Great Dane Club of North Central Florida

Membership Application

I (We) hereby apply for (circle one) single/household membership in the Great Dane Club of North Central Florida, and submit the following information:

Name(s): (please print) ______

E-Mail address: ______

Home address: ______


Home phone: ______

Cell phone: ______

Business Profession or Occupation______

What do you desire to gain from joining the GDCNCF?



When and from whom did you acquire your first Great Dane?


Do you currently own any Great Danes? Ifso how many? ______

If yes, please list the current Great Danes living with you: (please include rescues)

AKC Name: ______Color:______

Call name: ______

AKC Name: ______Color:______

Call name: ______

* Additional dogs may be listed on reverse side of application.

Briefly explain number of and reasons for, previously owned Great Danes you have re-homed.

Use reverse side of application if question is applicable.

Do you presently co-own? If so with whom?______


Do you have a kennel name? Yes ____No____ Name______

How many, if any, litters have you bred in the past 5 years? ______

I have exhibited at ______shows in the last 24 months.

I have exhibited at______sanctioned matches in the last 24 months.

My primary interests are: (please circle) Conformation Obedience Rescue Dane lover in general Other______

Would you object to a home visit prior to membership confirmation from one of our members?


Would you object to our confirming the care and well being of your animals with your veterinarian?


Veterinarian’s name and phone number: ______


Are you a member of any other Great Dane or All Breed Dog Club?______

If yes, please list kennel club(s).______


If yes, do you hold an office ______?

Have your privileges, now or ever, been suspended or revoked by either the AKC, any other Breed Club?



Joining the GDCNCF involves more than simply joining and sending in membership dues.

It requires actual participation. 98% of our meetings are held either online, or by conference call on the secondTuesdayof each month.

We request, that members agree to be in attendance, at a minimum of 4 meetings per year.

Would you be willing to participate in various club functions? Yes____ No_____

If answering No, please explain.

If applicable, please listprevious experience. (Committees, Chairs, Officer, etc.)



Please print your (2) sponsor's names below:

Sponsors must be current club members in good standing and cannot be of the same household

Standing rule: Membership Chair is not eligible to sponsor new members.



Should new applicant(s) not be familiar with any current members, please contact current Club President,or Membership Chair. (Their contact info can be found on club website)

  • Please note sponsors will be contacted by membership chair.

By signing below, I attest that all the information provided on this application is true and correct, and I agree to abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Great Dane Club of North Central Florida, and the regulations of The American Kennel Club.

Signature: ______


Please visit our web site at for club by-laws and for rules and regulations.

After you have completed the application, please return it to:

Lynda Dedrick

7081 Kraft Ave.

Spring Hill, FL 30606

Single applicant: $25.00

Household applicants: $35.00

Please make checks payable to: Great Dane Club of North Central Florida

Thank you for your request to join the Great Dane Club of North Central Florida.

Revised 4/29/2015