CLUB NAME: ______

To qualify the club must be chartered for 6 or more months prior to the end of the fiscal year. The club MUST meet EACH requirement noted below during the time frame of April 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018. if more room is required add an extra page with the appropriate heading.

Greater Impact Through Service:

□The club has sponsored nine (9) or more different service projects. Please briefly describe the service activities that wereconducted: Using this format please list on an attached sheet.

Date: ______Activity: ______

□CLUB CHALLENGE – Earmark something new as a goal, and then succeed at it. Describe the goal, and whether it was met this year. (e.g., create and sponsor a NEW service project; sponsor a Leo club; create a new club brochure.)

□HLFCONTRIBUTION — $______contribution to Hawaii Lions Foundation.

Organizational Excellence:

□CLUB IN GOOD STANDING – All financial obligations to Lions Clubs International and to District 50 met with none 90 day pass due.

□Net growth in membership, or sponsored a new club or branch. New member orientation and induction provided.

Net Growth in Members: ______□ Name of sponsored club or branch: ______

CLUB DEVELOPMENT – Submit timely Monthly Membership, Service Activity, and Club Officer (PU-101) reports.

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT – All officer positions filled according to the constitution and by-laws by qualifiedLions. A club member attends zone meetings. Three or more club members participated in a Leadership Institute, Lions Forums, Zone or D50 workshops.

Member’s Name Date Leadership Development Type

Member’s Name Date Leadership Development Type

Member’s Name Date Leadership Development Type

Improving Our Public Image: Interface with media to publicize and spread impact of Lions activities. Who we are and what we do.

Date ______Media Source______Topic Explored______or

Date______Media Source ______Project Publicized______

Member Enrichment Activities:

□Club Meetings - Host regular club meetings. Have guest speakers that enrich the members lives. Please list two.

□CLUB NEWS – Good monthly communications with members through ___e-mail, ___website, ___newsletter, or ___other (explain)

□CLUB ASSESSMENT – The club does a formal review of its operations (projects, activities, meetings, etc.) .

How did the club assess itself?______Response ______%

What was the outcome? ______

I, President’s Printed Name: ______, hereby attest that our club has fulfilled all requirements as stated on this application.

Date2017-2018 Club President Signature

Mail or e-mail completed signed form by April 11, 2018 to:

Sandy Gomes, Awards and Recognition Committee Chairperson – P.O. Box 25072, Honolulu HI 96825-0072 or .