a newsletter of
Fountain City Presbyterian Church
500 Hotel Road
Knoxville, TN 37918
December 2012
Phone: 865-688-2163
Fax: 865-281-0300
Web address:
Sunday morning worship services
8:55 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY: If you have an emergency and do not reach anyone at the Church Office or on weekends, please call one of the ministers at their home: Max Reddick at 219-9262 or Darryl Baker at 803-4158.
As Stewardship Season 2012 closes and Advent begins, I think some parting words give us stewardship closure. For the purpose of this article, I will confine stewardship to financial giving, which is an under-emphasized focus in our congregation. Stewardship, then, is a responsibility for the financial resources we have each received from God. Words like duty, commitment and obedience are at the heart of stewardship, but so are words like joy, cheerfulness and blessing. In stewardship, duty without joy is a lifeless religious ritual. Likewise, joy without duty is a “give when you feel like it” and “only as much as feels good” practice; this option is very popular. The two concepts of duty and joy belong together, and without them both, a church is either involved in fund raising or enabling the least common denominator. Neither is preferred.
A common reaction to finances is that I earned this money. It was my work and hard effort that procured the funds. Only upon reflection under the guidance of Scripture, do we realize that our financial resources are a gift from God? God’s work and God’s effort gifted the means at our disposal, and God has but one request – give some back for the Kingdom of God. Stewardship is a dynamic between us and God; there is an interplay between God’s gracious generosity and our response of sharing, an interplay between grace and gratitude. For stewardship to be stewardship, combining the poles of duty and joy, this spiritual dynamic is essential. Anyone can write a check to the church, but not everyone will make such an offering a matter of prayer, making God a priority. Between now and mid-December, if you have not already completed your Estimate of Giving, you have this chance. When Stewardship is something that you enter, then by the power of the Holy Spirit, you participate in the purposes of God, receiving God’s good pleasure. In other words, God is happy, and we can feel his approval. We can also see the tangible benefits of our giving.
The values of this church can be found in its budget. Highlighted here are the values chosen by the church in its funding of ministry. At FCPC, as a percentage of the budget, at the top of the list is staff. What you see is a talented, educated and dedicated staff, which serves the cause of Jesus Christ in our midst and the world. Why so much staff? Program, but we will say more about program later. At FCPC, not only is staff vital, but also the top priority of our ministry. Less we mistakenly interpret this priority as self-indulgent, we do well to remember that the staff are ministry servants who work alongside the members of the congregation.
Staff costs money, a good bit, but so does the building. The church is not a building, but the people of God, yet those people need a place to be the church. We are blessed with debt-free, well maintained facilities. Our church is gorgeous. Having a space conducive to faith development is a privilege that we can easily take for granted.
Finally, we are a programmatic church. We have Christian education/Youth programs, Music programs, and Mission programs in order of budget priority; FCPC is a busy place. Your financial generosity ensures the availability of program and the quality of program. Believing in the Priesthood of All Believers, FCPC seeks ways to empower the laity to do ministry. A healthy budget means healthy programs.
Mission is well represented through all the main priorities of the church: staff, building, and program. There is a missional component to all that we do. That being said, there is also the calling for benevolent mission outside the church, and we could (should) build this area of our budget. This is an area of the budget that can grow as the church grows.
Only someone who embraces the needs of the church with a sense of duty and joy, participating in the grace and gratitude of stewardship, can then feel a sense of pride in their involvement. How we spend our money tells much about who we are, and I want you to stand tall as Fountain City Presbyterian Church.
If you have information for the next newsletter, please call, email, or drop a note by the church office.
A Ries Collier Fund memorial has been given in memory of Jim Thompson, Sr. by Joe Ben and Charline Wilson.
A gift has been given in honor of Jack Garrison (former teacher of Friendship Bible Class for many years) by Max and Annette Merritt.
Memorial Fund gifts have been given in memory of Charlotte McGehee by Charlotte West, Brent West, Holly West and Ashton Whaley, Vella McGehee, John McGehee, Charles McGehee, Lisa Lund Benoit, Mark Davis, Mary Nelle Robbins, Suellen and Paul Davis,
Donna Stucky, Dottie Klein.
