Greene County Science Fair

November 13, 2014

National Guard Armory (tentative)

Rules and Regulations

Who may enter and how they must do it:

1. Students in grades 3-12 in any Greene County School are eligible to enter the Greene County Science Fair if

sponsored by their school.

2. The number of entries per grade that may be sponsored by each school is limited and depends on enrollment.

Schools must submit* a list of entries for each grade on the School Entry Forms signed by responsible

teachers. Those forms also specify how many entries are permitted in each of two categories: biological

sciences and physical sciences. Unused positions in one category may not be used in the other.

3. Students sponsored by schools must submit* Official Entry Forms signed by the student, parent/guardian,

and teacher. If the research involves vertebrate or human subjects, Form V or Form H, signed by an

appropriate professional (see below) who advised the student before the research was started, must be attached.

4. A maximum of two students may work together on a project. Students may enter only one project.

*The deadline for receiving entries is 4:00 p.m. at the Central Office on November 7, 2014.

Absolutely no late entries will be allowed.

Rules about the exhibit itself:

5. Exhibits will be allocated adjacent space on table tops; thus they must conform* to strict size limits--no more

than 32 inches wide and no more than 36 inches deep. Exhibits should not exceed 48 inches height above

the table surface. They must be free-standing, because most tables won’t be near walls. (We can accommodate

a few exhibits that require extra space if there are good reasons why they won’t fit in the space above and the

request is made at the time the entry form is received.)

6. Exhibits will have access to electrical power if the need for power is indicated on the entry form. Please bring

your own safety approved extension cords.

7. Exhibits must comply* with safety guidelines.

*Each exhibit will be examined on the day of the fair to insure that it conforms to rules concerning

display size, safety, and use of vertebrate or human subjects. Items that do not conform to the safety

standards will be removed from the exhibit.

On the day of the fair:

8.  Students must register and set up their exhibits* between 8:30-9:00 am on Thursday, November 13.

9.  Judging for Artistic and Creative Design will be from 9:00-10:00am. (Prizes for this category are: 1st prize: $20; 2nd prize: Ribbon; 3rd prize: Ribbon.) Students do not need to be present for this.

10. Judging will be from 9:00-11:00 am. . Students must be present to talk with judges during this period.

11. The Awards Ceremony will be from 1:00-2:00 pm on Thursday, November 13, 2014.

12. Exhibits must be removed after awards ceremony concludes


*The sponsors, the Greene County Science Fair Committee, or the Greene Co. Board of Education

will not assume responsibility for loss or damage to any part of the exhibits.

No. of students in your grade No. of entries in each division

0-31 3

31-60 4

61-90 5

91+ 6

(Example: A school has 56 seventh graders. They get 4 biological entries and 4 physical entries for a total of 8)