Sections enclosed:

SECTION A:Details about your organisation/group and how to contact you

SECTION B:Details about your activities, projects or proposed activities

SECTION C:Details about your project or activity costs

*Feel free to add additional pages where appropriate and please ensure that they are identifiable.


Details about your organisation/group and how to contact you

Are you a registered charity?

Yes No

If yes, please provide your charity registration number:

Are you a community or support group?

Yes No

Name of your charity/community group:

Contact details for application:

Mobile Telephone:
Landline Telephone:
Email Address:
Twitter/Facebook/Website address (If applicable):


Details about your activities, projects or proposed activities

Please provide a description of your project.

Please provide details of how/why your organisation/group came together.

Why doyou require a grant from the Greater Manchester High Sheriff’s Police Trust?

What are the main focuses and objectives of your organisation/group?

Do you have any specific time scales/deadlines in meeting certain criteria of your objectives? (If so, please list those criteria and their time scales.)

Please state the project time periods in which successful funding, from the Greater ManchesterHigh Sheriff’s Police Trust, will support your programme.

How do you plan to monitor and evaluate the progression of meeting your objectives’requirements?

Please provide details of your target audience:

-Who are they?

-Where are they based?

Describe how your target audience will make efficient use of your project.

What proposed impact will your organisation/group/project have on your community and target audience?

How does your organisation plan to address the issues of reducing crime and helping communities feel safe?

Are there any external agencies associated with your organisation? (If so, please state their name and the role they play.)

Are you currently working with or receiving support from Greater Manchester Police? (If so, please provide details.)

Have you appliedfor funding from additional sources, for this project? (If so, please provide details.)

Do you have an exit strategy? (Please state how you will continue to run the project when the Greater ManchesterHigh Sheriff’s Police Trust funding expires, if successful.)

Additional comments


Details about your project costs

What is the total sum of the grant requested?

Provide a summary of costs and contributions received for this project, from all sources. (This is the full amount of the income raised so far, towards this project.)
Breakdown / Actual Costs
Income raised so far / Total: £
Provide a breakdown summary of how the requested amount in this grant, will support this project. (This is the total requested amount, from the Greater ManchesterHigh Sheriff’s Police Trust.)
Breakdown / Actual Costs
Total grant requested / Total: £

Should you require any additional information or support, please contact us on the details below:

Contact: Glen Lockett - 0161 8568977


Please submit via email or post to the following addresses:


Address: Greater ManchesterHigh Sheriff’s Police Trust C/O NCE Team, Greater Manchester Police, Openshaw Complex, Lawton Street, Openshaw, Manchester M11 2NS

Thank you for your submission; we will notify you as to the decision following the next Trustee meeting.