@ Gresford Public School library
Meeting opened: 6.03pm
Attendance: Hazel Craig (vice-pres), Pauline Mitchell (principal), Amanda Sellens (treasurer), Julie Hartigan (secretary), Belinda Joliffe, Amanda Silver, Toni Creak, Sylvia Lawrence.
Apologies: Ange Kelehear (president), Sharon Hill, Lyndell Osmond, Lou Whyte, Kristy Duncan, Jo Locke (vice-president), Alissa Abra, Catherine Smith.
Motion: That the minutes of the previous meeting be adopted.
Moved: Sylvia Lawrence
Second: Amanda Sellens
Correspondence in:
- Ticket donations to the ball from Beth Tickle, Rob Thornton, Martin Addison
- Ball donation (cheque) from Dungog Bakery
- Ball inquiry from FMX Kaos
- P&C magazines
Correspondence out:
- Cheques for payment
Treasurer’s report (Amanda Sellens): The treasurer’s report shows the P&C account has a balance of $7335.71. Canteen account balance $5089.08. Cattle Club account $2229.79. Reports attached.
Motion: That the treasurer’s report be adopted.
Moved: Amanda Silver
Second: Belinda Joliffe
Principal’s report (Pauline Mitchell): Attached.
Motion: That the principal’s report be adopted.
Moved: Toni Creak
Second: Sylvia Lawrence
Motion: That the P&C order six stainless steel (silver) commemorative keyrings for the Year 6 students’ farewell gift at a cost of $20 each (less 20% discount) from Stamped On. Julie Hartigan to order.
Moved: Hazel Craig
Second: Toni Creak
Motion: That the P&C subsidise the Bell Shakespeare performance planned for next year for $250.
Moved: Sylvia Lawrence
Second: Hazel Craig
Motion: That the P&C subsidise the end-of-year science excursion to Newcastle Museum for all students on December 8 at a cost of $250.
Moved: Toni Creak
Second: Amanda Silver
YEARBOOK: Julie Hartigan advised that all eight sponsors from last year’s yearbook had committed to being sponsors again this year at a cost of $200 each. They are Jupp’s Earthmoving, farrier Shannon Smith, Survey Drafting and Resources, Stewart Everett Mitsubishi, Hotel Beatty, Gresford Foodworks, Gresford Meats and Gresford Public School P&C Association.
LAS VEGAS BALL: Treasurer Amanda Sellens advised that, at the moment, the P&C’s What Happens in Vegas … fundraising ball on October 17 was showing a $7833 profit with one bill still to pay. It is safe to say that the ball raised $7500. It was agreed that it was a fantastic night with a wonderful result for the school.
LAS VEGAS BALL (RAFFLE WINNERS): Winners of the major raffle were first prize Karen Stafford ($1000 travel voucher); second Glenda Smith (television); and third Leila O’Connor (Billabong pack).
LAS VEGAS BALL (AUCTION): The auction items raised a combined $3240:
1. Mansfield at the Beach $300
2. Puma cricket bat, Rebel gift card + signed Kaboom Kids books $220
3. 2 x RB Sellars rugby jerseys $80
4. mxTrixx Micro scooter $280
5. Helicopter Flight (Hunter Helicopters) $700
6. Tennis racquet $100
7. Shot By T photography voucher $125
8. Heritage Retreat $300
9. Wine rack and Lake’s Folly wines $340
10. Gresford Vacy Scorpions pack $220
11. Melbourne Watch Co watch $325
12. Tar 10 pack $250
NEXT P&C MEETING: Friday, November 20, at 10am in the school library.
AGM REMINDER: Friday, February 19, 2016, at 10am in the school library.
MINUTES TAKEN BY: Secretary Julie Hartigan.