Greater New York District of the New York Physical Therapy Association, Inc

Greater New York District of the New York Physical Therapy Association, Inc



BYLAWS (Amended May 2017)


The name of this organization is the Greater New York District of the New York Physical Therapy Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the District. The New York Physical Therapy Association, Inc. shall hereinafter be referred to as the Chapter and the American Physical Therapy Association, Inc. shall hereinafter be referred to as the APTA. The territorial jurisdiction of the District consists of the following counties: Bronx, Manhattan and Queens.


The object of this District shall be the object of the Association as stated in the Association Bylaws: to represent and promote the profession of physical therapy and to meet the needs and interests of its members in order to address the physical therapy needs of members of society and to develop and advance the art and science of physical therapy, including practice, education, and research.


The district cooperates with the Association and the Chapter to implement the following specific functions, which are appropriate to the District:

A.To help assure the availability of quality physical therapy to those persons served by members of the District.

B.To provide opportunity for professional growth and development to members of the District through communication, continuing education, and social interaction.

C.To promote and support sound legislation, which advances physical therapy and other health and welfare programs in the District.

D.To disseminate information within the District regarding the state laws governing the practice of physical therapy.

E.To cooperate with physical therapy education programs in the District.

F.To provide, upon request, appropriate consultative service to other organizations, agencies, schools, or individuals within the District.

G.To promote within the District a public awareness of the role of physical therapy in health care.

H.To promote and protect the economic and general welfare of the members of the District.

I.To carry out the functions as set forth in the APTA and Chapter Bylaws and in policy statements made by the House of Delegates and the Delegate Assembly.


Section 1.Membership of the District is composed of those members assigned to the District by the Chapter or those who have petitioned for assignment to the District.

Section 2.The classes, qualifications, rights and all other rules relating to membership shall be those prescribed by the Chapter and the APTA.


Section 1.Annual Meeting - The Annual Meeting of the District shall be held in April unless otherwise specified by the Executive Board; the Annual Meeting of the District shall be held prior to the Chapter’s Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly.

Section 2.Regular Meetings - In addition to the annual meeting, a minimum of three (3) District business meetings shall be held during the year; at least one regular meeting shall be for the purpose of discussing Chapter legislative issues.

Section 3.Special Meetings - Special meetings of the District may be called by the Executive Board. One fifth of the District membership may mandate the Executive Board to call a special meeting of the District.

Section 4Meetings may be conducted by utilizing electronic technology.

Section 5.Notice - Notice of all meetings shall be mailed to members at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting.

Section 6.Quorum - The voting members present shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1.Composition - The officers of the District shall be: Chapter Director/ Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member at Large.

Section 2.Qualifications - Physical therapist, Retired physical therapist or Life physical therapist members in good standing of the District and who have consented to serve shall be eligible for election or appointment to any office. Physical therapist assistant, Retired physical therapist assistant or Life physical therapist assistant members in good standing of the District and who have consented to serve shall be eligible for election or appointment to the offices of Secretary, Treasurer and Member-at-Large. In addition, the Chapter Director /Chairman must be APTA members in good standing for two years immediately preceding the election or appointment, one of which must be as a member of the District.

Section 3.Election - The officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the District. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected on the odd numbered years. The Chapter Director /Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and the Member at Large shall be elected on the even numbered years.

Section 4.Term of Office* (See end note) - All officers shall serve a term of two (2) years or until a successor is elected and shall assume their duties immediately following election, with the exception of the Chapter Director/Chairman, who shall assume office upon adjournment of the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly. No officer may serve in the same office for more than two (2) consecutive terms, but may be re-elected to the office following an interim of at least one year.

Section 5.Vacancies - If the Chapter Director/Chairman dies, resigns, is removed, or becomes disqualified, the Vice-Chairman shall succeed to the office vacated for the unexpired portion of the term. Vacancies created by death, resignation, or disqualification of other officers shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Board for the unexpired portion of the term.

Section 6.Duties - In addition to duties specified in this section of the Bylaws, officers shall perform any duties found elsewhere in these Bylaws and any other duties prescribed by the District, or requested by Chapter.

