Greek Advisor Meeting

July 22, 2010

I.  Welcome/Icebreaker (Point of Prides)

II.  Greek Life News and Info

a. Spring Greek Report-See attached

b. Greek Life Strategic Plan/Goals-Annual Report-See handout

c.  Summer Updates/Orientation

d. Fall Recruitment-See attached calendar dates; if you have any questions, please give us a call!

e. GAC Update-see letter about GAC Restructure

f. Upcoming Dates/Website/Blog-See calendar and visit our website for resources for Advisors!

III.  Guest Speakers?/Hot Topics Discussions:

Hot Topics that will be discussed at our next meeting:

Life Skills



Leadership Skills

Advisor Role/Standards

Building Community

Bystander Effect

Risk Management enforcement

House Safety

*If you’d like to add any to the list, please let me know.

IV.  One on Ones-Please contact me if you’d like to set up a meeting with our staff

V.  Next Meeting (late FALL-October/November)/Questions/Comments: THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!

VI.  Notes: In order to best fit your needs as advisors, we need your feedback, please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you with your role as advisor. This can include more effective training or meeting one on one!

Strategic Planning for the Department of Greek Life

6.2010 for 2010

Goal 1: DIVERSITY: Establish a supportive, inclusive, and educated Greek community more representative of the greater community to help create a safe, diverse environment for students to participate, learn and grown in.

Goal 2: STUDENT GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT: Develop a four-year progressive education plan that provides students with personal and professional growth to better prepare them for life after college.

Goal 3: CIVIC ENGAGEMENT/COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Collaborate with other offices and community agencies to create opportunities to engage the Greek students in service, philanthropy, education and awareness events on campus and in the community.

Goal 4: REDUCE HIGH RISK BEHAVIOR: Increase discussions and education about high risk behavior among our Greek community.

Goal 5: ENGAGE ALUMNI & PARENTS: Develop and foster relationships with Greek alumni and parents to provide resources, mentoring, and networking opportunities for Greek students.

Outline 2010-2011 Goals:


Increase the visibility of the Greek community on campus and in the local community through the collaboration of the Tri-Council with other departments, offices, and programs on campus.


Create a more inclusive Greek community through diversity education for and by the Greek community to generate a better understanding of all Greek organizations and to increase the number of minority students who join Greek organizations.


Grow the newly created Greek Leadership Fund by 10% to help cover Greek community education and development programs as well as scholarships for students to attend regional and national Leadership Development opportunities.

Office of Greek Life Fall 2010 Important Dates


10 Sorority Recruitment Registration Deadline

14 Current Greek Students Move-In

15-18 Pi Chi Training

16 Sorority Recruitment Meeting (Advisors, Recruitment Chairs, Presidents)

18 Sorority Recruitment Move-In for PNM’s

20 Sorority Recruitment Convocation @ 7:30p.m., Carolina First Arena

21-23 Sorority Recruitment Rounds 1-3

24 Cougar Carnival @ 7:00p.m. , Stern Gardens

25 IFC Recruitment Convocation @ 8:00p.m., Carolina First Arena

26 Miseducation of The Black Greek XPERIENCE! Campus Presentation

Sorority Recruitment House Tours

27 Sorority Recruitment Preference Round

NPHC Open House @ 7:00p.m., NPHC House

28 Sorority Bid Day

IFC Recruitment Open House

NPHC Meet the Greeks @ 2:00-5:00p.m., Stern Gardens


4 IFC Bid Day @ 10:00a.m., Carolina First Arena

11 Student Organization Summit @ 10:00a.m.-2:00p.m., Physicians & Stern

20-22 National Hazing Prevention Week

21 Bystander Intervention Training with Dr. Alan Berkowitz


11-12 Fall Break

11-15 Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week

14 Risk Management Workshop @ 5:00p.m.

New Member Speaker @ 7:00p.m.

19 Greek Emerging Leaders Program begins (Tuesdays @ 4:30 through November 23)

23 Fall Leadership Conference


19 Roster Updates & Greek Report Data Due


4 Dark Period Begins at Midnight


7-9 Greek Leadership Institute


·  Grade-Release Forms for New Members must be turned in within 14 days of bid acceptance.

·  Event Forms- Turned in 14 days prior to event, unless it’s a mixer, needs to be turned in 7 days in advance.

·  Officer Contact Information- Need the names, email address, and phone numbers for all new officers within two weeks of your officer elections.

For complete and updated calendar information please visit our website and refer to our community calendar.

Facebook Fan Page: College of Charleston Greek Life

Twitter: @cofcgreeklife

2010-2011 Leadership & Education Plan- Greek Community

Fall 2010

Who / What / When
PNM’s / Intro to Greek Staff & Structure, Basic Expectations, Rules, and Polices for the Community / Recruitment Convocation
Presidents & Social Chair/Event Planner (forms persons) / Student Organization Summit
Fall calendar, roster updates, forms, policies, etc.
(Optional Roberts Rules of Order Workshop @ 2:30 if want to attend) / Saturday, September 11 10:00am-2:00p.m.
Standards/Judicial Chair
One Representative from each academic class (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, & Senior) / Bystander Intervention Training
With Dr. Alan Berkowtiz / Tentatively Tuesday, September 21 Time TBD
National Hazing Prevention Week (September 20-24)
Risk Management Chair, New Member Educators/Intake Coordinators / Risk Management Workshop with Rick Barnes / Thursday, October 14 @ 5:00p.m.
ALL New Members / Drink Think Presentation- Rick Barnes / Thursday, October 14 @ 7:00 p.m.
Freshman & Sophomore Emerging Leaders (2 per chapter) / Greek Emerging Leader Program
6 week seminar on leadership and personal development within the Greek Community / Tuesday’s @ 4:30 (Oct. 19-Nov. 23)
Any Greek Student / Book Club-Change Theme / September
Greek Seniors / Book Club- Leaving a Legacy / November

Spring 2011

Who / What / When
President, RA, 1 other Exec Member / Greek Leadership Institute / January 7-9
New Members / Education/Workshop / February
Chapter Officers / Varsity Leadership Academy- Community Building and Idea Sharing / February
Council Officers / Officer Transition Retreats / Spring Semester
Standards/Judicial Chairs / Peer Mediation Training / Spring Semester
Book Club (2) / March & April
Greek Honor Society Members / Peer Academic Training & Mentoring Program / Spring Semester