The 2011 New Hampshire Coastal Climate Summit

Collaborating for Solutions

December 2, 2011 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM

Location: Hugh Gregg Coastal Conservation Center and the Great Bay Discovery Center

The Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, the Great Bay Stewards and the NERRS Science Collaborative present:

An annual discussion and collaborative forum among scientist, agencies, municipal leaders, watershed organizations and citizens concerned about the impacts of climate change in coastal New Hampshire.


7:30 Registration and Networking

Coffee, Fruit, Danish

8:30 Welcome

Peter Wellenberger


Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

8:35 Today’s Challenge

Steve Miller

Coastal TrainingProgram Coordinator

Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

8:50 Keynote

“Climate Change in Piscataqua/Great Bay Region: Past, Present and Future”

Cameron Wake, Ph.D.

Research Associate Professor, Univ. of NH

Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space

9:20 State and Local Perspectives on Managing Climate Change

NH Climate Action Plan, Current NH State Activity, and the

NH Coastal Adaptation Workgroup

Sherry Godlewski

Environmental Program Manager

NH Department of Environmental Services

NHCAW Co-Chair

9:35 “Regional and Municipal Challenges in Planning for Climate Change”

Julie LaBranche

Senior Planner
Rockingham Planning Commission

9:50 Break Coffee/tea service and snacks

10:10 “PANEL: Ecosystems and Resources at Risk from a Changing Climate”

“Panel Overview - Natural Resources, Risks and Priorities for Great Bay”

Paul Stacey

Research Coordinator


10:20 “Drinking Water Resources and Sustainability”

Sarah Pillsbury


Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau

NH Department of Environmental Services

10:30 Tracking Sea Level Rise and Impacts – Vertical Control

Rachel Stevens

Stewardship Coordinator


10:40 Wildlife Resources – The Wildlife Action Plan

Emily Brunkhurst

Wildlife Biologist, Conservation Biology

Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program

NH Fish and Game Dept.

10:50 Compounding Risks - Effects of Invasive Species

Rachel Stevens

Stewardship Coordinator


11:00 Infrastructure – Vulnerabilities and Adaptation

11:05 "COAST Cost-Benefit Modeling for Portland Maine and Coastal New


Samuel B. Merrill, Ph.D.

Director, New England Environmental Finance Center

Associate Research Professor, Edmund S. Muskie School of Public Service University of Southern Maine New England Environmental Finance Center

11:25 The Oyster River Culvert Study, Climate Adaptation as a Functional


Michael H. Simpson

Chair Environmental Studies Dept.
Antioch University New England

11:45 Morning Recap and Focus

12:10 Lunch

Served in the Great Bay Discovery Center

Participants can eat in either building


Infrastructure, Tools and Resources

1:00 Forging the Link, Linking the Economic Benefits of Low Impact Development

and Community Decisions. Options and Opportunities for Adaptation

Dr. Rob Roseen


UNH Stormwater Center

1:10 “Preparing for the Changing Climate, A Northeast-Focused Needs Assessment”

Christa Daniels (Koehler)


Manager, State and Local Government Program
Clean Air-Cool Planet

1:20 "Community Insights on Vulnerability Assessment"

Chris Keeley

Dept. of Natural Resources/Environment, UNH, Graduate Student and

2011 Haas Summer Climate Fellow Clean Air – Cool Planet

1:30 The Lamprey River 100 Year Flood Plain Assessment and

Regional Cooperation

Cliff Sinnott

Executive Director

Rockingham Planning Commission

1:40 Pulling it all together: Where and How do we go from here?

Consensus and Action

Steve Miller and

Sherry Godlewski

NHCAW Co-Chairs

3:15 Evaluations, Next Steps

3:30 Adjourn

5:00 Optional Hit the Town

To register for this eventjust email Steve with the following information; Name, Title, Organization, Address, Phone and Email. There is a $15 registration fee to cover the cost of food. A hot lunch will be served.

Checks need to be made out to the

Great Bay Stewards and can be mailed to my address below.

Steve J. Miller

Coastal TrainingProgram Coordinator

Great Bay NERR

89 Depot Road

Greenland, NH 03840

(603) 778-0015 ext 305