A.Chapter Director/Chairman -

The duties of the Chapter Director/Chairman shall be to:

  1. Preside at all meetings of the District and the Executive Board.
  2. Represent the District at Chapter Board meetings based upon District decisions, opinions, concerns and activities.
  3. Serve as a member of the District Finance Committee.
  4. Call regular and special meetings of the District and Executive Board.
  5. Serve as official spokesman for the District and Executive Board.
  6. Notify the Executive Board if he/she is unable to attend a Chapter Board meeting so that the Executive Board can authorize an alternate to attend.
  7. Assume leadership of District activities and endeavor to develop the District in accordance with the policies of the APTA and the Chapter.
  8. Attend the Chapter Annual Meeting and serve as Chief Delegate.
  9. Call a meeting of the District delegates to the Delegate Assembly prior to this meeting, and outline their responsibilities and obligations.
  10. Submit written reports to the Executive Board and oral reports to the district membership on Chapter Board of Directors actions. These reports are to be submitted at the first meeting of the Executive Board and membership following the Chapter Board of Directors meeting.
  11. Submit a written report to the Executive Board and inform the membership of actions taken by the Delegate Assembly and to present the reports at the first Executive Board meeting and the first District meeting following the Delegate Assembly.
  12. Keep the membership informed of all information pertinent to the District.
  13. Address the membership at the Annual District meeting concerning the state of the District.
  14. Submit the Chapter Director/Chairman's annual budget to the Chapter Office by the deadline set by the Chapter Finance Committee.
  15. Submit an annual report to the District and to the Chapter.
  16. Fulfill the duties of the office as prescribed by the Chapter.

B.Vice Chairman -

The duties of the Vice-Chairman shall be to:

  1. Assist in the discharge of the Chapter Director/Chairman's duties.
  2. Officiate in the absence of or at the request of the Chapter Director/Chairman.
  3. Act as ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee. Coordinate the activities of standing and special committees and insure that annual written reports of standing and special committees are submitted to the Executive Board at the end of the year.
  4. Assist officers, committee chairmen, and task force chairmen in establishing and maintaining procedure manuals and work logs.
  5. Serve as parliamentarian at all meetings of the District membership and Executive Board.
  6. Serve as a member of the District Finance Committee.
  7. Submit the Vice-Chairman's budget to the Treasurer by December 1.
  8. Submit an annual report to the District by January 1 and assist the Chapter Director/Chairman in generating an annual report to the Chapter.

C.Secretary -

The duties of the Secretary shall be to:

  1. Record and keep the minutes of the District and Executive Board meetings.
  2. Provide for printing and distributing the minutes of all meetings to all members of the Executive Board and to others as directed by the Executive Board.
  3. Be custodian of records books and papers belonging to the District and of the District's Bylaws.
  4. Keep the index of standing rules, procedures, and bylaws up to date.
  5. Maintain a current directory of officers, committee and task force chairmen and liaisons.
  6. Carry on the official correspondence of the District including notifying members of meetings, notifying officers of their election, notifying committee members of their appointments, and mailing notices and correspondence as required by these Bylaws or by order of the Chapter Director/Chairman or Executive Board.
  7. Keep a current file of the District membership containing name, home address and other significant information relative to each member.
  8. Forward to the Executive Director of the Chapter the names of officers and standing committee chairmen and dates of their term of office.
  9. Submit an annual written report to the District by January 1 and assist the Chapter Director/Chairman in generating an annual report to the Chapter.
  10. Submit the Secretary's annual budget to the Treasurer by Dec. 1st.

D.Treasurer -

The duties of the Treasurer shall be to:

  1. Keep true and accurate accounts of the receipts and disbursements of the District.
  2. Prepare an annual budget with the assistance of the Finance Committee and submit it to the Executive Board by its January meeting and to the membership at the Annual Meeting.
  3. Submit an annual report to the District and assist the Chapter Director/Chairman in generating an annual report to the Chapter.
  4. Submit an annual report to the Chapter at the end of the fiscal year.
  5. Submit quarterly reports to the Executive Board.
  6. Make budgetary disbursements and special disbursements on approval of the Executive Board.

E.Member at Large -

The duties of the Member-at-Large shall be to:

  1. Establish programs designed to inform PT and PTA students of the structure and activities of the APTA and of the varied roles assumed by PTs and PTAs in the health field.
  2. Be available to PT clinics to discuss problems relating to the profession and APTA.
  3. Design programs for presentation at high school career days.
  4. Work with the Secretary and Public Relations Committee chairman on matters regarding membership.
  5. Submit the Member at Large's annual budget to the Treasurer by December 1.
  6. Submit an annual report to the District by January 1 and assist the Chapter Director/Chairman in generating an annual report to the Chapter.


Section 1.Composition - The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the District.

Section 2.Duties - In addition to duties specified in this section of the Bylaws, the Executive Board shall perform any duties found elsewhere in these Bylaws and any other duties prescribed by the District, or requested by Chapter. The Executive Board shall:

A.Attend all regular and special Executive Board and District meetings.

B.Carry out the mandates and policies of the District as determined by the membership.

  1. Have full power and complete authority subject to the provision of these Bylaws and all resolutions and enactments of the membership of the District to perform all acts and transact all business for and on behalf of the District.
  2. Appoint an alternate to attend a Chapter Board meeting in the event the Chapter Director/Chairman is unable to attend.
  3. Devise measures for the District's growth and development.
  4. Bring before the members communications from the APTA and the Chapter for the purposes of information, obtaining expression of opinion, or vote.
  5. Create special committees and guide the activities of all special and standing committees except the Nominating Committee.
  6. Appoint members to the standing and special committees, except the Nominating Committee, and be empowered to require attendance of any or all committee chairmen at any Board meeting.

