2016-17 Willamette University

Green FundMini-Grant Proposal Form

Last updated on 10/02/16

Complete proposals include (1) this form with all information requested below, clearly composed, in the spaces provided, and (2) an excel project budget spreadsheet available on the Green Fund website(willamette.edu/go/greenfund). The Green Fund Committee will only accept complete proposals via email (), and may not consider proposals it determines incomplete or poorly written.

Per the Green Fund constitution, the committee shall focus on the following when considering funding proposals:

  • Project feasibility
  • Connection to student learning objectives (see “benefit for WU undergraduate students below)
  • Longevity and long-term maintenance of project
  • Level of support from relevant faculty and staff
  • Relationship to the Four E’s: Education, Environment, Equity, and Economics
  • Student involvement, impact, and benefit(see “benefit for WU undergraduate students below)

Date submitted:

Project personnel

The project coordinatormay be a student, but designated p-card holder and student employee supervisors must be university employees. The project coordinator will be the Green Fund Committee’s main point of contact and should submit the completeproposal.

Project coordinator


Title & department (if employee):



Student ID (if applicable):

WU graduate student? Y/N:

Designated p-card holder

The individual listed below has agreed to use their university-issued p-card to spend approved non-wage fundsawarded by the Green Fund Committee according to university policy. If this proposal is being developed by a student or student group unaffiliated with an academic or business unit, please contact Lisa Holliday, Associate Dean of Campus Life, to determine if a Student Activities administrator can provide this service for your proposal.


Title & Department (if employee):

Email address:

Contact Phone Number:

Student employee supervisor

If your project includes student employees and wages, please identify the university employee who has agreed to hire and supervise student employees and approve timesheets. The supervisor may also be the project coordinator and/or the designated p-card holder.


Title & Department:

Email address:

Contact Phone Number:

Project stakeholders

Please identify project stakeholders not identified above who have been involved in developing this proposal and/or may have a role in implementing the the proposed project.


WU department (or organization name if outside WU):

Contact email and phone:

Assisted in the development of this proposal? Y/N

Role in implementing project (if any):

Administrative review

The Green Fund Committee may share your proposal with university administrators to ensure compliance with relevant policy and process. Please list all university staff or administrators who have reviewed this proposal as-submitted.

Staff or administrator name(s):

Project program statement

Include your program statement here, which should clearly explain your project idea, goals, etc., and reflect the values of the Green Fund program as indicated in its constitution, bylaws, and current call for proposals. Please observe the 500 word limit.

Supplemental Questions

Please answer the following questionsif your proposed project involves altering university spaces, property, or a university practice or processes in some way.

What will change when the project is completed?

What will happen if this this project is not successfully completed?

How does Willamette University benefit from this project?

What will the university need to do differently once this project has been completed?

What buildings and/or area(s) of Willamette University (and any off-campus locations)will the proposed project affect?

What equipment or hazardous materials will your project require?

Are there any unusual circumstances or issues that may need to be accommodated to accomplish this project?

Benefit for WU undergraduate students

The Green Fund Committee seeks to encourage and track the benefits funded projects provide for undergraduate students. All other things equal, proposals are stronger when benefits of proposed projects extend to the larger student body, campus, and community.

Estimate the number of students your project will engage and/or benefit for each “level of student engagement” below. The Committee will confirm these estimates with you post-project completion.

Student project leaders:

A student engaged at this level leads or participates in the development of a proposal,helps decide how a project will move forward and who will be placed in leadership positions, and works with administrators, faculty, staff, and/or community members to complete the project.

Student project coordinators:

Student coordinators take direction from others and lead on at least one particular component of a project.

Student workers:

Student workers follow the direction of administrative leaders and coordinators to complete project tasks.

Student volunteers:

Student volunteersare recruited to actively participate in a project for as little as a few hours.

Student experiential learners:

Experiential learners benefit academically and/or developmentally from the project, but do not fit into any of the categories listed above. Examples include students taking a course, attending an event, or otherwise benefitting from a project outcome.

Project timeline

Describe the timeline for your project including kick-off and expected completion date. Be as specific as possible.Extensions may be granted if requested and reasonable.

Project budget

The Green Fund Committee will consider mini-grant proposals with budgets ranging between $500-$3,000. Proposals with budgets expected to be less than $500 should be shared with the Committee before fully developing a proposal.Use the MS excel budget spreadsheet provided on the Green Fund “How to Apply” web page, and include that file when submitting your proposal to the Committee via email. Contact the Committee if you have any questions about developing your budget.

Funds may be requested for student hourly wages as long as the work is consistent with project goals and needs. The Committee may award funding for faculty and/or staff wages if it determines it to be necessary for project completion and/or realizing benefits for the undergraduate student body. This should be explained in this section and/or in the excel budget spreadsheet.

The Committee aims to complement existing internal funding opportunities at Willamette University, and to understand all the resources that are required for a project, including those not requested of the Green Fund. Please take into consideration other internal funding opportunities as you develop your proposal, and include in your budget any and all in-kind and other sources of funding for your project.