Instructor: Mrs. Senneway

Instructor: Mrs. Senneway

Algebra Part A


Instructor: Mrs. Senneway


Textbook (accessed by worksheet on iPad): Carnegie Learning Algebra I

Class Website: USC Teacher Page,

What will I do in Algebra I?


-graphing points-graphing lines -graphing curves

-defining variables-writing algebraic expressions -writing algebraic equations

-solving equations-collecting & analyzing data -finding slope of a line

-finding intercepts-solve real world situations


  2. Mrs. Senneway’s Teacher Page
  3. Carnegie Learning Online Program, MATHia

Typical week:

Generally, we will be spending 4 days per week on lessons and 1 day on the coinciding iPad accessible program, MATHia. During the lessons, you will work through “real world” situations in groups and as a whole class. During the technology days, you will be working independently. This program is designed to provide you with even more “real world” problems. The program will keep track of problems you complete and provide prompts to assist you in mastering each skill/concept.

How will I receive a grade??

Grading will be based on five main categories –


You can expect to have an average of one quiz or test every two weeks.


As long as you are working as assigned, you can earn a max of 5 points per lab day.


  • Each assignment is worth 5 points if completed according to the directions given for that particular assignment. You are expected to at least try every problem.
  • Assignments that are incomplete ornot done according to the directions will not receive full credit.
  • Late homework Policy: Each day your homework is late, you lose one point.

Projects, Presentations, and Cooperative Learning

Sometimes you will be required to work cooperatively with other students to complete in class assignments. Students who do not participate will not receive full credit on team assignments.

Write Abouts

  • You will be required to complete 3-4 Write-Abouts per chapter. Write-Abouts will be assigned as class work and/or homework, and may includesolving and writing an explanation to a mathematical problem, writing a comparison of two problem situations, or explaining a mathematical current event. Write-Abouts are graded for accuracy!

General Class Procedures

  1. Arrive to class on time with all materials.
  2. Complete the Warm-Up problem(s), if provided.
  3. Check homework as prompted.
  4. Directions and objectives will then be given for the day.
  5. If you finish an activity early, you may begin the homework assignment. You must stay in your seats while the other students finish.
  6. If you have a question, please raise your hand.

What if I’m absent??

Ask Mrs. Senneway and check out the teacher page for the weekly agenda. If you miss class, complete the assignment(s) on the agenda.

MATHia At Home…

You may complete tech time at home by logging onto the Carnegie Learning Server:

  1. Go to the Fort Couch website
  2. Click on “Student Links”
  3. Choose “MATHia”

My computer programUsername:______

Student and Guardian Signature

I have read and discussed the course policies and procedures with my student/guardian.



