MOCAN Meeting Minutes 04-14-2016
Dental Rural Health Presentation
● Testing students for oral health screen
● Fluoride varnish is pasted onto each child’s teeth and it will protect for up to 4 months.
● ESP served 85,000 students a year
● How to operate Oral health and overall health in the same area.
● Dental health hygienists have to go through a training in order to be reimbursed for the fluoride varnish for children.
● Parents and volunteers can take a training to assist with fluoride varnish if there are nurses or dental hygienists present.
● How to refer children for dental resources in community?
○ 4 to 5 percent are in need of seeing a dental hygienist within 48 hours. Children tend to be sent home with a note about information and resources in area.
Urban Planning Development
● Trying to connect planning development with public heath development programs.
● Need access to amenities such as trails and sidewalks. Crime and high fatality rates of pedestrians in an area mean people will not use the amenities.
● Cross sector APA and APHA. A coalition grant. Combining Nutrition and Physical Activity.
● Health Eating Active Living Partnership wants to focus on addressing obesity.
● Traffic Calming - putting temporary objects in the street to draw attention and potentially lower fatality rate of bikers and walkers.
● Pop-ups - re-routing traffic in order to promote safe driving and physical activity.
● Lending Library - providing the public with resources to help manage neighborhoods to help promote safe driving and physical activity.
Filed Health Care Bills
Farm to School to Farm to Table – House filed 3 bills to increase groups to be part of the program.
Eat Smart in Parks
● Assist parks with offering healthy choices.
● Make sure there is healthy food within arm’s reach wherever you are.
● Have separate guidelines between entrees and snacks (caloric intake) and make simpler guidelines for beverages.
● Offering surveys in concession stands in parks to collect data on what people want to eat and how much they would pay for it.
● Label Checkers to help Parks and Rec employees recognize if food and snacks are appropriate and healthy.
Work groups reports of priority actions to implement the MOCAN 2016-2020 Strategic Plan:
Physical Activity / Built Environment
In reviewing our strategies we have determined a few overall themes for our work group
● Capitalize on safety as desirable to all - (key barrier to physical activity).
● Use civic engagement as our tool- we must engage people to ensure understanding.
● Revive our dialogue about Livable Streets and prepare all MOCAN members to be able to give an elevator speech about why PA and BE are essential for health.
● Bring our message to workgroups and combine meetings a few times a year.
Messages / Communications
Live Like Your Life Depends On It
● Giving APP and links to people.
● What would you like to share about MOCAN and physical education?
○ Asking message groups for information in order to update MOCAN website.
○ People want more information consistently.
Food Systems Work Group
● Added Action Steps.
● #12. Support Farmers’ Efforts.
● Discussed measurements, such as consumption and amounts grown.
Child Care
● Developed 13 action steps.
● Working on licensing and School wellness.
● Relook at conference call meetings to see how many can get together to focus on since there has been so much turn over.