Greater Gallatin Watershed Council
Board of Directors Meeting - Minutes
February 13, 2012
7:30 – 9:30 a.m.
Board Members Present: Chris Boyer, Pat Byorth, Susan Duncan, Marcia Youngman, Sally Schrank, Rose Vallor, and Barbara Vaughn
Others Present: Morgan Bessaw – BSWC AmeriCorps Member
Approval of Minutes
- DecemberMeeting Minutes
- Barbara Vaughn moved to accept the DecemberMinutes
- Seconded by Pat Byorth
- Motion approved(7,0)
Treasurer’s Report: The following financial documents were presented to the Board:
December 2012 Treasurer’s Report
- Net Income of $5,194 for 2012.
- December
- Net income for the month $2,249
- Revenues for December were $5,737 - $3,000 Cinnabar grant received, $1,800 year end appeal, & $700 Urban Waters grant received.
- Paid remaining $1,575 for the website.
- Bank Balance at the end of the year $16,140
January 2013 Treasurer’s Report
- Net loss for the month $8,368
- Dashboard – General Funds $3,396, $3,000 new Cinnabar grant, DEQ Wetlands & DEQ TMDL have been submitted for final billing.
- Income - $1,475 annual meeting sales
- Major expenses for January
- $5,000 AmeriCorps payment
- $2,923 Annual meeting costs
- Annual meeting recap - $1,475 Income, $3,327 Expense, Net loss $1,852
- Year-end appeal - $1,800 donations
- Bank balance January 31 - $7,572
- Motion to accept the JanuaryTreasurer’s reports
- Pat Byorthmoved to accept the Treasurer’s reports
- Seconded byBarbara Vaughn
- Motion approved (7,0)
- The board would like a breakdown of the $1,800 in donations we received from donor letters
- Lost roughly $1,852 on the Annual Meeting
- The Board would like a spread sheet on past annual meetings to evaluate whether the meeting usually makes or loses money
- Consider having a suggested donation in the future to help cover costs
- GGWC received (in February) roughly $2,400 from MIG from car sales for the month of January
Committee Updates
- General – Morgan
- Website Update
- GGWC is done working with Rhea, have switched entirely over to Andrew with Reciprocity Industries
- Board needs to create a budget for the website and contracting with Andrew
- Most website work will be done by Morgan (with assistance from Sierra at times) with help from Chris.
- Morgan and Chris have a list of questions that they need to ask Andrew
- BSWC Update/Partnership with GVLT
- Partnership is running smoothly, Morgan uses their office about twice a week.
- Have submitted a Community Foundations mini grant to fund more watershed maps for the GVLT trail kiosks
- Meeting with Gallatin Conservation District next week to talk about possible collaboration on DNRC Watershed Planning Assistance grant and to attend monthly CD meeting
- Water Resources
- Story Mill Project Site & Gallatin Stream Team sampling sites
- adding two more sites this year for pre and post construction data
- Just submitted 5Star Urban Waters grant asking for $39,000 (half for restoration, half for stream team and outreach)
- Need to list Story Mill Project as a high priority in our WRP to secure funding
- Gallatin Stream Team prep for 2013 – volunteer recruitment
- Stream team informational meeting at REI around the end of May (30th?)
- Steve Carpenedo from DEQ advised that there is funding available (leftover 319 funds, returned to DEQ) that GGWC could use for projects such as Mathew Byrd Creek. GGWC can put together a small proposal and tie it to our Wetland Integration Grant and Watershed Restoration plan. Robert Ray at DEQ has the funding. * Note* Sierra followed up with Steve and he will let us know when this funding is available.
- Education and Outreach
- Watershed Wednesday Event
Morgan attended event at the capital, got to schmooze with some legislators including Art Wittich
- Spring Newsletter
Beginning a quarterly newsletter, sending out the first at the end of March
Morgan is looking for individuals to write articles for the first newsletter.
Morgan will send out an email asking for articles this week.
- Development
- Donor database & MailChimp updates
Morgan has updated our contact list and input it into the MailChimp online database.
There are currently 222 names in our contact list but 503 in DonorTools
Morgan would like to update the DonorTools list to include emails so our new electronic newsletter can reach the greatest number of people possible
Hopefully board members can add emails to our list of donors if they have them and do not feel it is a breach of ethics by sharing the emails they have in their personal contacts.
Morgan to send out an email with the steps to do this later this week.
Upcoming New Business
- Morgan and Rose are going to work together to apply for the Cinnabar Grant, which can be used for general administrative funds.
- GGWC received a postcard from the Jerry Metcalf Foundation asking us to apply for their grant by March 15th , Morgan will begin looking into that this week
Board Discussions
- Board Discussed Potential Board Members
Mark Story
-Rose moved to vote on Mark
-Marcia seconded the motion
-Motion approved to invite (7,0)
Chris Mahony
-Barbra Vaughan moved to vote on Chris M.
-Chris B. seconded the motion
-Motion approved to invite (7,0)
Rob Evans
-Have not met with Rob yet
-Board will wait until next month to vote on his membership
Marcia suggested that new Board Members do not become official until the next board meeting
This will allow current members time to elect new officers
- Election of GGWC Officers for 2013
- Tabled until next meeting or until an electronic vote so more board members can be involved
- Would like to review the board terms that are left
- Pat volunteered to continue on as Vice Chair
- Rose would like to step down as Chair, is there any interest in this position?
- Discussion of Sierra’s Scope of Work
- The Board and Sierra have discussed a new scope of work,
- This will need to be voted on by the Executive Committee
- Scope is adjusted for committees to take on more responsibilities and to receive help from Sierra, rather than Sierra taking on the majority of responsibilities with help from the Board.
- This information will need to get passed onto all the committees
- Board suggested that they begin making a quarterly work plan to pass onto Sierra so that there is better communication between the Committees and Sierraabout which tasks are a priority for GGWC.
- New scope includes a raise from $20/hr. to $22.50/hr.
- Contract is for 6 months, which ends July 2nd, would it be possible to extend this to 7 or 8 months?
- This longer extension will get Board through summer and the busiest months for GGWC?
- If possible, the Board would like to have an informal conversation regarding if Sierra does or does not decide to renew for another six months at the end of this contract.
Next Meeting
GGWC Monthly Meeting
(Changed due to spring break March 13th)
Bozeman Audi Dealership, Main & 19th