Year 12 Spanish Scheme of work – 2009
Sigue 1
Ponte al dia
Spanish grammar workbook
Listening booklet and CD for individual study
NCEA Level 2 Spanish workbook
List of Level 2 vocabulary
List of Level 2 structures
Past examination papers
Websites for grammar practice:
Assessment Opportunities:
Written prep is to be set and marked regularly
Frequent vocabulary tests
Weekly exercises set in listening booklet
Regular use of past examination papers
Past examination papers (2007) for all external standards at the end of Term 2. Grades will be available to parents.
Mock examinations in standards 2.1, 2.4, 2.5 to take place at the start of term 4
Internal Assessments:
2.2 Giving a prepared talk in Spanish on a familiar topic – term 2, week 3
Future plans
2.3 Converse in Spanish in a familiar context – term 3, week 6
Health/ Friendship??
2.6 Write a crafted text in Spanish on a familiar topic, with the support of resources – term 3, week 2
Guide to New Zealand/Ideal destination
The final date for standards to be submitted for moderation is 23rd October 2009.
External Assessments:
2.1 Listen to and understand spoken language in Spanish in familiar contexts
2.4 Read and understand written language in Spanish in familiar contexts
2.5 Write text in Spanish on a familiar topic
This is intended as a guide and there is therefore some flexibility. Adjustments will be made for 2010 as necessary.
Term/Week / Topic / Materials / Grammar / Culture/other opportunities / Assessments
1-5 / Free time – sports
media / Sigue 1 unit 2
Ponte al dia unit 2
Listos 3
p90/1 - TV
p116/7 reading
p171 sports
Aventura Nueva 3 p120-3 TV/radio/press/films
Reading/listening on children and TV / Revision of present tense
Regular verbs
Ser and estar
Stem changing verbs
Irregular verbs
Preterite tense
Imperfect tense
Adjectives / Dictionary work
Writing about what you do and used to do
Watch a film and write about it
Bullfighting – scene from ‘Hable con ella’
6-9 / Future plans and jobs / Aventura Nueva 3
Listos 3
p178 / Compound tenses
Direct and indirect speech??
Future tense
Conditional tense
Continuous tenses
Perfect tense
Pronouns – direct and indirect
Basic subjunctive (cuando) / Practice presentation on free time
Term 2
1-4 / Food and health / Sigue 1 unit 3
Ponte al dia unit 3
Aventura Nueva 3 p82-5?
Listos 3 p88/9 vida sana
p130 droga p176 fumar
Puntos de partida p301-328 / Adverbs
Personal ‘a’
Para and por
Deber/ debería – giving advice
Imperatives – positive/negative / Start setting past writing questions
– one a week
Week 3 - 2.2 Future plans
5-9 / Friendship, love, family / Sigue 1 unit 1
Aventura Nueva 3
Listos 3 p128-9
p179 / Subjunctive: Present
Si clauses
Possessives and demonstratives / Write a letter to an agony aunt
Writing – amor a primera cita
Term 3
1-4 / Spain and Latin America
Impact of tourism on environment / Sigue 1 unit 5
Ponte al dia – various units
Aventura Nueva 3
p162/3 Mexico
Listos 3 p154/5 Barcelona
Aventura Nueva 3
Listos 3
p177 / Prepositions
Revision of pronouns
Infinitive constructions
Gustar / Presentation on a Latin American country
Travel brochure
Research a fiesta? / Week 2 – 2.6 Health
Weeks 6-9 / Any grammar not covered / Spanish film at the end of the term / Week 6 – 2.3 Guide to New Zealand/
Ideal destination
Term 4
Weeks 1-6
Then students on study leave / Past papers / Revision of all verb tenses
Especially irregular verbs / Mock exam
Reassessment for 2.2/2.3/2.6 if required
Possible topics for Level 3: Education Media
Novel/film – Como agua para chocolate?
Transport - check past papers