May 7, 1999

Greetings from Dallas!

My name is Toomas Niemann, although you may remember me as “Mas” from our days at West Point! I hope all is well for you and this letter finds you in high spirits!

After a very enjoyable career in the military, serving in various positions and culminating with company command, my wife, Kristy, and I made the decision to separate from the military in search of a more stable environment to bring up our newborn child, Shyla Brynn. After researching all the recruiting firms out there, I chose Lucas Group largely due to their personalities and the vast opportunities they offered a hard-charging JMO from West Point. After an extremely successful conference, I was offered my current position and the opportunity to service my fellow officers and classmates make the crossover into their second career.

I would like to invite you to contact me at (800) 878-4666 ext 157 or to discuss the opportunities for transitioning you into Corporate America. As a recent departee from the Army and graduate of the “career search program”, I want to assure you that our brothers and sisters in Corporate America are starving for individuals of your caliber and pedigree. With the unemployment rate at a low 4.2% and the ever-increasing growth of corporations throughout the United States, the skills and attributes that you can provide make you the ideal candidate for the Lucas Group Program. The following information clearly describes why Lucas Group is, without a doubt, the #1 Junior Military Officer Placement firm in America!

First and foremost, we are #1 in terms of our client base. Lucas Group works with close to 1,000 different companies each year, with names like America Online, American Airlines,, DaimlerChrysler Corporation, Compaq Computers, Exxon, Fujitsu, General Electric, General Motors, IBM, John Deere, Kraft, Lucent Technologies, Microsoft, Nextel Communications, and hundreds more. As a matter of fact, you would be hard-pressed to find an elite organization that does not employ our services.

The second area we are #1 are our hiring conferences. We hold the largest hiring conferences in the country, with an average of 55-60 companies in attendance. Our largest hiring conference in 1998 was held in Chicago with 94 companies looking for junior military officers such as you and me! We have 26 hiring conferences scheduled for 1999, to include May 24-25 in Nashville, TN and June 16-18 in Austin, TX, and even more planned for 2000! Your availability date to start a new career should be around 100 days or less from the conference interviews.

The third area we are #1 is our placement rate into Corporate America. We successfully placed over 1200 officers for 1998 and will place over 1500 for 1999. The average salary for a mid-level management position has been $50K - $52K, with the high of $85K + 10% bonus. Having a large client base allows us to work with a diverse group of officers, with West Point graduates leading the way in the highest tier of compensation packages.

I look forward to talking to you, one on one, about your transition into Corporate America! Please fill out the enclosed application and send it back to me. As soon as I receive it I will contact you so that we can begin the process that will inevitably place you in front of the finest corporations in America! Take care!


Toomas “Mas” Niemann

USMA ’94

Candidate Consultant

Junior Officer Application

Instructions: Complete the application and e-mail or fax it back to the email address or number below:

Arveldia Ware Note: Mail/Fax the following documents:
12655 N. Central Expressway, Suite 730 Copies of ALL OERs

Dallas, TX 75243 Copies of training certificates

800878-4666 Ext. 132 Copies of significant awards

Fax: 972 239-6890 Copies of Academic Transcripts
Email: , , Business, Casual or Military Photograph
or Email resume






Application Date:

Street Address:


Apt #








Home Phone:


Work Phone:





Own / Rent / Gov't


Home of Record:


Spouse's Name:

Military Move From:


(state) to




Nearest Airport:

# of Children:


Location your parents live:

Location your spouse's parents live:

Name and phone number of relative (not your spouse) who knows how to reach you:


Undergraduate Institution:





GPA: (on a 4.0 scale):


Activities and Awards:

Graduate Institution:





GPA: (on a 4.0 scale):


Activities and Awards:


Current Command:



USN / USA / USAF / USMC / USCG Branch/Specialty/MOS:


Yrs Service:

Positions Held






















Military Awards:

Reason for Leaving the Military:

Separation Date:


Earliest Start Date:


Desired Date:


Computer Expertise Hardware:


Foreign Language Skills:

Civilian Work Experience:

How you heard about Lucas Group:

Other Leaders or Technicians considering a future corporate career to whom we should send or email an information brochure:



Address/Email Address




Indicate the desirability of the following career fields on a scale of "1 to 10" (10 = MOST desirable, 1 being = desirable):




Business Operations:



Material Management [Logistics]:









Production Supervision:


Engineering Management:

Maintenance Supervision:


Field Service Engineer:

Quality Assurance:






Other career fields you may be considering and their desirability:


Indicate importance of the following career parameters on a scale of "1 to 10" (10 = MOST desirable, 1 = LEAST desirable):

Northern California:



Southern California:



Northwest (WA, OR):


Southeast (MS,KY,AL,FL,GA,SC,NC,TN):

