Greater Seattle Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous
November 4, 2014 Meeting Minutes
1) Opening:
The annual meeting of the Greater Seattle Intergroup (GSI) was called to order at 7:15 PM on Nov. 4, 2014 in St. Paul’s United Church of Christ in Seattle, WA by Stacey B., GSI Chair. The meeting was opened with the Serenity Prayer and the reading of Tradition 11, Concept 11, and the purpose of GSI:
2) Introductions
Adele-IR Mill Creek Thurs. 7PMAnnie F.-Secretary
Barbara K.–Treasurer
Catherine B.-Delegate #1
Debi-Literature/Lifeline Chair
Diane-IR Mon. Maple Valley
Dotti-IR Sat. Bellevue Alano Club
Ginny R.-IR Sun. PM Ravenna
Heidi–Sponsor Coord. IR Burien Mon and Thurs.
Jean K.-IR Sat. University
Jeri K-IR Sat. St. Paul’s
Judith-IR Sun. Edmonds
Kathy F.-IR Woodinville Sat. 9AM
KC-IR Tues. & Sun. HOW Eastside Alano Club
Kevin C.-Bylaws Chair
Lisa-IR 7PM Weds. Shoreline
Mary L.-Vice Chair
Michelle C.–IR Capitol Hill Sun.
Nancy-IR Tues. Renton, Thurs. Columbia City
Sandra C.-IR Friday Denny Park, Thurs. YMCA and Mon. U-District
Sandra K.-IR Sat. 10AM Shoreline
Sarah C. Fellowship Chair
Shauna-IR Bothell Mon. PM
Shawn-IR Weds. AM Recovery
Stacey B. Chair
Sue N. IR St. Paul, Ballard
Susanna-IR Mon. Phinney Ridge
3) Adoption of Agenda
a) The agenda was adopted as amended.
4) Approval of the Minutes
a) The minutes of the October 7, 2014 meeting were approved as corrected.
5) Service in Small Packages
a) GSI will have a 7th Tradition box placed on counter with literature for those who can donate
6) Board Reports
a) Chair: Sandy asked Annie to email her Representative report from the 2014 Region One Assembly.
a) Vice-chair: Mary will report under “Events.”
b) Treasurer: Barbara K. presented the treasurer’s report.
1. The Treasurer’s report was as follows:
Beginning Balance: $12,221.84
Expenses: (3,860.79)
Income: 758.95
Ending Balance: $ 9,120.00
c) Secretary: Annie had nothing to report. She was thanked for her service.
d) Delegates:
Delegate #1: Catherine B. reported that Alcoholics Anonymous has reversed itself about the use and printing of excerpts of AA literature at OA meetings. .” Darlene G. Smith, the Intellectual Property Administrator, A.A. World Services, Inc. sent the following correspondence:
“We have no objection to your O.A. meeting reprinting brief excerpts from the Big Book for use in its meeting. Of course, we would ask that this material not be adapted, that is, this material should be read (or reprinted) directly from the actual Big Book.”
Committee Reports:
b) Standing Committees
1. Events: Mary L.:
a) There are many events coming up; there are flyers for them to take back to groups.
b) There are two events coming up in February that needs hosts: the I Love OA event,which takes place around Valentine’s Day, and the Unity Day marathon ,which is a worldwide OA event on the third Saturday in February.
c) The guidelines for hosting an event will be posted on the website.
d) Jeri K. stated that the Saturday morning group at St. Paul’s hosts the burn party and had questions about insurance coverage, mainly whether GSI’s name should be on the flyer. No flyers have been printed yet. Stacey B. stated that it appears that GSI’s insurance would cover any accidents. The event also occurs in a Seattle City Park, which has its own insurance. Jeri will check with the Seattle Parks Department. Annie will check with another 12-step Fellowship that hosts large events with fires to see what they do.
2. Bylaws: Kevin C.: Nothing to report.
3. PI/PO: Audra was absent.
4. 12th Step Within: Beth was absent.