I.Review the annual budget and authorize special expenditures of funds.

J.Order the calling of meetings of the District and the Executive Board.

K.Elect the Designated Delegate to the House of Delegates.

L.Receive and review complaints regarding the inability of an officer to fulfill the duties of his office and recommend appropriate action to the officer or to the membership.

Section 3.Voting Power - each officer shall be entitled to one vote.

Section 4.Quorum - a quorum of the Executive Board shall consist of majority of the voting members of the Board.


Section 1.Standing Committees

A.Nominating Committee

1.Composition - The Nominating committee shall consist of three (3) District members, one elected at each Annual Meeting. The chairman of the committee shall be the member who is in the last year of his/her term.

2.Qualifications: Members of this committee shall be PT and PT life members of the District who have been members in good standing in the District for two years immediately preceding election.

3.Term - Term of office shall be three years, or until a successor is elected, one member being elected each year. No member shall be serve on the committee for more than two consecutive terms.

4.Duties - The Nominating committee shall:

a.Submit nominations for national offices, APTA Honorary memberships, APTA Awards and Committees

b.Submit nominations for Chapter offices to the Chairman of the Chapter Nominating Committee.

c.Prepare a slate of nominees for District offices and inform the District membership at least one month prior to the Annual District meeting of the nominees and their qualifications.

d.Prepare a slate of potential delegates to the Chapter Delegate Assembly to be presented to the Executive Board at its January meeting.

e.Prepare a slate of candidates for the position of Designated Delegate to be presented to the Executive Board.

f.Submit an annual written report to the District.

B.Finance Committee

1.Composition - The Finance Committee shall consist of the Treasurer, Chairman, Vice-Chairman and any additional members appointed by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall serve as the Chairman.

2.Term - Each member shall serve a term of two (2) years.

3.Duties - This committee shall prepare the District budget and shall advise the Board on matters pertaining to the District's financial program.

C.Other Standing Committees - the Executive Board shall have the power to create any other standing committees as deemed necessary.

Section 2.Special Committees - shall be appointed as the need arises.

A.Composition - The Chairman and committee members shall be appointed by the Executive Board.

B.Duties - The Committee shall:

1.Implement the responsibilities designated by the Executive Board

2.Formulate and bring to the Executive Board considerations relative to the committee functions

3.Submit interim reports

4.Prepare an estimated budget for expenses of committee activities and submit it to the Treasurer by December 1.

Section 3.Vacancies - if a committee chairman or member fails to serve, is removed from office, resigns, or dies, the Executive Board shall appoint an eligible member to serve the unexpired portion of the term. Vacancies on the Nominating Committee shall be filled by appointment by the Nominating Committee until the next district Annual Meeting, when an election shall be held to fill the unexpired portion of the term.


Section 1.Qualifications –

  1. Only PT or PT life members in good standing may serve as PT District Delegates.
  2. Only PTA or PTA life members in good standing may serve as PTA District Delegates.

Section 2.Members of the delegation

A.The Chapter Director/Chairman shall be the Chief Delegate from the District to the Delegate Assembly.

B.In the event that the Chapter Director/Chairman is unable to attend the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly, the Chapter Director/Chairman shall appoint someone to serve as Chief Delegate.

C.The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of potential PT district delegates and PTA district delegates to the Delegate Assembly to be submitted to the Executive Board at its January meeting. These potential delegates shall have regularly attended District meetings in the past year and taken a general interest in the profession.

D.The membership shall elect an approximate number of delegates and alternates at its Annual Meeting. The final number of eligible delegates is determined in accordance with the Chapter Bylaws.

Section 3.Responsibilities

A.Attend Annual Meeting of District

B.Attend orientation meetings as determined by the Chief Delegate.

C.Attend all meetings of the Delegate Assembly

D.Present to Delegate Assembly such matters as are directed by the Executive Board and/or the membership of the District.

E.Vote at the meetings of the Delegate Assembly in accordance with instructions of the District.

Section 4.Distribution of Votes – Distribution of votes will be according to Chapter bylaws.


Section 1.The District shall conform to the Bylaws and procedures of the Chapter regarding delegates to the House of Delegates.

Section 2.The District is entitled to elect one qualified delegate to the House of Delegates. The Executive Board shall elect the Designated Delegate from a slate submitted to the Executive Board by the Nominating Committee.

Section 3.Responsibilities - The Designated Delegate of the District shall attend the Annual Meeting of the District and perform other duties as described in the Chapter Bylaws.