Rockies (CO,MT,ID,UT,NV,WY):


Mid-Atlantic (WV, VA, MD, OH, PA, NJ):

Southwest (AZ,NM,WESTERN TX):


Northeast (NY, CT, RI, NH, VT, MA, ME):

Other more specific locations (including cities) you may be considering and their desirability:

Indicate the importance of the following career parameters on a scale of "1 to 10" (10 being MOST desirable, I being LEAST desirable):



Position Type:



Industry Type:

Growth Potential:


Company Name/Reputation:


Current Monthly Compensation


Desired Compensation

Base Pay:


Desired Annual Base:




Status Pay:



Other agencies with which you are working:

Specific companies you are interested in:

So we don’t duplicate any effort, please list the companies with which you have interviewed or will be scheduled to Interview:

Company and Location




Position and Salary

* When we place you into your new career, the Federal Government requires us to submit documentation that calls for your SSN.

** The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 prohibits discrimination on the basis of age with respect to individuals between ages of 40 & 70.

Ulysses S. Army

126 Any Drive

Savannah, Georgia 31419-9556

(912) 745-3041


BS, General Engineering, 1990MBA, Finance, 1997

United States Military AcademyUniversity of Texas Dallas

West Point, NY Dallas, TX


College: Boxing, Football, Baseball, Spanish Club, Finance Forum, Special Olympics

EXPERIENCE: 7/88-Present - United States Army Officer, Captain, Infantry

4/95-Present Battalion Maintenance Officer: Manage a 104-man maintenance platoon responsible for 831 soldier Mechanized Infantry Battalion equipped with over 220 track and wheeled vehicles valued in excess of $200 million.

  • Sustained 90% maintenance readiness rate for over 250 vehicles during a simulated combat exercise.
  • Sustained 95% maintenance readiness rate for 220 vehicles in 1995; 25% above the US Army standard.
  • Reengineered unit readiness reporting process through the use of a local area network; cycle time reduced 100%.
  • Reengineered repair parts process; earned $650,000 for the unit in a 4-month period and eliminated all excess parts.

3/94-4/95 Deputy Operations Officer: Plan and coordinate all rotary and fixed wing aircraft missions for 2500 soldier Brigade Combat Team. Maintained and accounted for 2 track vehicles, 4 wheeled vehicles, 16 radios, and 10 computers valued at $1million.

  • Synchronized 200 rotary and fixed wing aircraft missions and 8 brigade-level air assault operations in 6 months.
  • Standardized US Army procedures for conducting air assault missions in S. Korea; reduced aviation cycle time 50%.
  • Recognized by Brigade Executive Officer as the "top 2% of [all] CPTs" he had rated in 18 years of service.
  • Completed 2 advanced-level (self-study) officer training courses in 6 months; 18 months above the US Army and USMC standard.

12/92-3/94 Principal Civil Affairs Operations Officer: Responsible for all political, economic, social, and psychological aspects of military operations for an Airborne Ranger Battalion subject to no-notice, worldwide deployments. Managed $25,000 social fund.

  • Planned and executed project in support of a national monument and raised $75,000; sold over 300 monuments in remembrance of deceased US Army Rangers in 3 months.
  • Planned and coordinated no-notice platoon-level live fire mission for 9 platoons in preparation for overseas contingency missions.

7/91-12/92 Rifle Platoon Leader: Leader and primary trainer of a 41 man Airborne Ranger Rifle Platoon prepared for immediate worldwide deployment. Maintained and accounted for over $500,000 worth of platoon equipment.

  • Selected over peers for 1 of 27 platoons in an elite special operations unit; top 1% of 1200 lieutenants in the Army.
  • Deployed overseas on no-notice, special operations mission; completed mission with 0 personnel casualties.

7/88-7/91 Rifle/Scout Platoon Leader: Leader for a 24-man Light Infantry Scout Platoon responsible for providing timely battlefield information. Maintained and accounted for $350,000 worth of platoon equipment.

  • Developed, a marksmanship training program; later adopted as the division standard.
  • Recognized by Battalion Commander as 1 of the 2 top lieutenants (out of a field of 16 ) in the unit.
  • Published a professional article to Infantry Journal on personnel counseling techniques; later adopted by US Army.

Military Education: US Army Basic Parachuting, Air Assault (#1/300), Infantry Officer Training, (#1/75), Ranger Course, Live Agent Chemical Training, Armor Officer Training (1 of 14 Infantry Officers selected to attend from a field of 500), Armored Vehicle Training, Maintenance Officer Training (Top 5%).

Additional Information: Proficient with the following software: Microsoft Office, LOTUS 1-2-3.

Interests include reading, outdoor sports, golf, cycling, running, yard work, and raising cattle for sale.