A Memorial Fund gift has been given in memory of James L. Thompson, Sr. by Robert and Judith Crumby.
A Choir Fund gift has been given in memory of Charlotte McGehee by Tom and Pat Tarver.
Dinner at 5:30 pm. Dinner cost is $5 for adults, $3 for children 4 years to 5th grade and 3 years and under are free. Family cap is $15.If you would like to be added to the master listfor dinner please contact the church office.
Dec. 12-Children’s Music Program
Dec. 19-Movie
Dec. 26 – Jan. 9 –No WOW-Happy Holidays
WOW will resume January 16.
Children’s Wednesday night Choir practice: Melody Makers (2nd - 5th grade) meets from 5:15-6:00p.m. Cherub Choir (age 3 – 1st grade) meets from 6:00 -6:30 p.m. Both Choirs meet in the children’s music room on the 2nd floor.
The church office will be closed on these dates for the following holidays:
Tuesday, December 25 & Wednesday December 26 for the Christmas holidays.
Tuesday, January 1 for the New Year holiday.
5:30 P.M.-Christmas Eve Service-Children’s Service-Children of all ages are welcome. Children perform all parts of the service.
7:00 P.M. - Christmas Eve Service- Candle Light Service-special message, Choir, and Communion.
2013 Estimate of Giving Season
Reminder-Please return the Estimate of Giving cards in the collection plate on Sundays or mail back to the Church office so the 2013 budget can be worked on. Thank you,
--The Stewardship and Finance Committee
If Knox County Schools are closed due to weather all church activities are cancelled including WOW.
If anyone is graduating please let the church office know so we may recognize you and your accomplishments.
Piano for sale – Story and Clark upright piano in good working condition. Has received lots of TLC. If interested, call John or Joan Biddle 687-1517.
Upcoming Events
Sunday, Dec. 16- 8:55 & 11:00 a.m. Chancel Choir Christmas Music
We will have combined church services on December 30 and January 6 at 10:00 a.m.
Christian love and sympathy is extended to Dan Smithwick and family on the loss of his grandmother.
1 Mark Hulsey, Barbara Manis
2 Joan Bowers,
3 Charles Montgomery
4 Sarah Smithwick, Troxell Harbin, Larry Brakebill
5 Miles Haberley, Jr.
6 John Hulsey, Charlie Wood, Sue Wheeler
7 Richard Reynolds, Doug Stokes
8 Virginia Monroe, Evan Montgomery
9 Lou Thacker
10 Zachary Wright, Gillian Wright
11 Jon Miller
12 Joan Inklebarger, Rob Riehl,
13 Meriam Anderson, Curt Brewer, Sue Wells
17 Deanna Satterfield, Cherrie Stevens
18 Harriett Hancock, Daniel Bales
19 Ralph Hickman, Vickie Dowling, Phil Disselkoen
20 Karen Riehl
21 Hillary Keith
23 Kenny Keck
24 Sam Sharpe
25 Josh Espinal, Tammy Calloway
27 Alyssa Montgomery,
28 Jim Burbank, Jorge Espinal,
29 Diette Crockett, Brett-Thomas Huffaker
30 Katie Hulsey
31 Rogers Doughty
Congratulations to Susan Espiritu for receiving Tennessee’s National Distinguished Principal 2012 award. Susan is the Principal at Pond Gap Elementary School and she credits her staff, students and community for her many successes.
Month To Date Year To Date
Revenues 34,301 468,318
Expenses51,624 517,889
Net (17,323) (49,571)
It’s Merry Christmas time in Dixie and the Pairs and Spares are beginning their celebration at the Captain’s Galley in Dandridge on the Thirteenth of December – the second Thursday. We depart the parking lot at noon. All seniors invited. The reservation deadline is noon on the tenth – 922-1522. How about some good seafood?
Lisa New, 5315 E. Sunset Rd, 37914, 673-4626 comes by transfer of letter from Sand Branch United Methodist Church. Lisa is married to member Eric New, they have two sons, Isaac, 13, and Gabriel, 9. She grew up in Knoxville and went to Carter High School. She works at the Knoxville Zoo. Her hobbies are animals, gardening and reading. She is serving on the Youth Committee.
