Early Childhood Education
ECE 231 – EF1, Previously ECE 480 EF1
Supervised Teaching Internship
6 Credit Course
Field Study & Web Enhanced
Spring 2011
Instructor: Lynette Macfarlan, MA
Office: EIT Building, #259
Office Phone: 753-2239
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays:
9:00 AM – 11:30 AM or by appointment
Tyminski, Carroll, (2010). Your Early Childhood Practicum and Student Teaching
Experience, 2nd Edition. Pearson, Merrill Prentice Hall.
Practicum Handbook: Provided by Instructor
Course Description
Student interns will work in a preschool setting with young children under the supervision of a master teacher while practicing and applying the methodologies which they have gained throughout their Early Childhood course work. Students will write comprehensive lesson plans based on a literacy project approach supported by the Nevada Preschool Standards. These plans will be implemented as each student gradually assumes the role of lead teacher.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course students will be able to: / Measurement through Assessment1. Observe children objectively and describe their behavior. / Journal Entries
Reading Assignments/Essay #1
Journal Entries/Reflection
Instructor’s Evaluations – Rubric
2. Recognize the developmental ages and stages of preschool age children. / Interview Master Teacher/Written Essay Reading Assignments/Essay #2
Journal Entries/Reflection
Literacy Unit: Implementation
Instructor’s Evaluation’s – Rubric
3. Effectively supervise a group of children using positive guidance techniques. / Reading Assignments/Essay #3
Autobiography/Reflective Paper
Journal Entries/Reflection
Literacy Unit: Implementation
Instructor’s Evaluation’s - Rubric
4. Demonstrate the ability to guide, redirect, and modify behavior. / Reading Assignments/Essay #4
Journal Entries/Reflection
Literacy Unit: Implementation
(Assume Lead Teacher Role)
Instructor’s Evaluation’s – Rubric
5. Demonstrate the ability to encourage cooperative interaction among children, staff and parents through professional development. / Interview Master Teacher/Written Essay Autobiography/Reflective Paper
Reading Assignments/Essays #5
Journal Entries/Reflection
Literacy Unit: Implementation
(Assume Lead Teacher Role)
Instructor’s Evaluation’s – Rubric
6. Develop and implement daily lesson plans incorporating the six areas of development: Creative, Emotional (self), Physical, Cognitive, Social and Language supported by the Nevada State Preschool Standards. / Literacy Unit: Implementation
(Assume Lead Teacher Role)
Instructor’s Evaluation’s - Rubric
7. Assume the position and responsibilities of Aide, Assistant, and Lead Teacher at designated time periods throughout the semester. / Interview/Master Teacher/Written Essay Reading Assignment/Essay #6
Literacy Unit: Implementation
Instructor’s Evaluation’s - Rubric
8. Research, analyze and compile ECE professional resources to
further educational progress and practical application. / Interview/Master Teacher/Written Essay Reading Assignment/Essay #7 Journal Entries/Reflection
Instructor’s Evaluation’s - Rubric
Class Organization
Lab School Setting: Mark H. Dawson Child and Family Center, GBC Campus
Internship will be carried out through a team teaching approach and supported through cooperative learning. Mentorship will be provided by the master teacher during each preschool session. Additional instructional resources, approaches, and methodologies will include hands-on activities and demonstrations performed by the teaching team. The master teacher, center director and instructor will work together to create and maintain a non-threatening, comfortable environment that encourages students to ask questions, share experiences and to constructively react to other participants’ contributions.
Students from distant sites will be placed in the most appropriate Early Childhood setting available. The decision for placement will be made by the Early Childhood practicum instructor pending the approval of the placement site administration.
Course Assignments
In this course, students will demonstrate their knowledge and skills in the art of pedagogy in Early Childhood Education through the completion of the following requirements:
1. Autobiography and Reflective Paper (MLA or APA Format): “ECE, My Career of Choice”: This paper must be a minimum of 2 typewritten pages written in 2 parts.
Part I: Autobiography: Tell your master teacher and teaching team what you would like for them to know about you as an individual and prospective teacher.
Part II: Explain why you chose the field of Early Childhood Education. Describe your concerns and apprehensions as well as what excites you as you approach your long-awaited practicum experience. Let your true self shine through! (3 copies: Professional Binder, Master Teacher and Instructor).
2. Interview with Master Teacher (MLA or APA Format): This paper must be typed and written in an essay format. It is imperative that all required aspects of the interview be included. Additional information gained through the interview may be added. Sample interview questions are located in the Student Handbo
3. Reflective Questions/Weekly Journal:
I: Reading Assignments/Reflective Questions: Students are required to read specified chapters from the text, Your Early Childhood Practicum and Student Teaching Experience. The questions are posted in the Webcampus Assignments Area. All responses must be typed, printed and compiled in the student’s Professional Binder. Post in Webcampus.
Reading Assignment/Reflective Question Time-Line
Assignment #1/ Chapter 1 / Due: February 7th
Assignment # 2 / Chapter 6 / Due: February 21st
Assignment # 3 / Chapter 2 / Due: March 7th
Assignment # 4 / Chapter 8 / Due: March 14th
Assignment # 5 / Chapter 3 / Due: March 28th
Assignment # 6 / Chapter 4 / Due: April 4th
Assignment # 7 / Chapter 5 / Due: April 11th
Assignment # 8 / Chapter 9 / Due: April 18th
Assignment # 9 / Chapter 10 / Due: April 25th
Assignment # 10 / No Reading Assignment:
Reflection Only / Due: May 9th
II: Journal Entries: Personal journal reflections must be written daily and submitted to the instructor every two weeks.Students are encouraged to highlight what they have gained, pose questions, identify significant concerns, and pinpoint areas that need personal improvement. This dialogue is very important as it keeps the instructor abreast of student progress. The instructor will respond to each journal entry within three working days. All journal entries are confidential and will be shared only with the instructor. Chapter 6 provides helpful information for writing journal entries. The journal entry format is located in the Student Handbook. Post in Webcampus.
