Greetings! Leagues will be starting soon. Below is the basic league information for your review. If you have any questions please let me know.

  • Leagues will be at 11:00, 1:00, 230, 3:30, and 4:30
  • Due to the size the 4:30 league has been in the past, please consider an earlier league if possible.
  • Drop Zone will be applied for shots in the water on 9.
  • 11:00, 1:30, & 2:30 will not have Tee Times. If you are in the 2:30 League and your group is ready at 2:15, and the box is open, don’t hesitate to start your round. Ready play early in day keeps all leagues moving.
  • Slow play will always remain an issue. Please talk with your group on the first Tee and encourage ready golf and establish etiquette when needed (i.e. pick clean and place when needed etc.)
  • Weather permitting; League will start on May 8th. We will have a league practice round on May 1st.
  • League fees will be $35.00 per person per league
  • You can mail in or drop off your registration form at the clubhouse.
  • We experienced scheduling issues last year based on two factors: 1) Late team entries and 2) scheduling requests. Although we will try and work with scheduling, maintaining requests for all weeks is becoming unrealistic. For example, if you request to tee off after 3:00, you should expect that there may be weeks in which you will be scheduled before 3:00. As is always the case, you can work out scheduling conflicts with your opponents and try and swap with other teams if possible.
  • Teams or participants that are not paid by week one will take zero points per week until paid. Please have your registration and payment made on or prior to the practice week of May 1st.
  • Please plan on attending the Men’s League Meeting to be held at 5:15 on Tuesday, May 1st. This is your opportunity to ask questions and address any issues we’ve had in previous years. We are looking into changing the way we determine who tees off on which tee box (red, yellow, white, or blue) and we want your input. We will also be looking for Men’s League committee members. If you are interested let me know and I will include you on a ballot.


Mike would like to create a list of volunteers that would potentially be willing to help out with spring course cleanup or help to pick up after a storm. If you would like to be included on the “storm cleanup list”, please complete the appropriate section on the league registration form. Thank you!