From Inspiration to Innovation: Leadership, Partnerships, and Change
The second national summit on the intersection of child abuse and domestic violence
June 2-4, 2009 Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Presented by the United States Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Womenin partnership with
the Family Violence Prevention Fund and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
Who should attend
This summit is open to domestic violence and child advocates, judges and court personnel, attorneys, child welfare workers, researchers, community collaborators, and any other professions working on domestic violence and child abuse issues. Communities are encouraged to bring teams that represent the primary systems(child welfare, courts/legal, domestic violence) who are currently collaborating or wish to collaborate on interventions and services.Priority is given to Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) grantees.
This summit will foster leadership development, focus attention on key overlap issues, enhance participants’ ability to identify needs, and introduce new policies and practices that facilitate reform, encourage peer-to-peer support, and keep vibrant the current network of communities. This will be done in avariety of ways:
- Interactive educational sessions and workshops
- Keynote speakers
- Poster sessions and think tanks
- Cross-system and peer-to-peer dialogues
Areas to be covered at this summit may include:
- On-the-ground project leadership
- Engagingfathers
- Innovative approaches to collaboration
- Safety planning for intact families
- Connecting juvenile justice and child welfare
- Cultural relevancy
- Confidentiality and information sharing
- Public policy and legal issues
The summit begins at 8:00 a.m. June 2 and ends at noon on June 4. The participant fee for thissummit is $275. OVW grantees may use OVW technical assistance set-aside funds to cover conference costs upon approval by their OVW Program Manager. Registration is contingent upon slots available per professional category. Please note that your registration is not confirmed until you have received an acceptance letter, which will include additional details about the summit. All fees are due upon acceptance.
Name: Title:
City: State: Zip Code:
Phone: Fax:
I have the following special needs:
I am an OVW Grantee (please list grant)
Please check your discipline category:
Domestic Violence Advocate Child Welfare
Court/Legal Other