Journal Entry Time-Line
Entry #1: / Due: February 14thEntry #2: / Due: February 28th
Entry #3: / Due: March 14th
Entry #4: / Due: March 28th
Entry #5: / Due: April 11th
Entry #6: / Due: April 25th
4. Literacy Unit: The student will develop a literacy unit based on the knowledge and experience gained through the ECE course work. The unit must include lesson plans and materials with extended activities for a two-week period: (two-day program (4 plans), three-day program (6 plans). The lesson plans must be supported by the Nevada Pre-Kindergarten Content Standards. The student will be observed by the instructor during the week that the unit is implemented in the classroom. Together with the master teacher, a specified week within the semester will be selected from the Placement Site Curriculum for the implementation of the unit. The Curriculum Calendar and the daily lesson format will be provided by the Master Teacher.
5. Attendance/Instructor’s Evaluation:
I. Successful completion of assigned preschool hours in a selected and approved preschool/day care setting. Students must attend practicum class as arranged by the instructor. The student must arrive 15 minutes before class begins and assist with clean-up 15 minutes after the class ends. At least 2 hours weekly must be applied to planning and/or preparation as arranged by the master teacher. Students are required to notify the instructor and the master teacher if they will not be present. Students must be on time. If a student continues to arrive late or leave early, the master teacher is required to contact the Instructor. For each school day missed, without a valid excuse, 25 points will be deducted from the student’s attendance score. If a student misses more than 3 Practicum classes, he or she will automatically be dropped from the course. This requirement is not negotiable.
II. The instructor will conduct formal and in-formal observations in the classroom. An observation checklist will be completed during each visit. A copy of the Evaluation is located in the Student Handbook. The instructor will e-mail an overview of each visit to students following the observation. A conference will be scheduled if deemed necessary by the student or the instructor.
6. Professional Portfolio: Orderly accumulation of required activities, assignments, evaluations, and curriculum plans. A Table of Contents is required.
Portfolio - What to Include
v Title Page: Include Name, Course, Instructor & Practicum Site
v Table of Contents
v Resume (contact career center on campus for assistance)
v College Transcripts
v Certificates for ECE training
v Awards or Memberships related to ECE
v Autobiography (above course assignment)
v Interview with Master Teacher (above course assignment)
v Teaching Philosophy
v Reading Assignment Essays
v Journal Entries (optional)
v Articles Responses
v Child Center Curriculum
v Daily Lesson Plans
v Materials & Ideas Collected During Practicum
v Guidelines for Multicultural Education
v Three examples of “Best Work”
v Final Essay: Reflection and Conclusion
Mandatory Requirement - Evaluations (Self and Master Teacher): Separate evaluations (same form) will be completed by the student and the master teacher. The Evaluation form is located in the Student Handbook. The instructor, master teacher and student will review the student expectations indicated on the evaluation form. The student and the master teacher will share their evaluation forms through a master teacher/student conference. Commendations will be made and areas of improvement will be identified and discussed. The instructor must attend the conference.
(Required for Final Grade)
Arrange a date to complete the evaluation form mid-semester and late semester. Contact the instructor with the designated dates and times. If the student receives an overall “Exemplary” rating for the mid-semester evaluation, the late semester evaluation does not have to be completed.
Plagiarism: Policy of Academic Integrity
GBC subscribes to the traditional policy of academic integrity: students are expected to be honest. Students are expected to do their own work. Students who plagiarize or commit academic dishonesty are violating the standards of academic integrity and are subject to consequences ranging from failing the assignment or course to dismissal from the institution.
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s word, ideas or data as one’s own. When a student submits work that includes the words, ideas, or data of others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate, and specific references; and if verbatim statements are included, through quotation marks as well. In academically honest writing or speaking, the students will acknowledge the source whenever…
· another person’s actual words are quoted.
· another person’s idea, opinion or theory is used, even if it is completely paraphrased in the student’s own words.
· facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials are borrowed, unless the information is common knowledge.
Great Basin College supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA officer in Elko at 753-2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.
Course Evaluation
Student may keep track of their own progress in the class. Points may be recorded and calculated to determine a letter grade for the semester. Students are encouraged to make an appointment with the instructor at any time during the semester to discuss grades, questions, or concerns about the course.
Assignment / Worth / Your ScoreAutobiography / 20 points
Interview / 20 points
Reading Assignments/Reflective
(10 @ 15 possible points) / 150 points
Journal Entries
6 @ 20 points each / 120 Points
Literacy Unit / 100 Points
Professional Binder / 40 Points
Attendance/Work Ethic/Instructor Evaluation / 150 Points
600 Points
Grade / Percentage / Points
A / 90 - 100 % / 540 - 600
B / 80 - 89% / 480 - 539
C / 70 - 79% / 420 - 479
D / 60 - 69% / 360 - 419
F / 0 - 59% / 0 - 359
Calculate your letter grade at any time by dividing the total points accumulated by the total points possible to calculate the letter grade
For Example: 480/600 = 80% or an “B”