Rachel Pilkay, 4014 Sherry Drive, 37918, 687-4594
by transfer of letter from Wallace Memorial Baptist Church. Rachel’s hobbies are piano, soccer, running, reading, sewing/knitting.
Doug Stokes, 139 Collins Gap, Heiskell, TN 37754
494-7748. Doug comes by profession of faith and baptism. Doug grew up in Anderson County near Norris. He is a truck driver with Fed ex freight. His hobbies are fishing, reading, hiking, enjoying nature. He has one daughter, a ten-year-old grandson, and a six-year-old granddaughter.
Welcome back, Cindy Adams, 730 Winston Drive, Seymour, 37865, 654-1746. Cindy is married to Robert and they have two son, Grady 25 and Zachary 21, two grandsons, Camryn and Ethan. Cindy grew up in Fountain City and went to this church as a child. She works in real estate and is an artist. Her hobbies are her grandchildren, art, reading and journaling.
Please have all 2012 contributions to the church office by Sunday, December 30th so that credit can be given on contribution statements and deposits made at the bank before year end. Any gifts received after January 2nd must be deposited and credited as 2013 contributions as required by IRS regulations.
It is Angel Tree time again! Our children simply love the books, blocks, cars, games, dolls, puzzles, balls, trucks and cuddly fuzzy friends to death! It’s good to know that everything is put to good use. We are so grateful for the congregation’s generosity year after year. The “Angel Tree” is our annual effort to replace broken, discarded items and retire “tired” stuff in our classrooms and on our playgrounds. If you would consider helping us out this year you may choose an angel off our tree located outside the sanctuary. The angel will have an item description and price. If it is an expensive item, it may have a percentage of the cost to purchase it. Write your name on the back of the angel attach a check for the total made out to FCPC, memo Davis Center. Place it in the offering plate or leave in Tammy’s mailbox. Thank you for your support.
Family Promise Fundraising UpdateNew Day Center for Family Promise of Knoxville
We are making progress toward our goal of a new day center. To date we have raised $117,000!
So if you've already donated, thank you. We appreciate your generosity. And if you've been meaning to make a contribution, you still have time left.
We need to raise an additional $75,000 to close on the building.
Let's see if we can hit our goal by December 14th. This gives us 4 weeks to raise the funds necessary to close on December 21st.
You might already know that Family Promise of Knoxville
provides a temporary sanctuary to families with children
who have lost their homes. Local congregations host families
in empty classrooms that are turned into bedrooms. We
currently operate out of a small house that offers very little
privacy for families or staff as they work with guests to
eliminate barriers and achieve their goal of permanent housing
What you may not know is that there are more families in our
community in need of our services than we are currently able
to help. In order to help meet some of that need, Family
Promise of Knoxville is ready to expand. The purchase of this
new building is the first step in this expansion.
For more information or to make a donation visit
You can mail your donation to:
Family Promise of Knoxville
P.O. Box 10184 Knoxville, TN 37939.
Or call Joyce Shoudy at 865-584-2822.
Help Family Promise of Knoxville
End Homelessness: One Family At A Time
The FCPC-FF were asked to contribute pajamas to the Pajamas for Kids of New York and New Jersey. The children who are receiving the pajamas are either homeless or effected by recent Hurricane Sandy. The pajamas will be sent to the areas that were hardest hit by the storm. Cindy Ricker made us labels for each of the forty pairs of pajamas we sent with the Church's name and Knoxville, Tennessee on the label.
Grandma's Pajamas have been asked this year to contribute to other organizations besides The Ministry Center. We have sent pj's to the crisis center and also to the Department of Children's Services. We have kept the Ministry Center stocked with all sizes of girls and boys pajamas.
We can always use more help with sewing, pressing, and sorting. We would appreciate any contributions of money, material or ready made pajamas any time.
We would like to thank everyone for the support you have given to help make this mission group successful.
Youth Director:
Alfred Huffaker – 386-0832