5. Ways and Means: Joyce Ann was absent.
6. OA HOW: Cheryl D. was absent.
7. Special Committees
a) Fellowship: Sarah reported that where will be no more Fellowship events for the rest of the year, to allow people to attend the GSI events.
b) Literature/Lifeline: Debi is learning what needs to be done and there is another key for the locker so that literature may be stored in it. Mary L. purchased the new third edition of the Overeaters Anonymous “Brown Book” to resell for $14.00. There are forty new stories and the original appendices were retained and a new one added.. There are also Region One journals available for $10.00.
· There was a motion to reimburse Mary $340.20 for the new OA books. The motion was adopted.
c) Group Coordinator: Jenny H. was absent.
d) Sponsor Coordinator: The Sponsorship Rally was successful; 56 people attended, 11 got sponsors and many others made good connections. $260.50 was contributed to GSI from raffle baskets.
e) Hotline: OPEN
f) Website: Catherine M. was absent; the website is looking good.
g) Historian/Archives: OPEN
i) Events Recorder: Rachel recorded the sponsorship rally and will get it on the website.
1. The Secretary position is open: Annie was nominated but stated that she was hesistant because driving to the meeting was difficult for her, Shauna volunteered to help drive her. Annie was elected and will serve on month to month basis until someone else is available. PLEASE announce to groups that GSI needs a new secretary.
2. Delegate Posistions #’s1, 3 and 5 were open for election for a term of two years each. Delegate Position # 4 was open for its unexpired term of one year. There were no nominations for any of the open Delegate Positions, and the positions remain open
Budget: Treasurer Barbara K. presented a proposed GSI budget for the year 2015, and moved its adoption. The budget was adopted as amended. (see attachment # 1 for adopted 2015 GSI budget.
It was requested that the group representative PLEASE go back to their groups and ask the members if they found OA through the DEX yellow pages
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM with the Serenity Prayer.
The next meeting will be at 7:15 on December 2, 2014
Minutes submitted by: Annie F. GSI Secretary
Attachment # 1 Greater Seattle Intergroup - Approved 2015 BudgetRevenue / Expense / Difference
Groups / 10,000.00
GSI Meeting Donations
Individual Donations / (1,000.00)
Donation to Region One (10%) / (3,000.00)
Donation to World Service (30%)
Region One Representatives / (1,500.00)
WSBC Delegates / (2,600.00)
Misc Printing / (600.00)
12th Step Within/Relapse Marathon / 100.00 / (100.00)
Serenity Night / 100.00 / (100.00)
IDEA Day 2014 / 100.00 / (100.00)
Unity Day 2014 / 100.00 / (100.00)
Burn Party 2014
Attitude of Gratitude / 100.00 / (100.00)
I Love OA / 100.00 / (100.00)
Sponsorship Marathon / 100.00 / (100.00)
Misc. Events / 300.00 / (300.00)
Winter Retreat - Raffle / 1,000.00
Winter Retreat / 11,500.00 / (11,500.00)
C Huston HOW Summer Raffle / 600.00
C Huston HOW Summer Retreat / 8,000.00 / (8,000.00)
Misc. Retreat Expense-Winter / (200.00)
Misc. Retreat Expense-Summer / (200.00)
Public Outreach
PI/PO / (300.00)
12th Step Within / (50.00)
Ways & Means / 200.00 / (100.00)
OA/HOW / 100.00 / (100.00)
Seattle Website / (60.00)
GSI ROCs / (200.00)
Hotline / (330.00)
Directories / (800.00)
"Out of Area" Directories / 285.00
Yellow Pages / (700.00)
PO Box Rent / (140.00)
Bank Charges / (25.00)
Meeting Room & Locker Rent / (770.00)
WA Non-Profit Annual Rpt / (10.00)
Newcomer Packets (Donated) / (250.00)
Literature/Lifeline / 1,500.00 / (1,500.00)
Insurance / (500.00)
Projected Totals for year / 34,185.00 / (35,435.00) / (1,250.00)
Projected effect on bank balance:
9/30/14 Actual Checking/Savings Account Balance
Projected Income/Expense for Oct/Nov/Dec. 2014
Projected Income for year beginning 01/01/14 / 34,185.00
Projected Expenses for year beginning 01/01/14 / (35,435.00)
12/31/15 Projected Checking/Savings Account Balance