Approved Minutes
SEC Teleconference
28 July 2015
James Irvine
David Law
Jeff Handal
Fred Surre
Don Heirman
Howard Wolfman
Amin Karim
Samantha Bradley
Jennifer McClain
Draft Agenda v1.0
- Jennifer McClain
- Call to Order (Irvine)
- Roll Call/Introductions (Irvine)
- Approval of draft agenda (Irvine)
- Approval of draft minutes from 9 June 2015 (Irvine)
- Student Grant Applications (Irvine)
- New Application #239
- Final Student Paper #238
- Standards University website project update (McClain)
- Sample 1
- Sample 2
- MOOC Update (McClain/Law)
- eLearning Modules Update (McClain)
- Other Business (Irvine)
- TAB Technical Support Survey (Heirman)
- Next teleconference: 1 Sept 2015 at 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM Eastern
- Adjourn
- James Irvine called the meeting to order at 9:05 AM Eastern.
- Jennifer read the names of everyone on the call.
- The draft minutes from 9 June 2015 were reviewed. Don Heirman moved to approve the minutes. There were no objections. Minutes were approved.
- As a follow up to the 9 June discussion about the Vienna student paper competition, James reported that he had a very productive meeting with Alpesh Shaw from the SA and John Kulick at the Board series. There is a rush to get something in place by September 2015. SEC involvement would be to give students more appreciation of standards through our videos and maybe during the orientation week for the students. We could maybe do the consensus building workshop as part of that activity.
- Lots of SEC produced resources that could be used to support their effort.
- They are looking for a nod from the SEC that we would like to be involved. James said yes the SEC does want to participate.
- Student Grant Applications:
- #239: SEC approved.
- #238 (Final Paper) SEC approved.
- Jennifer provided an update on the development of the Standards University site and two design samples of the site were shown.
- Jennifer and Susan action: Speak with SA marketing to ask where and how they will promote it off their site.
- James, Don, and all agreed that they very much like the design.
- Jennifer pointed out that Susan is leading the effort to develop the website.The members asked that Jennifer tell Susan that they appreciate the great work.
- James is not available for the next several weeks on Thursdays to participate in the website review calls. Jennifer indicated that the review calls could be moved if the group would like. D2 and staff can accommodate their schedules.
- Jennifer provided a MOOC update.
- Action: Jennifer send out the most recent outline to the SEC members.
- MOOC review committee will be meeting again later in the week hopefully or early next week. They will review the more detailed course outline by week, storyboard, SME list and schedule.
- Still on track to film the course in late September/early October.
- Fred provided an update on the eLearning and videos. Goal is to complete 4 modules and 3 videos by the end of 2015.
- Videos: One is done. Two are in process of being reviewed.
- eLearning:
- Ethics in Standards is almost finished. Undergoing a final review.
- How to Read a Standard is now moving into production unless changes were requested during the eLearning Library review committee.
- Conformity Assessment and IEEE Std 1588: draftshave been circulated to the review committee for review.
- On track so far to complete them all on time.
- Howard and Fred complimented Tara Gallas on her efforts, saying she has been a great help.
- Don talked about the TAB survey. SEC members and participants should refer to his email from 28 July 2015.
- The survey is in draft form and is not for further distribution right now. Don sent it to the SEC reflector.
- Just wanted to introduce the survey to the SEC. Results from the surveycould be useful to the SEC for our future planning for the Standards University.
- Don is on the committee, so he will be asking that the results be made available.
- James said they had great success in their society getting 30 applicants for a vice-chair. Don suggested James write an eZine article about this.
- Jeff Handal reported they are holding another student competition beginning from September 2015 to January 2016. Winners will be announced in April 2016 for the Region 5 meeting. Will keep us up to date.
- Next call is 1 Sept 2015 at 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM Eastern.
- Call was adjourned at 9:45 AM.
Summary of Action Items:
- Jennifer and Susan: Speak with SA marketing to ask where and how they will promote Standards University site off their site.
- Jennifer send out the most recent MOOC outline to the SEC members.