Great Lakes Lesson 7
-Use computers to find information about the Great Lakes including: size, depth, history, tourist attractions etc….
6-G2.1.1 Describe the landform features and the climate of the region (within the Western or Eastern Hemisphere).
-Computers for every or for every 2 students
-“Great Lakes Webquest” Sheet
-Great Lakes Guidebook Sheet
-Various Travel Guides
Introductory Activity:
Ask students if they have ever seen a travel guidebook before? If so, what elements are usually found in a travel guidebook? Pass around some examples for students to look at. Explain that as part of our Great Lakes unit, we will be creating a travel guidebook for the Great Lakes.
Learning Activities:
1. Introductory Activity
2. Explain that today we will be completing an activity that will help us with our guidebooks. We are going to be working in pairs to find out information about the Great Lakes using a “webquest.” (Explain what a webquest is to students).
3. Have students get in pairs and assign each pair a Great Lake to research (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Superior, Erie)
4. Pass out netbooks and webquest worksheets. Write the URL for the online instruction sheet on the board.
5. Have students work to fully complete the webquest. After they have finished, they must show their answers to the instructor.
6. Once students have finished, have each pair find the other pair who researched the same lake. They will get together to review their notes and to neatly complete the Guidebook sheet that will be placed in the guidebook.
7. At the end of class, after students have neatly and carefully put away all of the netbooks, ask each ‘lake’ to share something new that they learned about that lake.
Formative Assessment:
-The answers to the webquest will be a way to formatively assess how well students followed the directions of the webquest and understood the content of the websites.
-The ending ‘wrap up’ of students sharing will be a quick way to not only summarize the class, but to also see how much knowledge about the Great Lakes was gained.
Discovering the Great Lakes
You and a partner will work to complete a webquest about the Great Lakes and ONE Great Lake in particular. Use the netbooks and follow the directions in order to complete your quest. Good luck.
1. Open up Internet Explorer.
2. Type this URL in your web browser:
3. Look at the map of the Great Lakes at the top of the page. Which lake is furthest North?
4. Which lake have you been assigned?
5. Scroll down. How many square miles big is your lake?
6. How many miles long is your lake?
7. How deep is your lake at your DEEPEST point?
Great! Nice Job, now it is time to move on and learn some more!
8. Type this URL into your web browser: Got it? Good!
9. Click on the link for the lake that your group has been assigned. Read the text about the name of your lake.
10. Where did the name of your lake come from?
11. Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming…. Go to this website:
12. Skim the text. What are some of the major products that are shipped (carried on ships) throughout the Great Lakes?
13. If you are researching Lake Huron, Lake Michigan or Lake Superior, go here:
There should be a map of Michigan with different numbers that you can click on. Click on 3 numbers near your lake. Write what cities they are as well as what is fun to do in those cities.
-If you are researching Lake Erie, go here:
Write about 2 places to STAY near Lake Erie and 3 things to DO near Lake Erie (*hint-Cedar Point is on Lake Erie)
-If you are researching Lake Ontario, go here:
What are the 4 Canadian cities on Lake Ontario that are fun to go to? Write about 1 thing to see or do in each city.
14. Using “Google,” ‘google’ your Lake and find a photo or picture of it. Print the picture or draw a representation of it here.
Name of Lake
Size in Square Miles:
Deepest Point:
Origin of Name of Lake:
Fun things to do on or near the lake: