GreeneCounty Tobacco Coalition

October 24, 2005


Members Present: Alice Lohr (N.D.A.C.), Laurie Nicholl (Nicholl Brandt Communications), Cheryl Andrews, Tracie Wilson, Angie VanDyne, Jodie Giocondi, Yvonne Suppok(Greene County Human Services), Katie Alvarez, Karrah Smith (PCH), Mary Ann Ealy (ACS), Kim Soles (CAFAF), J.L. Carpenter, Danielle Beaver (Waynesburg College)

Tracie Wilson,Greene County Tobacco Control Prevention Specialist, opened the meeting with introductions from those present.

Agency Updates

  • Neighborhood Drug Awareness Corps, Inc.

Alice reported that Pam was trained in TATU (Teens Against Tobacco Use). J-MSchool District’s TATU presentation will be on Tuesday to their elementary school. WCHS’ PULSE students are in the process of being trained in TATU; training dates are October 6th and November 1st. Alice also reported that she attended the SWAT conference in Harrisburg. Reminders for the NOT program went out to school districts and Pam had a booth at the LICC Safety Fair. Alice reminded the coalition that Pam had presented the Why Animals Don’t Smoke program to the Dry Tavern Head Start.

  • Nicholl Brandt Communications

Laurie reported that Nicholl Brandt wrote a summary press release on all the programming offered through the tobacco program with MSA dollars. Incentives for MSPP were ordered and should be coming soon. Stickers and tattoos were already delivered. The Why Animals Don’t Smoke display will be shipped before too long. Changes to the physician’s referral form are available to be used.

  • Community Health Challenge

Cheryl reported that SmokeStoppers had a total of seven participants all of whom received NRT. The last class for this round will be tomorrow.

  • Partners in Corporate Health

Katie reported that the Bee Free program has 1 new participant which means that 11 participants are now enrolled. They have had 6 new calls. All activities were entered into TPRS as well. Katie also reported to the group that she is leaving PCH and introduced her replaced, Karrah Smith, who has helped work on Greene County initiatives in the past.

  • Other Agencies

CTC- Jodie reported that Paths of Darkness will be held on October 29, 30, and 31 from 7PM-10PM at the Greene Valley Presbyterian Church. Admission is free.

ACS- Mary Ann reported that she is not doing patient services as well. One program being offered is Look Good Feel Better which is for patients who are in treatment. Each participant will be give a $250 value package of items. The Road to Recovery is a program where volunteers take patients to the doctor’s office and then back home. The School Health Summit will be on November 7th in Uniontown at the Penn State Fayette Campus. Deadline to register is Friday and there is a $10 fee.

Clean Air for Healthy Children- Kim reported that she will be offering a regional training in Greensburgon November 2nd for level I and II certification.

Tobacco Program Updates- Tracie Wilson and Angie VanDyne

  • MSPP (Minnesota Smoking Prevention Program): The first class to participate in MSPP is PerryElementary School. Tracie reported that this class was finished with the program. All students seemed to enjoy the program.
  • Smokeless Saturday: Tracie and MaryAnn Valasek from the ARA went to meet with administrators from Southeastern Greene and Waynesburg Central about the program and the referral process.
  • Tracie reported that she will be attending the Primary Contractors Technical Assistance Conference in Harrisburg being held tomorrow and Wednesday.
  • Restaurant Compliance: Angie introduced J.L and Danielle who have been working on this initiative. All restaurants have been visited. Signage will be given as a follow-up to those visits.
  • Retailer Education: The retailer education forum will be held on November 15, 2005 at 12:00PM. Steve Stuck from Jacobs Petroleum will be the speaker.
  • Diabetes Forum: Angie, J.L. and Danielle were present at the Diabetes Forum providing information as well as Carbon Monoxide monitoring.
  • Puppet Program: Angie, Tracie, J.L. and Danielle presented a puppet program to NewFreeportElementary School for Red Ribbon Week.
  • Clean Air Training: Angie, Tracie, and Cheryl will be attending this training.
  • Spit Tobacco: Angie will be providing a presentation to West Greene’s 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students on November 21st.
  • Great American Smokeout: Tracie will be presenting programs to Joyce Winters’ classes at WaynesburgCentralHigh School.
  • BUDGET CUT: Tracie reported that there was a budget cut of 28.5% to all Primary Contractors. This results in a $42,000 budget reduction for the Greene County Tobacco Control Program. In order to preserve positions at Greene County Human Services, contracts with 3 subcontractors have been cut and will be finished as of October 31st. PCH will remain an active subcontractor in order to fulfill growing interest in the Bee Free program. This will be contingent on meeting the budget cut.

Next Meeting

Monday, November 28, 2005 @ noon

FortJacksonBuilding, 3rd Floor Conference Room