13 JANUARY 2010



1 / Purpose
1.1 / This report is to update members on the progress of the work carried out on the emerging agenda of ‘Green Infrastructure’.
1.2 / In Poole Green Infrastructure will have an important role in providing mitigation to offset the increased growth and increased urban pressures on the Dorset Heathlands. This will form part of a long term strategy being developed through the emerging Dorset Heathland joint Development Plan Document being produced by the South East Dorset local authorities and conservation organisations.
2 / Decision Required
2.1 / Members are recommended to comment on and note:
  • The South East Dorset Green Infrastructure Framework – this document is available to view as a hard copy in the Members Rooms
  • Agree that the principles of green infrastructure planning are implemented in operational service delivery of greenspace care and development, as appropriate to individual site locations.
  • Agree that this is brought to the attention of Cabinet.

3 / Background
3.1 / ‘Green Infrastructure’ is the term given to the network of greenspaces within and between towns and cities. It includes formal parks, allotments, woodlands, green corridors, street trees, road verges, natural habitats such as heathlands and open countryside.
3.2 / Strategic Planning and land managers such as Leisure Services are increasingly using the concept of ‘green infrastructure’. This assists with the protection of legally designated natural habitats and also assists with planning for access to a range of public green space.
3.3 / There are four key documents that relate to Green Infrastructure:
  1. Greenspace Audit for Poole, 2008 – see section 3.4
  2. Green Infrastructure Framework for South East Dorset, 2009 – see section 4.1 and 4.2
  3. Green Infrastructure Strategy for South East Dorset, 2010 – see section 5.1 and 5.2
  4. Greenspace Maintenance Review, 2009 - a scrutiny of the operational work of greenspace maintenance.

3.4 / In 2008 a Green Space Audit was undertaken, which was reported to this committee in March 2009. This was the first of such a study to be undertaken in the sub region and the Borough of Poole has been held up as an example of good practice by other local authorities as a result.
4 /

Green Infrastructure Framework

4.1 / An Officer Steering Group made up of local authorities across South East Dorset has worked with Land Use Consultants to produce the South East Dorset Green Infrastructure Framework. This document provides an evidence base for the strategic development of a Green Infrastructure network within SE Dorset, addressing a number of topical themes. It also includes an opportunities map, which identifies where Green Infrastructure could usefully be progressed in future. In November 2009 a Members workshop was held to engage the views of Members of local authorities across the sub region with representation from two Borough of Poole councilors.
4.2 / The new emphasis on Green Infrastructure is a vital shift to recognize and embrace. It recognises that greenspace is not just valuable for its amenity recreation value but that it is ‘multifunctional’ – performing other critical functions. This approach is very complimentary to other corporate priorities in the Corporate Plan and the developing Community Strategy.
The Green Infrastructure Framework highlights nine key objectives for green infrastructure, reflecting this ‘multifunctional’ role:
  • Health and well-being
  • Sustainable economic development
  • Tourism
  • Access and Transport
  • Water management and climate change adaptation
  • Open space and recreation
  • Landscape character
  • Ecology and biodiversity
  • Cultural heritage
The Framework document highlights key features, current issues and opportunities for each objective.
5 / The Next Stage
5.1 / The South East Dorset Planners Implementation Group will develop the information from the Framework into a South East Dorset wide Green Infrastructure Strategy – which will include the ‘action plan and strategic direction setting’.
5.2 / The Green Infrastructure Strategy will feed into the Site Specific Allocations and Development Plan Documents. The sub regional document will provide an overview for all the Local Authorities ‘ work and develop important linkages between the geographical administrative areas.
5.3 / The Green Infrastructure Strategy will be brought to a future Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and a future Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee for discussion and recommendation to Cabinet for approval and adoption. There will be full consultation with Members, stakeholders and the public as part of the development of the Green Infrastructure Strategy.
6 / Financial Implications
6.1 / None.
7 / Legal Implications
7.1 /

Appropriate Assessment of regional and local plans is required under the Habitats Directive. The Appropriate Assessment of the South West Plan identified Dorset Heaths as the most sensitive Natura 2000 site in the region.

7.2 /

The Green Infrastructure Framework and sub regional strategy will assist the Borough of Poole meet its statutory obligation to protect the Dorset Heathlands.

8 / Policy Implications
8.1 / The Green Infrastructure Framework and Strategy will inform the long term strategy being developed through the emerging Dorset Heathland Joint Development Plan Document being produced by the south east Dorset local authorities and conservation organisations. The sub regional approach being taken to Green Infrastructure also compliments the sub regional approach that is taken with the Urban Heaths Partnership and the Dorset Urban Heaths Grazing Partnership.
8.2 / Officers will incorporate the principles of green infrastructure and the recommendations of the Green Infrastructure Framework into operational service delivery mechanisms such as Site Management Plans and Site Management Statements.
8.3 / There is forthcoming government planning guidance on Green Infrastructure, anticipated in a consultation draft of PPS17 due to be published in early 2010.
9 / Contribution to Corporate Objectives
The provision of greenspace across Poole contributes to a number of corporate objectives:
  • Protecting Poole’s Environment
  • Promoting Health and Well-being.
  • Supporting Children and Young People
  • Strengthening Communities
The delivery of a co-ordinated approach to green infrastructure provision is integral to Poole’s growth agenda and its ability to deliver 10,000 new dwellings up to 2026, as per the adopted Core Strategy.
10 / Promoting Equalities and Respecting Diversity
10.1 / The research will inform policy development, which will, in turn, undergo public participation in accordance with the Council’s Statements of Community Involvement relevant to equality issues. Operationally the Equality Impact Assessment for Greenspace will identify actions for ensuring that greenspace provision is inclusive.
11 / Conclusion
11.1 / The Green Infrastructure Framework will assist the Council in providing a structured approach to meet its statutory obligations of protecting designated wildlife habitats. It will also enable the Council to provide the public with accessible greenspaces to enjoy and benefit their health and well-being and ensure that the new homes built in the next 18 years have good access to greenspace.



Contact Officers

Clare Freeman, Greenspace Manager

Telephone - (01202) 261377

Background Papers

  • Open Spaces Strategy, 2004
  • Core Strategy for Poole, 2009
  • Natural England’s Health Policy, 2007
  • Environment and Overview Scrutiny Committee – Green Space Audit, March 2009

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