Green Fund Survey
1)NAU has signed the American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment to make Northern Arizona University climate neutral. How important is it that the university becomes a leader in sustainability?
Very important
Somewhat important:
Not important:
2)What is the purpose of the NAU Green Fund?
- To utilize money collected from recycling efforts towards future waste minimization efforts.
- To providefunding for projects that reduce NAU’s negative impact on the environment.
- To fundraise for sustainable initiatives across campus.
- To invest in student chosen sustainable investment funds.
- I do not know what the NAU Green Fund is.
3)The purpose of NAU’s Green Fund is to providefunding for projects that reduce NAU’s negative impact on the environment. What types of projects should the Green Fund be funding? (Check all that apply)
Renewable Energy (solar, biomass, wind, etc.)
Energy Efficiency (upgrade old technologies like lights and faucets)
Conservation (teach students how to use less resources)
Water Reduction Efforts (rain water catchment systems, improved irrigation systems, etc.)
Alternative Transportation (improvements to buses, bike paths, etc.)
Sustainable Landscaping/Gardening/Composting (equipment for gardens, improvements to composting technology, etc.)
Waste Minimization and Recycling (recycling bins, glass recycling, etc.)
Bringing Speakers to Campus/On Campus Events
Sending Students to Environmental Conferences
1)Please refer to these definitions as you answer the following items.
Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following items.
- Integrating sustainable practices (such as use of renewable energy and energy efficiency) into university life is worthwhile. 74, 22.6, 1.9, 1.5
- Sustainable practices on campus are a low priority for students. 9.3, 37.3, 37.3, 16.2
- Twenty-first century jobs increasingly rely on professionals who are aware of sustainable practices. 37.7, 47.9, 11.4, 2.9
- Learning about sustainable practices is irrelevant to my college experience.9.3, 14, 31.3, 45.4
Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Somewhat Disagree, Strongly Disagree
2)How important is it that Northern Arizona University becomes a leader in renewable energy and energy efficient practices in higher education?
Not at all important 4%
A little important11.3%
Somewhat important 29.1%
Very important 55.7%
3)The Green Fund could support both long and short-term investments on the Flagstaff campus.
Please indicate how important the following possibilities for fund use are to you.
Not at All Important, A Little Important, Somewhat Important, Very Important
Grants for student research and sustainability projects applicable to all areas of study
6.3%, 16.6%, 35.8%, 41.3%,
Purchase of more renewable energy from NAU's power provider. (NAU currently purchases 90% of its energy from Arizona Public Services' non-renewable resources.)
5.8%, 14.1%, 37.2%, 42.9%,
On-campus renewableenergy installation (such assolar, wind, or biomass)
5.3%, 9.8%, 27.5%, 57.5%,
Building efficiency upgrades(such as weatherization, lowflowshowers and toilets)
6.3%, 12.4%, 28.7%, 52.6%,
Other sustainability initiatives(such as recycle binpurchase, Yellow BikeProgram expansion)
5.2%, 10.3%, 29.3%, 55.2%
6) Do you support a mandatory $5.00 per semester fee in order to support a student-controlled Green Fund at NAU?
If you would like to see more information before answering this question, please link to a summary of the NAU Green Fund By Laws
Yes: 66.6%
No: 33.4%
4)Which of the following "green" efforts on campus are you aware of? Check all that apply.
- Dining Services' purchase of fair trade coffee, local produce, and organic foods: 22.8%
- 10% of campus' energy from renewable sources through the APS Green Choice program: 17.1%
- Recycled vegetable oils from campus dining used to fuel NAU buses: 21%
- Elimination of meal trays in dining facilities to reduce food waste: 59%
- Installation of public water dispensers to encourage reusable water bottle use: 60.2%
- Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified buildings (e.g., Applied Research and Development, The W. A. Franke College of Business, and Engineering): 46.5%
- Yellow Bike Program providing bikes for students to use free of charge: 85.4%
- Irrigation of 70% of campus landscaping with reclaimed water: 58.3%
- I was not aware of any of these efforts: 6.8%