Green Schools Environmental Survey Results


A Green Schools Environmental survey was distributed among the student body in the school. Each boy was asked to fill in the survey with their parents at home and return it to school. 62 surveys were returned to the school and here follows the results.

1.  How do you usually travel to school?

2.  Would you be interested in a Park and Stride System, whereby one would park at the graveyard and walk to school or park in the Green and walk to school?

3.  Are there opportunities for you to car pool with your neighbours?

4.  Would you be interested in taking part in WOW (Walk to school Wednesday) again or a walking school bus?

5.  Would you allow your son to cycle to school?

In relation to this question the general comments were in relation to their sons being too young to cycle to school, distance from the school and that the roads are too busy around morning time. Also there is no bike storage/shelter in the school to store bikes.

6.  Does your son have a Hi-Vis Vest?

7.  Does your child have a cycling helmet?

8.  How far do you live from school?

9.  Are as a parent interested in getting involved in the Green Flag Committee in relation to Travel at KBNS?

General Comments:

·  Enjoyed the walking school bus

·  Lollipop lady?

·  School gates closed, the large green gates to be open for the bikes.

·  One child in 1st/2nd cant cycle

·  Parents with children in St. Anne’s and KGNS will be passing anyway so no point in engaging in WOW or a Walking School Bus.

Possible Targets

·  In relation to a Bike Shelter

·  Ensure all boys have Hi-Vis Vests

·  Park and Stride & Walking School Bus

·  Cycle Training – Most boys can cycle

·  Guards to monitor parking system?