Dunedin Diocesan Council

Minutes of the Meeting held Tuesday 12 April 2016 at 10am

Peter Mann House, Green Island

Present:Bishop Kelvin Wright, Ven Stu Crosson,Rev’d Joanna Fielding, Mrs Anne Gover, Mrs Eva Hammond, Rev’d Judy Johnston, Mr Chris Morris, Rev’d Chris Tweddell, Rev’d Michael Wallace

In Attendance:Rev’d Canon Alec Clark (Vicar-General), Ven Jan Clark (Archdeacon), Mr Keith Gover (Archdeacon),Mrs Ginny Kitchingman (Diocesan Accountant), Mr Vin Maffey

Apologies:Mrs Jennifer King,Mrs Margaret McLanachan

Prayers:Led by Bishop Kelvin

Bishop Kelvin moved that we go ‘into committee’ to discuss staffing salary ratesAgreed

At 10.35am Bishop Kelvin moved that we come ‘out of committee’Agreed

He advised that the following motions had been agreed to –

  1. That Diocesan Council approve the proposed salary rates for Diocesan Office Staff.
  2. That a review of these salary rates be undertaken in six months.
  3. That the Bishop convey the unanimous support of the Diocesan Council and Trusts Board for the work being done by Diocesan Office Staff.

Previous Minutes:
Bishop Kelvin moved that the Diocesan Council Minutes of 8 March 2016 be signed as a true and correct record. Agreed


Inwards:Nice1 – Power Procurement Services

2016 Stipend Review

Waimea Plains Peace & Interpretation Centre Charitable Trust


Matters arising from Correspondence:

Nice1 Power Procurement Services – It was agreed that this be referred to Michael Hughes and General Synod as this was seen as a national issue.

2016 Stipend Review – There was general agreement that the 1.3% increase be approved.

Waimea Plains Peace & Interpretation Centre Charitable Trust

Following discussion, it was moved that this be referred to the Trusts Board.

[Rev’d Michael Wallace/Rev’d Chris Tweddell]Agreed

It was agreed that Bishop Kelvin should write to the Charitable Trust to inform them that the Diocesan Council had referred their letter to the Trusts Board who would be in contact with them. The Diocesan Council view was that because the required deposit had not been made for the purchase of the vicarage by the set date that this agreement had lapsed and that the vicarage could now be sold on the open market – the Trust would be welcome to place another bid on this. The old church/hall was still available for lease, but the clause about the Diocese having the authority to demolish it, if in the future that was the best option, needed to remain. Mr Vin Maffey was requested to check with StephenGrant and then respond to the Trust.


Discipleship Committee:
Minutes of the Meeting held on 31 March were tabled. Rev’d Chris Tweddell spoke to the following points:

  1. St John’s College Trust Funding – the application for a variation of the distribution of funds as a result of Mr Benjamin Brock-Smith finishing was declined, but Alec has been in contact with them to clarify that it is the use of the Bishop and Aaron Douglas in a shared Ministry Educator Role that would otherwise have been vacant for 2016.

The application has been resubmitted.

3. Discussion re the shape of the Bishop’s role into the future. Options were discussed

and it was agreed that we need to be pro-active rather than re-active.

The Electoral Synod process was explained by Bishop Kelvin.

Ministry Conference this year will be a diocesan discernment process similar to that

used when appointing a new vicar to a parish. This will support the members of

Electoral Synod in identifying who God might be calling to be the next Bishop.

Chris recommended that one day at Synod this year be used for an Appreciative Inquiry Process. It was agreed that the Discipleship Committee be responsible for actioning this by setting up a small group to drive this process and to look into alternative ways of being Diocese with a member joining this group from each of the other committees.

Other points in the Minutes included St John’s College Trust Funding applications for 2017, Boundaries Workshops and the ‘Connectible’ online resource.

Social Transformation Committee:
No report

Missions Committee:
Notes from the Skype meeting held on Monday14March were tabled. Key tasks were reported on with proposed actions, people responsible and the timeline for implementation.

Stewardship Committee:
Notes from the meeting held on 15 March 2016 in Roxburghwere tabled. Financial Reports, Parish Contributions, Accounting Services and Funds from Property Sales were discussed at that meeting.

Health & Safety:Nil

General Business:

Statute 8 Bishop Kelvin suggested that this should be included as part of the future discussion about the shape of the diocese and this was agreed.

Minute Taking at Diocesan Council Meetings Rev’d Stu Crosson suggested that Nicola Wong be approached to take Minutes. It was agreed that he discuss this with Debbie.

There being no further business Bishop Kelvin closed the meeting at 11.25am

Following the Trusts Board Meeting Diocesan Council members met with Anglican Family Care Staff and Board members and then shared lunch together.

Next Meeting:Tuesday 17 May 2016 @10am


Bishop Kelvin / Inform and action proposed salary rates increases for Diocesan Office Staff.
Convey to Diocesan Office Staffthe unanimous support of the Diocesan Council and Trusts Board for the work being done by them.
Inform that Diocesan Council approves the 2016 Stipend Review 1.3% increase
Write to Charitable Trust to inform them that the Diocesan Council has referred their letter to the Trusts Board for action
Draft motion regarding funds from Property Sales
Debbie Flintoff / Write to Michael Hughes re Nice1 – Power Procurement Services / national issue
Vin Maffey / Check with Stephen re Lumsden Vicarage sale and Old Church lease and respond to the Charitable Trust
Chris Tweddell / Establish small group to drive ‘Appreciative Inquiry’ process at Synod

Minutes confirmed...... Chairperson...... Date