Rotary Club of Colwood at Langford Fire Hall, Thursday, August 30, 2012

Greeter: Thank you, Therese Gaschler

Next Week’s Greeter: Therese Gaschler

Attending: Allan Pedersen, Alex Martin, Bob Lane, Bonnie Keleher, Chris Ricketts, Jim ten Hove, Doris London, Heather Ratcliffe Hood, Lorne Olson, Lew Pilkington, Mike Wedekind, Russ Lazaruk, Therese Gaschler

Regrets: Bob Beckett, Dave Proudfoot, Estelle Shelley, Craig Johanson, Carl McLean

Makeups: Therese Gaschler

Guests: Brittany French, ByDesign Wedding and Events Planning

Laurie Kirsten, Office Manager of Royal LePage


Wed. September 5 – 6:30 pm – Executive Meeting at Heather’s house (directions below)

Sun, September 9 – 6:30 pm – Movies on the Hill at Juan de Fuca Parks

01. Welcome by Heather Ratcliffe Hood, President

02. Happy Birthday to Russ Lazaruk’s grandson

03. Presentations to members:

  • Current president Heather Ratcliffe Hoodpresented past president Russ Lazaruk with a mounted gavel
  • Jim Tenhove was presented with a Paul Harris pin

04. House Keeping/ Announcements:

  • Next business meeting will be Wed, Sept 5, 6:30 pm at Heather's house. 3957 Circle Dr. Directions - (Off Metchosin Road, turn left onto Duke Road west (2nd Duke Road before golf course), right on Cliff Road, left on Circle Road.)

•Thank you to today’s cooks – Lew Pilkington and Doris London

•Thank you to those who attendedthe Rotary picnic on Sunday at Beacon Hill Park

05. Reports

Fundraising committee -Mike Wedekind reported on golf tournament.

  • Forecasting a net profit of $9500
  • Still need prizes and donations, so assistance is helpful
  • Will decide during executive meeting details onprizes in balloons for purchase during tournament
  • Brittany French will be emcee and helping out at golf tournament
  • We will write a letter of thanks with a certificate to recognize donators

Movie on the Hill night fundraiser –September 9

  • West Shore Rec is hosting the Lorax movie to raise funds for the playground
  • Event is free by donation. Rotary members will collect donations
  • Volunteers to date are Doris, Mike, Heather, Russ, Chris, Allan, Therese, Bonnie
  • Will set up a tent and small display for Rotary
  • Because it is dusk, we should have white labels with DONATIONS TO PLAYGROUND for buckets and white badges to identify we are collecting for donations – Bonnie will produce these

Membership committee – Heather reported

  • Meeting held Aug 29 at Doris London’s
  • Mike Wedekind proposed that our club have a Rotary meeting during an eveningand invite possible new members to that meeting. By invitation only.
  • Dinner would cost an additional $10 for members and $20 for spouses. Possible members who are invited would not be required to pay. We would have wine available for purchase and possibly raise a few funds
  • Suggested date for this is Thursday, Oct 4 at 6:00 pm.
  • Mike will check the availability of the meeting room used by the WestShore Rotary club at Alexander McKenzie room at 753 Station Road (by Legion). If available, Mike will book this.
  • Spouses are welcome to attend, but we must know in advance.

TASK for ALL Members

*Identify possible new Rotary members. If you know of anyone who is interested in joining Rotary, contact Mike Wedekind and he will provide you with an invitation. We hope to have about 5 possible new members attend the evening.

Fellowship committee – Lorne reported

  • Still only 6 names for the Guess Who is Coming to Dinner. No dates set. Chris Ricketts will help Lorne work on organizing.

06. Sergeant At Arms - Thank you, Lew Pilkington

•50/50: Doris London

•Foundation: Alex Martin

07. Guest Speakers / Presentation

Chris Ricketts - Craft talk on Building Green

Chris Ricketts has been a builder for 40 years. He chose to discuss the “green” residential building industry. Many of us have heard about LEAD certification, which involves high tech efficiency in commercial building.

For residential homes there are a number of innovative“green”options when building, most are 3rd party certified. Homes get a rating for energy and resource efficiency. The more windows, the less efficient for energy. To build “green” might take another $10,000 to $20,000 when building a house. However, in the long run, your home is more resource efficient, healthier and uses about 10% less energy.

BC Building codes are followingincreasingly green standards. Houses built today are more airtight and healthier because of air exchange systems than they were in the 80’s.

Building “green” uses more natural materials, in carpets, wood, and other materials, so there is less of the chemical outgassing – that “new” smell. There is less waste materials and more recycling while building. Using ICL (insulated concrete ) to build the frame makes a very solid and efficient home. Well insulated and no need for poly or tar paper. Such things as on demand hot water which heats the water only when used, not constantly keeping it hot as with a hot water tank. This costs about $2000 to convert if has a home has gas. Efficient lighting is also put throughout, although there is discussion on whether incandescent lightingis efficient in Canadian homes, because the heat the lights produce helps to heat the home. Solar panels are not usually incorporated because they are still relatively new and expensive, but will eventually go down in price.

Building green adds value to a house, making it more energy efficient, durable, healthier and livable.

08. Meeting Adjourned.

The Four-Way Test

The test, which has been translated into more than 100 languages, asks the following questions:

Of the things we think, say or do

Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all concerned?


Will it be BENEFICIAL to all?