeting.

No other reports.

78.05Finance The annual return for 2004/2005 was discussed. Members agreed this. Many questions were asked but everything is in order. This has to be sent off in the not too distant future.

Accounts for Payment: Richard Parsons, clerk’s salary and expenses £444.82

Councillors were in agreement to pay this.

79.05Any Other Business

Toddler’s Seat According to Mrs Clark, Playdale say they have received no order from us but according to Richard Parsons an email was sent in June – a copy of which was to hand. The chairman to look into this.

Planning Application There were no objections to a recent planning application for Mr Knapman.

Hedge cutting The hedges on both sides are badly overgrown along Crockford Road West Grimstead. Also along the East Grimstead/Farley road on the right hand side. The County Council to be informed.

Footway from West Grimstead to Alderbury This item to be placed on the agenda for next time. It does appear in the Community Plan and it is a County problem as part of the land is privately owned.

80.05Date of Next Meeting Monday 3rd October at West Grimstead Village Hall. (This has been changed from the 26th September due to the chairman being on holiday.)

There being no other business to discuss, the meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.