Greendale Committee meeting Monday August 3rd 2015 6.30pm

Present: Jay Mason, Stacy Skilton, Greg Margerison, Sarah Shand, Irene O’Malley, Natasha Purcell, Ian Smith, Victoria Roberts, Susanna Taylor.

Apologies: Ian Morley, Sue Shannon,

Minutes of previous meeting

None were sent out.

Inwards Correspondence

- Paul Evans Email

- Mike Ashwell email

Outwards correspondence

- Nil

Officers Reports:

Presidents report: Not a lot to report, clubs going really well, gearing up for busy season.

Luke Donovan nominated Greg Margerison for TSA committee. Irene O Malley seconded. Carried.

Treasurers report:

Susanna proposed investment of $10’000 on term deposit for 6months. Sarah Shand seconded. Carried.

Proposed a little gift for Simon Cowan for Auditing the accounts. $100 Thump Sports voucher.

Accounts moved, Jay seconded. Carried.

Club Captains report:

Paul Evans email requesting discount for Greendale members playing in upcoming leagues.

Sarah Shand proposed the fee to TWB stays the same, but we as the club will subsidise our own players, but they have to be financial members to receive the discount. ($75 per player) Stacey Skilton seconded. Carried.

Membership Manager report:Tori is organising renewal notices to go out before open day and will order additional keys through IM. Luke will have approx 200 paper copies of membership renewal notices printed but will try to get juniors to renew online before opening day. Questioned having an incentive maybe a badge if renew early. Tash to investigate PIPI truck at Greendale open day.

Review ball brand before next purchase of bulk order.

Secretarys report:

Susanna to do a budget.

Sarah Shand Propose that Luke takes on a role to introduce new members from EIT and other areas within the Taradale catchment as per the attached proposal to be capped at $3000 dollars per annum, Seconded Stacey Skilton. Carried

Job description to be finalised and put forward at next meeting.

Tory proposes that Luke goes back into schools at $5 per student and that the club applies for funding for balls for all projects. Stacy seconded. Carried.

Club Coach: Nothing to report

Junior Co-Ordinator: Junior Saturday mornings coming up, need more volunteer help.

Luke will be running coaching for coaches before the season commences on Sept 5.

Possibility of more funding needed for coaches Saturday morning. The new Saturday format was outlined by Ian after consultation with Ian Jay Luke Joel Sarah and Andrew S. This will be an 8.30 group of junior hotshots up to 7yrs old then 9.30 group 8 yrs - year 7 or 8 or serving then 10.30 the old blue group and silver and gold which will include some match play.

General Business:

1, TSA - Security, discussed the mens toilet door to have a security light, possibility of a camera. Greg Margerison to investigate with TSA as he is now a rep on there for the tennis club.

2, Greendale Spring Tournament - Luke organising and list of responsibilities was distributed for committee to make sure everyone is doing something for the tournament. Food will be budgeted into the entry fee. Lindsay Bird to help with running of the day. Sarah Shand to sponsor “Corozzo Estate Singles Championship” again.Really positive response from possible competitors. Need a second sponsor for juniors if possible.

3, Social Function - Stacey and Irene to organise Xmas party, coincide with Mike Ashwells band, potential date being November 14 2015.

Meeting closed 8.45pm

Next meeting Monday September 7th 2015 TSA building.