August 25, 2016
Greetings Theatre Families!
Welcome to the 2016-17 school year. As usual, Clements Theatre has hit the deck running. We are off to a great start and the students are eagerly anticipating lots of great productions, socials and events. For parents of Freshmen or students new-to-Theatre, on behalf of the Clements Theatre Arts Booster Club we want to extend a very warm welcome to you. You are in for a great experience. The teachers and students do a wonderful job of including the newbies and getting them plugged in.
Attached you will find the 2016-17 Booster Club membership form. Please join Boosters. We are a fun, supportive group of parents who gather to support the Clements Theatre department events, students, and staff. Here are a few reasons to join Boosters:
Joining Booster Club is the best way to…….
- Learn all the new Theatre vocabulary that your kids will be using…..CIA, SDOAP, NINJAS, ITF, Black Box, UIL. (You know your child is a Thespian if you find yourself also using these terms and expecting to be understood)
- Stay on top of upcoming events, and important dates
- Meet the parents of the kids your student is spending a lot of time with.
- Pitch in by volunteering a wee bit of your time and talents. There is always a need, so please consider joining Theatre Boosters and supporting this very worthy cause.
The Booster Club meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the Black Box. Please note we only have ONE Booster meeting before the Fall show, so please attend. Everyone is welcome.
Here are some initial dates to put on your calendar:
Friday 8/26 – 3:00 in the Auditorium – first Thespian Troupe meeting (all students welcome)
Tuesday 9/6 - 7pm In the Black Box. First Booster Club meeting! (CHS room 1602)
Monday 9/12 – Student ads for Fall Show program are due
Sept 29, 30 & Oct 1, 3 FALL SHOW. “The Miser” (7pm CHS Auditorium)
Sept 29, 30 SDOAP round 1 auditions
The Fall semester is off with a bang. We hope to see many familiar faces and lots of fresh faces at our first Booster Club meeting on Tuesday 9/6 at 7pm. Membership forms and “The Miser” ad forms can be turned in at the meeting or mailed to the PO box listed on the forms. We look forward to meeting you soon.
Kristen Manz, Pert Mosley, Nancy Dunham, Renee Mock and Joyce Kamla,
President Vice President Treasurer Recording Secretaries