BPCL Lubricant Micro site Functionality

Product Selector


-Category Master

-Sub Category Master

-Add Product

-Edit / Delete Product

Category Master

Type / Dropdown – (hardcoded)
–Select Type
–Industrial Lubricants
Category Name / Text box

-while editing, make sure there is listing of existing categories

Sub Category Master

Type / Dropdown – (hardcoded)
–Select Type
–Industrial Lubricants
Category Name / Dropdown from Master
Sub Category Name / Text box

-while editing, make sure there is listing of existing categories

Add Product

Type / Dropdown – (hardcoded)
–Select Type
–Industrial Lubricants
Category Name / Dropdown from Master
Sub Category Name / Dropdown from Master
Product Name / Text box
Introduction / Text area
Brief Description / Text area
Performance Benefits / Text area
Applications / Text Area
Performance Level / Text Area
Other Details / Text Area
Health and Safety / Text Area
Upload Specification file for printing / Browse and upload
Upload Product Image
(size w * h in pixel) / Browse and upload
Association / Petrol / Diesel / Transmission Oil / Coolant / Brake Oil

Front End

On home page and all inside pages in Product Selector, there will be two tab:

Automotive Lubricants
Industrial Lubricants

Automotive Lubricants

The engines fitted in these vehicles are broadly classified as follows based on the fuel it use and the number of strokes.

Bottom of Form

Lubricants play a very vital role in the smooth & trouble free operation of any automobiles. There are different accretes fitted in an automobiles vehicle such as engines, gear & transmission, brake system, radiator coolant, wheel bearing etc requires different type of oils and greases.

The heart of any automotive vehicle is the engines which power the vehicle motion. The engines fitted in these vehicles are broadly classified as follows based on the fuel it use and the number of strokes:

  • Petrol Engines – Spark
  • Ignition Engines
  • Two Stroke Engines
  • Four Stroke Engines
  • Diesel Engines – Compression Ignition Engines

Automotive Lubricants

2 / 3 Wheeler with Two Stroke - Engine Oil

MAK 2T / MAK Matsya 2T
Lubrication of a two-stroke petrol engine is quite different from that of a four-stroke engine, as it is not possible to have separate lubricating oil sump. Hence a two-stroke petrol engine is always lubricated by a petroil mixture. The lubricating oil is mixed with petrol in suitable proportion as per the manufacturer's recommendation. In the latest generation Two-stroke engines, the lubricating oil is directly injected by an accurate metering device from a separate tank into the petrol in quantities dependent on the speed and load of the engine.
When the petrol mixture enters the crankcase, because of the high temperatures prevailing, the petrol fraction vaporizes leaving a thin oil film of lubricant on the crankcase, cylinder walls, crankshaft and bearings.
The primary requirement of two-stroke engine oil is its ability to readily mix with petrol and burn without leaving too much ash. The oil should reduce engine wear, spark plug fouling, combustion chamber deposits, piston ring sticking, exhaust port blocking and silencer deposits. In addition the oil should have the ability to keep the engine clean at high engine operating temperatures and prevent bearing corrosion at lean oil-fuel ratios.