Field Experiences Rubric
Instructor: K. Kimbell-Lopez
Assessment Description / Course participants are to complete the following required activities as part of an overall field experience project—description of the field experience, number of hours, a critical reflection, and alignment with relevant standards.Assessment
Type / Field Experiences Portfolio
Course Objectives Addressed / A.Be aware of relevant content standards for reading/language arts and ISTE technology standards.
B. Demonstrate a knowledge of basic content as it applies to these critical areas.
C. Develop and implement technology-based learning activities that focus on these critical areas.
Element / Outcomes & Standards Alignment / Target / Acceptable / Unacceptable
1. Description of Blog Activity / STAR Cornerstone A, B; Competency 1, 2, 3, 4
NETS TF III / Provides complete and comprehensive overview of how the blog was incorporated into the classroom across the quarter.A critical reflection of the activity was also included that illustrated the success of the activity, what changes need to be made in the future, or areas that need to be retaught.The student also assisted another teacher in the development of a blog, and all required elements were included. The required number of field experience hours was completed.
18-20 Points / Provides a partial overview of how the blog was incorporated into the classroom across the quarter. A critical reflection of the activity was also included that illustrated the success of the activity, what changes need to be made in the future, or areas that need to be retaught. The student also assisted another teacher in the development of a blog., and four or more of the required elements were included. Three or four of the required number of field experience hours was completed.
15-18 Points / The overview of how the blog was incorporated into the classroom across the quarter was lacking in description. A critical reflection of the activity was not included that illustrated the success of the activity, what changes need to be made in the future, or areas that need to be retaught. The student also assisted another teacher in the development of a blog, although major elements were missing, OR the blog was not created at all. The required number of field experience hours was not completed.
<14 Points
2. Description of Storybook Activity / STAR Cornerstone A, B; Competency 1, 2, 3, 4
NETS TF III / Provides complete and comprehensive overview of how the storybook was incorporated into the classroom across the quarter. A critical reflection of the activity was also included that illustrated the success of the activity, what changes need to be made in the future, or areas that need to be retaught. The required number of field experience hours wascompleted.
18-20 Points / Provides a partial overview of how the blog was incorporated into the classroom across the quarter. A critical reflection of the activity was also included that illustrated the success of the activity, what changes need to be made in the future, or areas that need to be retaught. Two of the three required number of field experience hours was completed.
15-18 Points / The overview of how the blog was incorporated into the classroom across the quarter was lacking in description. A critical reflection of the activity was not included that illustrated the success of the activity, what changes need to be made in the future, or areas that need to be retaught. The required number of field experience hours was not completed.
<14 Points
3. Completion of classroom observation hours / STAR Cornerstone A, B; Competency 1, 2, 3, 4
NETS TFIII / The required number of observation hours was completed, and each observation was completed in a different teacher’s room. A complete description was provided for each observation hour.
18-20 Points / Most of the required observation hours were completed in three different teacher’s classrooms. The description provided could have included more detail.
15-18 Points / The required number of observation hours was not completed, and/or three different teachers were not observed. A thorough description was not provided.
<14 Points
4. Discussion of ISTE NETS-Ss #1-Creativity and Innovation / STAR Cornerstone A, C; Competency 1, 2, 3, 4
NETS TF IV / Candidateeither described how the students in the classroom reflected this ISTE standard, AND the student recommended what the teacher could do to facilitate this element. The description is thorough with specific examples provided.
9-10 Points / Both elements were not addressed--Candidateeither described how the students in the classroom reflected this ISTE standard, or the candidate recommended what the teacher could do to address this element.
7-8 Points / Neither of the elements were addressed—Candidate did not describe how students reflected this ISTE standard, and the candidate did not recommend what the teacher could do to address this element.
6 Points
5. Discussion of ISTE NETS-Ss #2-
Communication and Collaboration / STAR Cornerstone A, C; Competency 1, 2, 3, 4
NETS TF IV / Candidateeither described how the students in the classroom reflected this ISTE standard, AND the student recommended what the teacher could do to facilitate this element. The description is thorough with specific examples provided.
9-10 Points / Both elements were not addressed--Candidateeither described how the students in the classroom reflected this ISTE standard, or the candidate recommended what the teacher could do to address this element.
7-8 Points / Neither of the elements were addressed—Candidate did not describe how students reflected this ISTE standard, and the candidate did not recommend what the teacher could do to address this element.
6 Points
6. Discussion of ISTE NETS-Ss #3-Research and Information Fluency / STAR Cornerstone A, C; Competency 1, 2, 3, 4
NETS TF IV / Candidateeither described how the students in the classroom reflected this ISTE standard, AND the student recommended what the teacher could do to facilitate this element. The description is thorough with specific examples provided.
9-10 Points / Both elements were not addressed--Candidateeither described how the students in the classroom reflected this ISTE standard, or the candidate recommended what the teacher could do to address this element.
7-8 Points / Neither of the elements were addressed—Candidate did not describe how students reflected this ISTE standard, and the candidate did not recommend what the teacher could do to address this element.
6 Points
7. Discussion of ISTE NETS-Ss #4-Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making / STAR Cornerstone A, C; Competency 1, 2, 3, 4
NETS TF IV / Candidateeither described how the students in the classroom reflected this ISTE standard, AND the student recommended what the teacher could do to facilitate this element. The description is thorough with specific examples provided.
9-10 Points / Both elements were not addressed--Candidateeither described how the students in the classroom reflected this ISTE standard, or the candidate recommended what the teacher could do to address this element.
7-8 Points / Neither of the elements were addressed—Candidate did not describe how students reflected this ISTE standard, and the candidate did not recommend what the teacher could do to address this element.
6 Points
7. Discussion of ISTE NETS-Ss #5-Digital Citizenship / STAR Cornerstone A, C; Competency 1, 2, 3, 4
NETS TF IV / Candidateeither described how the students in the classroom reflected this ISTE standard, AND the student recommended what the teacher could do to facilitate this element. The description is thorough with specific examples provided.
9-10 Points / Both elements were not addressed--Candidateeither described how the students in the classroom reflected this ISTE standard, or the candidate recommended what the teacher could do to address this element.
7-8 Points / Neither of the elements were addressed—Candidate did not describe how students reflected this ISTE standard, and the candidate did not recommend what the teacher could do to address this element.
6 Points
7. Discussion of ISTE NETS-Ss #6-Technology Operations and Concepts / STAR Cornerstone A, C; Competency 1, 2, 3, 4
NETS TF IV / Candidateeither described how the students in the classroom reflected this ISTE standard, AND the student recommended what the teacher could do to facilitate this element. The description is thorough with specific examples provided.
9-10 Points / Both elements were not addressed--Candidateeither described how the students in the classroom reflected this ISTE standard, or the candidate recommended what the teacher could do to address this element.
7-8 Points / Neither of the elements were addressed—Candidate did not describe how students reflected this ISTE standard, and the candidate did not recommend what the teacher could do to address this element.
6 Points
8. The Portfolio diversity hours were identified / NETS TF IV / All required elements (i.e., 6 of 11) of the COE Portfolio were met. Each was clearly labeled and identified.
18-20 Points / Most of the required elements (i.e, 4-5 of 11) of the COE Portfolio were met. Each was clearly labeled and identified.
15-18 Points / All required elements (i.e., 3 or less) were not met. Each was not clearly labeled and identified.
<14 Points
SubTOTAL Points
TOTAL / /140 Points