Greysbranch Elementary

Policy # 2.03 G

Greysbranch Elementary

Upper Primary Exit Criteria Policy

Each primary grade level has developed an “Exit Criteria” document that lists the minimum skills needed to successfully advance to the next primary or intermediate level. These documents will be included in the opening day packet. There will be a signature sheet at the bottom of each exit criteria document, which will be signed by the parent or guardian stating that they have received the appropriate exit criteria. In addition, the criteria lists will be printed in the school’s agenda book.

The exit criteria will be sent home at the beginning of the year for the parents to review and sign. In addition, at the end of each nine weeks, the exit criteria will be sent home as well stating the skills the student has mastered. These will be continually reviewed for student achievement purposes. At the beginning of the third nine weeks, teachers will again review exit criteria for each student to determine if a student is not mastering the required skills and possible retention letters will be sent home at that time. During the final nine weeks, a consensus will be reached regarding retention of the student who did not meet the required exit criteria.

If a parent has a question concerning his/her child’s progress, a review committee consisting of the child’s parent(s), a team of teachers, and the principal will be available upon request. If the review committee cannot reach a consensus, a vote will be taken to determine the best placement for the child.

Placement of any student with an IEP concerning reading, math or writing will be determined by the Admission and Release Committee.

If 80% of the entire grade level criteria has not been met, the child will then be referred for retention. The exit criteria requirements must be 80% mastered by the end of each grade level.

A copy of each primary grade level’s exit criteria is listed below.

Upper Primary Exit Criteria

Reading / Requirements
Knows the meaning of grade appropriate words and phrases / 80% Accuracy
Use text features and search tools to locate information / 80% Accuracy
Reads fluently and accurately/Grade level appropriate
Provide examples of multiple meaning words / 100% Accuracy
Identify and understand the meaning of various prefixes and suffixes. (dis-, mis-, re-, un-, -ly, -fully, -ful) / 80% Accuracy
Describe characters and sequence of events / 80% Accuracy
Determine the main idea of a text and recounts key details. / 80% Accuracy
Language Conventions
Demonstrates use of conventional English grammar / 80% Accuracy
Demonstrates use of conventional English mechanics / 80% Accuracy
Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences. / 80% Accuracy
Math / Requirements
Solve problems using the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) / 80% Accuracy
Determines the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation / 80% Accuracy
Solves two step word problems using the four operations / 80% Accuracy
Uses place value to perform multi-digit arithmetic / 80% Accuracy
Represents fractions on a number line / 80% Accuracy
Demonstrates equivalent fractions / 80% Accuracy
Compares two fractions with the same denominator / 80% Accuracy
Tells and writes time to the nearest minute / 80% Accuracy
Finds elapsed time / 80% Accuracy
Measures and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects / 80% Accuracy
Determine area (plane figures) / 80% Accuracy
Determine perimeter of polygons / 80% Accuracy
Understands that shapes share attributes / 80% Accuracy
Divides shapes into equal parts / 80% Accuracy

Citizenship and Work Habits



Observes school/classroom expectations


Based upon teacher observations and discipline charts

Works independently and accurately


Based upon teacher observations and discipline charts

Demonstrates maturity level that will allow them to succeed in fourth grade


Based upon teacher observations and discipline charts

Listens and follows directions


Based upon teacher observations and discipline charts

Completes in class assignments in a timely manner


Based upon teacher observations and discipline charts

Turns in homework


Based upon teacher observations and discipline charts

Greysbranch Elementary

Exit Criteria

Signature Sheet

I am the parent or guardian of ______. I hereby

state that I have received a copy of the Exit Criteria for my child.


Parent / Guardian signatureDate

First Reading: 4/23/2012

Second Reading: 5/8/2012

Review Date: 5/8/2012

SBDM Chair: ______

Jeff Wireman

Recorder: ______

Renata Cox