Grantshouse Community Council

Thursday 9th June 2016 at 7.30pm

in Grantshouse Village Hall

If anyone attending these meetings, whether addressing the Community Council or not,

should let the Chairman, Vice Chairman or Secretary know

if they wish to have their names omitted from any comments.

If there are no declarations, it will be presumed that there are no objections.


Approximate Time 1. Apologies 1 min

2. Police Scotland5 min

3.Neighbourhood Watch Report5 min

4.NTR ltd (Quixwood developer)

5.Previous Minutes 15 min

6.Matters Arising 20 min

7.Treasurers Report 5 min

8.Correspondence 10 min

9.Any Other Business 10 min

10.Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 8th September 2016

Anyone is welcome to attend and contributions are

encouraged from anyone in the community.

Grantshouse Community Council

Thursday 12th May2016

in Grantshouse Village Hall

Present: John Prentice (Chairman), Kym Bannerman, Marion Donovan,Margaret Fleming and Cllr Joan Campbell

Apologies: Angela Robertson, Pat Durie, Ian Fleming, PC Richard Toward (Police Scotland) andMichael Cook (Councillor)

Police Scotland: PC Richard Toward was unable to attend this month’s meeting but we have been provided with this month’s report for which there were no incidents in the Grantshouse Area in the past month.

However, the following has been highlighted: -

Crime stoppers is asking the public to give information anonymously about rural crime in Scotland.

Contact Crime stoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111

The main crimes that rural businesses and communities face are:

All types of theft involving vehicles, machinery, equipment, metal, fuel and livestock. Break-ins to farms, homes and business premises. Vandalism to property and crops. Crimes against livestock and other protected animals, including, livestock worrying by dogs. Illegal waste sites and dumping.

The campaign will see information leaflets posted to 60,000 rural households across Scotland, followed by a social media campaign. During the summer, Crime stoppers will be promoting the campaign at Scotland’s events including the Royal Highland Show.

Scams: A car insurance scam has been highlighted recently. It seems that some people are taking out insurance but using someone else’s address. This may because of the ability of getting insurance via the internet. Please be vigilant and if you receive anything suspicious please inform the company direct and the police.

Please remember the Non – Emergency number for the Police is 101 (local numbers no longer maintained)

NHW:- There was no NHW report available this month.

Previous Minutes:This month’s minutes Proposed by Marion Donovanand seconded byJohn Prentice.

Matters Arising:

Barrier at A1: An email was received from AMEY highlighting that to erect a permanent barrier would need it be situated 1.2 metres from the main road which would eliminate the pathway altogether. One question asked was whether the rock/soil face could be cut into to make the pathway larger to enable a barrier to be put in place.

Action to be taken: Cllr Joan Campbell will email the secretary next time the A1 Action Group is due to meet to enable the CC to attend and find out if anything that can be done to help out. This is expected to take place sometime within the summer months.

Foul Drain on A1: Scottish Water contacted the secretary to inform her that the larger vehicle is required to clean out the foul drain. They would try and get it in the area asap. It was reported that the large truck was seen in the area at the beginning of this week

Street Sweeper: The secretary has contacted the roads department of the SBC to ask when the street sweeper is due at Grantshouse. She is still awaiting a response.

Action to be taken: The secretary will contact the CC and residents of the outcome when available.

Bottle Banks: Unfortunately the CC haven’t received any response from 3D in regards to the bottle banks being situated somewhere safer. The CC have taken the decision to move the bottle banks in the presumption that 3D have no concerns about this.

Clothes Banks: There was a query whether the community could benefit from the proceeds from the clothes bank as is the case in some other communities e.g. Reston’s clothes bank provides funding towards the primary school and Village Hall.

Action to be taken: The secretary will check to see what advertising is on the front of the clothes banks and get back to the CC.

Howpark Road: The top of the road is getting worse and in desperate need of repair. The secretary needs to contact the SBC to find out when the work will be carried out as RES are providing the funding for this.

Action to be taken: The secretary will take photos and contact the SBC about this urgently.

Bollards on A1 (at Harelawside North): Residents have noticed that lorries are having to stop on the A1 itself to turn into Harelawside because of restricted access due to the bollard area for the Wind Farm development being closed off and the slip road into the area being inadequate to use for larger vehicles. This is causing a risk to drivers on the A1 and also a risk to those coming out of the junction as it is tighter than before.

