Mar. 8, 2010

Meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m.

Quorum obtained with 13 delegates.

January minutes was presented to the Board. There are no addition or correction noted and is approved by unanimous consent.

The President introduced a representative from ParisiSpeedSchool. There is a fundraising opportunity for the clubs and league. This information will be sent out to everyone via email. Richard handed out several literature regarding Fiduciary Duties of Officers, Parliamentary Procedure and IRS Form 990. Form 990 has to be made available to the public upon request. This form has to be signed by the treasurer. Duty of loyalty to the club you are serving is expected from everyone meaning you can’t serve two masters.

The Treasurer’s report is attached.

Jimmy reported that the Soccer Fest is on March 20 at SouthValley. This is open to all soccer players and their families. Annie Baxter was announced as the Recreational Coach Educator. The number of rec players went up 14.5% and academy style training is offered to U7, U8 and U9 players.

Pam informed the Board of the new ruling of State Cup: if the game goes into Overtime, players out of the field can’t go bank in to play. Reduction in fees for teams that doesn’t go to preliminary games is being considered. She also reported that the State has been notified by an IRS official that they are going to undergo a full blown audit.

The older coed teams in the fall is tabled.

Josh Etchegoyen informed the group that 18 coaches attended the Coach Symposium.

Rules and bylaws has updated: 1.02, 3.02, 3.03 3.05.4 and 3.05.5. Stacy made motions and is seconded by Jimmy. All in favor motion carries.

Pam announced that she is offering an assignor class. Recert class is going to be offered right before the Sagebrush Start Up. Chris reported that we have 88 new grade 8 and 9 referees.

Field permits has bee mailed and you must have it in your possession during practies.

Player/team requests:

Victor Ramiro: Vega Perez, a U12 player wants to play down on a U-11 team. This player was previously approved to play up. If he joins this team, this team will move up to U-12. Larry said he’ll take him to be part of this U-12 team.

Sagebrush has 80 teams, 19 of which is from out of state for the upcoming Start Up tournament.

Nevada Elite is accepting applications for the June 19 and 20 tournament.

Peter Shaw of Capital Soccer announced that they want to change the tournament name to Washoe Zephyr. Richard announced that the State has voted on this tournament and is not approved. Richard later apologized to Peter about jumping to conclusions that this tournament won’t be approved.

SierraMountain=Labor Day weekend tournament is pending approval.

Sierra Tahoe=Come Up For Air is on June 26 and 27.

The League wants to hold a fundraising event during the first World Cup game USA vs England at one of the local venues. Place TBA.

Mandatory coach meeting is on March 18 and the recreational division is on March 15 both to be held at the Legacy Hall in UNR. Missy Price, UNR’s Soccer Head Coach, requested a fan base group on all home games and Josh is going to organize the group.

Richard is going to apply for a grant for $10000.00 for landscaping in SouthValley.

AGM is on May 10 and up for election are Vice President, Treasurer and Recreational Commissioner. Any bylaw changes must be submitted by March 25.

GBYSL is now on facebook.

Larry has 5 former players that is going to Europe to play soccer.

Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.


Meeting adjourned at 9 pm.