Greene County Board of Commissioners

February Monthly Meeting

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Chairman Bullard led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Call to Order: Chairman Bullard called the Work Session to order at 5 p.m.

Roll Call: Commissioners Walker, Smith, Human, Britt, and Chairman Bullard were present. Also present was County Manager Byron Lombard.

Chairman’s Comments: Chairman Bullard commented concerning ongoing problems with litter, the County’s efforts to address the problem, and how the citizens can help. He then gave a State of the County address.

Petitions & Communications: Extension Agent David Daniel and Greene County Farm Bureau President Larry Eley gave a presentation to the Board concerning the Georgia Farm Bureau and agriculture’s importance to Greene County.

Minutes: The Minutes from the January 2015 Regular Monthly Meeting, and the January 7, 2015 Retreat were discussed. The Chairman inquired with the Commissioners to determine if any corrections were necessary. No corrections were noted. No official action was taken.

Business Items:

Alcoholic Beverage License Application – Retail Package Sales: The County has previously issued a consumption on the premises license to the China Garden Restaurant for beer & wine. The ownership has recently changed and a new license is necessary to continue serving beer and wine on the premises. No official action was taken.

Airport Authority Appointment: With the resignation of John Miles from the Airport Authority, the Commissioners have five applicants to consider for the open seat. Airport Authority Chairman George Shattuck spoke in favor of the Commissioners appointing Lee Greeson. No official action was taken.

Appointment to the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health & Development Disabilities Regional Planning Board: The County has received several letters regarding a vacant Board seat on the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health & Development Disabilities Regional Planning Board. This appointment has been addressed by the Board in the past with no candidate being identified. No official action was taken.

Adjournment: Chairman Bullard adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m.


Chairman Bullard led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Call to Order: Chairman Bullard called the Voting Session to order at 5:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Commissioners Walker, Smith, Human, Britt and Chairman Bullard were present. Also present was County Manager Byron Lombard.

Chairman’s Comments: Chairman Bullard shared various Economic Development news items relevant to Greene County, including the County’s first ad in Site Selection magazine. He also advised that he was removing the Airport Authority appointment from the agenda to give the Commissioners an opportunity to meet and interview the various candidates.

Minutes: Commissioner Britt motioned to approve the minutes from the January 7, 2015 Retreat Meeting and the January 2015 Regular Monthly Meeting. Commissioner Human seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Business Items:

Alcoholic Beverage License Application: Commissioner Human motioned to approve an alcoholic beverage license for consumption on the premises for Beer & Wine for the China Garden Restaurant located at 6181 Lake Oconee Parkway, in the name of Yun Tao Zhang as the holder of the License. Commissioner Britt seconded. Motioned carried unanimously.

Appointment to the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health & Development Disabilities Regional Planning Board: Commissioner Deering motioned to appoint George Menke to the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health & Development Disabilities Regional Planning Board for the current term that expires July 31, 2016. Commissioner Smith seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Executive Session: None

Adjournment: Chairman Bullard adjourned the meeting at 5:14 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,


Sylvia V. Hill, County Clerk

The above minutes were adopted and approved this day 12th day of March, 2015.


Ed Bullard, Chairman Jimmy Britt, Vice-Chairman


Angela Walker Deering, Commissioner Jonathan Human, Commissioner


Jeffery L. Smith, Commissioner