Action to be taken: The secretary will contact the developer directly to see if markings can be put on the section in-between the bollards and a sign indication “No Parking” to see if the area can be opened for traffic travelling south and keep the road safe.

Treasurers Report: - As of the 12th May 2016 the balance of the accounts are as follows: -

Account 1 = starting balance of £993.22.

Account 2 = starting balance of £10.99

The Micro Grant cheque has been received and will be deposited into Account 2 bringing the balance to £510.90


Changes to Grantshouse Boundary: The secretary has been in contact with Reston and Auchencrow CC and Pauline Bolson regarding the last 2 houses in Houndwood being incorporated into Grantshouse CC boundary. The inference is that the Cllr’s, SBC and Reston and Auchencrow CC agree to this happening.

Action to be taken: The secretary will contact the residents of the houses in question for written agreement for them to be within Grantshouse CC then submit this to the SBC for updating.

Funding for Local Charities: Quixwood Moor Wind Farm have an incentive surrounding Health and Safety where £100 is provided by the developer and another £100 is provided by Contractor RJ McLeod to local charities for each month passed with no lost time through injury. QMWF would like to hear from the residents of Grantshouse where this money should go. A simple email, explaining about the organization, what they do and what they would spend the money on is all that is required.

Drone Hill Micro Grant Applications: There have been 2 applications for the Micro Grants received this month.

App 1) Miss Tanith Bain – Application to attend her Instructors course in Tae Kwon-do that will allow her to help with classes currently taking place in Grantshouse Village Hall on Wednesday and Saturday Nights. Application was for £310 (£190 for course and £120 for transport).

Decision on App 1) The CC decided to award £190 to Miss Bain towards the instructors course. The funding for transportation would not be granted. A letter will be sent to Miss Bain in regards to the decision.

App 2) Mr David Blair – Application to attend his Instructor’s course in Tae Kwon-do which her currently trains at Grantshouse Village Hall. Application was for £310 (£190 for course and £120 for transport).

Decision on App 2) The CC decided after much deliberation to Reject this application for Mr Blair who lives out-with the Grantshouse District, as he lives in Coldingham it is believed he should put his application into their CC as they also receive the Micro Grant from Drone Hill.

Any Other Business (AOB):

Drone Hill Wind Farm Funding Meeting: The meeting has been rearranged to take place on Monday 23rd May 2016.

Minutes of CC meetings: Katy Pitts has requested to be added onto the mailing list to receive the minutes and other community updates. Anyone else interested please contact Kym Bannerman.

There was also a request for the minutes to be shorter or in smaller print as they are taking up too much space in the notice boards and sometimes can’t be displayed openly.

Action to be taken: The secretary will try to make the font smaller.

Doctor Availability: It has been noted that it is getting increasingly difficult to get an appointment for the doctors if you are ill and it can be several days before one is available. Some local GP’s have shorter waiting times than others but not always at the same surgeries.

Action to be taken: The secretary will try and see if there is any resolution available to this situation to ensure the public’s well-being is met.

Broadband: It seems that not much can be done here just now. We need to see what the outcome with BT is over the next year or so.

Coffee Morning: The next Coffee Morning will be Saturday 21st May 2016 in Grantshouse Village Hall between 10am and 11am. Entry is just £1 and a great chance to meet up with others for a cup of tea/coffee and a blether.

New Age Kurling: New Age Kurling takes place every 2nd Tuesday in Grantshouse Village Hall between 2pm and 4pm. The next meeting is the 17th May 2016. Entry is £1 and this helps cover electricity and hall hire. Men and women are both attending this popular sport. Members from Chirnside visited the hall and Foulden now have their own equipment so it is becoming more popular. Come along and give it a try.

Code of Conduct: The CC have unanimously agreed to abide by the code of conduct.

New Members for the CC: There will be an election organized shortly for the CC to invite other members of the community to join the CC. The CC needs 4 minimum and 8 maximum members to stay active. There is also availability for members to co-opted onto the CC also. It would be advantageous if there were members from the other settlements within the District so the CC can keep in contact and on top of anything arising for residents.

Action to be taken: The secretary will contact Pauline Bolson for the Election Format and get back to the CC asap.

Date of Next Meeting: Will be Thursday 9th June 2016 at 7.30pm in Grantshouse Village Hall, this will also be the AGM.