Great Basin College
Student Government Association
12:00 p.m. September 2, 2005
Interactive Video Conferencing
Elko- LH 114
Ely - GBC 112
Battle Mountain - 2
Winnemucca – GBC 115
I. Call to Order
II. Call Roll
Executive Board
Robbi Phillips, President Present
Jenny Martin , Secretary Present
Jennifer Nachiondo, Treasurer Present
Julie Smith, Student Advocate Not Present
Elko Senators
Carolyn Mollart Present
Battle Mountain Senator
Ely Senator
Jason Trott Present
Winnemucca Senators
Introduction of Guests Information
Lynn Malberg- Vice President of Student Services
John Rice- Director of College Relations
Lisa Hiesle- Director of the Foundation
Sydne Osmond- Elko High School Student
Phillip - Great Basin College Student
III. Approval of Agenda Information/Action
A. September 2, 2005 SGA Agenda
Senator Mollart moved to approve the September 2, 2005 SGA Agenda.
Senator Trott seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Approval of Minutes Information/Action
A. August 19, 2005 SGA Minutes
Treasurer Nachiondo moved to approve the August 19, 2005 SGA Minutes.
Senator Mollart Seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
V. President’s Report Information/ Action
President Phillips thanked all of the people who helped with the BBQ and Duck Dash. She mentioned that SGA raised $556.00 in two hours and had a great turn out.
President Phillips reported that she and Secretary Martin traveled to Winnemucca to speak at orientation and discus the upcoming elections with Director Heather Estes.
President Phillips also mentioned that five election packets have already been turned in which is first since usually they are not turned in until the due date.
VI. Secretary’s Report Information/Action
No Report
VII. Treasurer’s Report Information/Action
A. July Treasury Report
Treasurer Nachiondo reported no spending for the month of July. She also said that she added a new feature to the budget; the true balance will now be shown at the bottom of the budget. Treasurer Nachiondo mentioned that after the add/drop period we would have a better idea of what our budget is.
B. Year End Treasury Report
Treasurer Nachiondo gave ending balance See attached report.
VIII. Committee Reports Information/Action
A. Ely Report- Senator Trott
Senator Trott reported that the snacks for the first week went well and that he received good feed back from orientation. He also mentioned that some of the election packets were picked up and hopefully they would get people running for office.
B. Battle Mountain Report- Secretary Martin
Secretary Martin reported that nobody has turned in an application and that hopefully Battle Mountain will find a senator.
C. Winnemucca Report-
No report
IX. Unfinished Business
X. New Business
A. Battle Mountain Welcome Back Information/Action
Secretary Martin requests a cap of $150 for a welcome back activity.
Secretary Martin Moved to approve a cap of $150 for a welcome back activity.
Treasurer Nachiondo seconded.
Discussion: Secretary Martin explained that she would host a BBQ for Battle Mountain students next Thursday.
Motion passed unanimously.
B. Winnemucca Welcome Back Information/Action
President Phillips requests a cap of $250 for a welcome back activity on the Winnemucca campus.
Senator Mollart moved to approve a cap of $250 for a welcome back activity on the Winnemucca campus.
Treasurer Nachiondo seconded.
Discussion: President Phillips explained that the ladies at the front desk in Winnemucca would like to host a welcome back activity for their students
Motion passed unanimously.
C. SGA Constitution Information/Action
President Phillips requests approval of the revised SGA Constitution.
Senator Mollart moved to approve the revised SGA constitution.
Treasurer Nachiondo seconded.
Discussion: SGA congratulated President Phillips for a job well done.
Motion passed unanimously.
D. Appointment of Jenny Martin Information/Action
President Phillips requests approval of the appointment of Jenny Martin to the office of SGA Vice President.
Senator Trott moved to approve the appointment of Jenny Martin to the office of SGA Vice President.
Treasurer Nachiondo seconded. Motion passed. Vice President Martin abstained.
E. Appointment of Jason Trott Information/Action
President Phillips requests approval of the appointment of Jason Trott to the office of SGA Secretary.
Vice President Martin moved to approve the appointment of Jason Trott to the office of SGA Secretary.
Treasurer Nachiondo seconded. Motion passed. Secretary Trott abstained.
F. Reimbursement of Julie Smith Information/Action
President Phillips requests approval to reimburse Julie Smith for $19.48.
Treasurer Nachiondo moved to approve reimburse Julie Smith for $19.48.
Senator Mollart seconded.
Discussion: President Phillips explained that during the retreat SGA had a DPO for KFC but they would not accept it so Advocate Smith paid for the SGA members to eat lunch because it was an emergency situation.
Motion passed unanimously.
G. Pat Anderson Information
Pat Anderson would like to discuss safety and security with SGA.
Treasurer Nachiondo moved to lay this item on the table for next meeting.
Senator Mollart seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
H. Great Basin Festival Information
Discussion regarding partial funding of band for the Great Basin Festival.
President Phillips explained that John Rice is asking for 1,000 dollars to help pay for a reggae band for the great basin festival. SGA members discussed the festival not being well attended by students in the past. Also Treasurer Nachiondo discussed the budget and that SGA did not really have that much money to spare. President Phillips asked officers to think it over and we would vote on an amount at the next meeting.
I. Summer Salaries Information/Action
Approval of summer 2005 SGA Salary stipulated in the SGA Constitution.
Robbi Phillips $100
Treasurer Nachiondo moved to approve the summer salary for Robbi Phillip. Senator Mollart seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Jenny Martin $100
Senator Mollart moved to approve the summer salary for Jenny Martin.
Treasurer Nachiondo seconded. Motion passed. Vice President Martin abstained.
Jennifer Nachiondo $100
Secretary Trott moved to approve the summer salary for Jennifer Nachiondo. Vice President Martin seconded. Motion passed. Treasurer Nachiondo abstained.
Carolyn Mollart $100
Treasurer Nachiondo moved to approve the summer salary for Carolyn Mollart. Secretary Trott seconded. Motion passed. Senator Mollart abstained.
Jason Trott $100
Treasurer Nachiondo moved to approve the summer salary for Jason Trott. Senator Mollart seconded. Motion passed. Secretary Trott abstained.
XI. Items Laid on the Table
XII. Issues and Concern/Public Comment
John Rice thanked SGA for the fundraising efforts for hurricane Katrina. He also explain that the Elko community would be trying to bring 30-50 college students from the affected states in the south and housing them and putting them through college for a year so that their education does not have to suffer due to this tragedy. He mentioned that he may need help from SGA officers to help the new student transition to their new surroundings.
John Rice and Sydne Osmond discussed doing a entertainment marathon to raise money for the hurricane victims. They would include local bands and some entertainers for all over the world that Sydne has made contact with.
President Phillips explained that SGA was willing to volunteer and help with the marathon.
Senator Mollart apologized for being late and said that she had a great first week of school.
Vice President Martin asked if there would be a state car available for Monday so she could travel to Ely and train Secretary Trott.
Treasurer Nachiondo apologized for missing the retreat.
Senator Mollart moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:21. Treasurer Nachiondo seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
At the call of the President, public comments shall be heard by the SGA. Upon proper request students, faculty, administration, and the public shall be granted the floor by the President. Please note that due to time restrictions the President reserves the right and authority to place a time limit of public comment in the compliance with NRS 241.020 (2) © (3).